Past IDEA Page
Our Club’s IDEA Committee – Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness
The vision of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast’s IDEA Committee is to lead, guide and inform members about the importance of creating a welcoming, accepting, and inclusive environment for all and the necessity of fostering and promoting an environment of diversity, equity and inclusion to attract, develop, engage and retain exceptional service-minded individuals.
The mission of IDEA Committee is to provide the necessary tools, information, and resources to encourage diversity, equity and inclusion within our club, its members, the individuals we touch, and the community we serve.
Committee Meetings - come join us!
- We meet monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00, and those meetings are currently virtual.
- We also have some additional in-person meetings on an ad-hoc basis
- Please contact Joe McCarthy or Becky de la Torre if you'd like to come to a meeting or find out more.
Resources from Rotary International
- About Rotary/ Course: Committing to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Engage with Rotary/ Course: Conducting a Community Assessment
- Club Leadership/ Course: Creating an Inclusive Club Culture
- Club Leadership/ Course: Diversify Your Club
- Club Leadership/ Course: Microaggressions
- Club Leadership/ Course: Preventing and Addressing Harassment
- Develop Skills/ Course: Essentials of Understanding Conflict
- Develop Skills/ Course: Uncovering Unconscious Bias
- General/ Course: Creating an Inclusive Club Culture
- What Comes Next? This is the final in our 3 part series, “From Insight to Action.” Knowing some of the features that growing clubs have in common and having a clearer picture of what your specific areas for growth are great. But – what now? What will you DO to create the desired future for your club? Bring your ideas to this session as we help you engage your members to “Imagine Rotary” where all clubs are vibrant, successful, and growing. This is not about strategic planning – this is about strategic DOING.
- Expanding our Reach (10 minutes) We asked members around the world to tell us about the creative ways they are expanding their reach. Watch, and be inspired!
- Ability to Adapt (Recorded 27 April 2022) To create a solid foundation for innovation, sustainability, and growth, we need to seek new opportunities, embrace creative ideas, and take strategic risks. Let’s stay true to ourselves and stay ahead of change in the next 115 years.
Other Rotary International Resources
- Rotary International Rotary International's strategic action plan
- Rotary’s Diversifying Your Club assessment
- Rotary's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Rotary’s Code of Conduct
Resources Outside of Rotary
These web sites provide some different perspectives
- Finding Common Ground
- Linked by permission
- Bringing Light Not Heat to Public Discourse – Our forums invite citizens and leaders to shift their goal from winning arguments to making progress on issues, inspiring them to work toward a world where health, wealth and happiness can be achieved by all.
- Webinar - 10 Ways to Heal the Divide for more comfortable holiday discussions – removing barriers between you and your loved ones.
- Brave Conversations On Race
- Linked by permission
- My skin color is different from yours. My life experiences are different from yours. Let’s listen to each other’s stories, and, together, build some peace.
- Pass It On – Public service announcements, billboards, quotes
- Linked by permission
- We choose values we hope most individuals would find encouraging and relevant. Then we provide an uplifting message based on each value, in an effort to encourage people to bring out the best in themselves.
- As a nonpartisan, nonsectarian organization, we carefully design our public service messages to have general universal appeal.
Meaningful articles / reports
These specific articles or reports give specific examples that may help us open our minds and look at things differently.
- How to Respond When Someone Says “All Lives Matter”
- This is an article published by Reader’s Digest and linked by permission.
- Conversations about race are difficult even in the best of times. But over this past contentious year, Americans have argued over different perspectives on race relations. But few issues are more polarizing than the language people use in their conversations about how to stop racism or whether racism even exists. That’s why you’ve probably heard the slogan “Black Lives Matter” countered with the phrase “All Lives Matter.”
- Savage Chickens cartoons (linked by permission)
- How can I maintain my ignorance if I listen to you?
- Plenty of other cartoons available as well at Savage Chickens
- Pass It On – specific Links