Keith White inspired us with the Rotary International Theme of 2013-14: "Engage Rotary, Change Lives." Keith encouraged us to find a way to engage to make a difference.
- Shane Abrahamson – Outbound student to Japan
- Marta Espinoza – Speaker from The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto
- Marti Grady – Walt’s wife
- Sage Harrison – Scholarship recipient
- Melia Henrichsen – Scholarship recipient
- Austin Kelly – Guest of Dave Haase
- Olivia Moench – Scholarship recipient
- Randy Moench – Olivia’s dad
- Kelli Mutmansky – Melia Henrichsen’s friend
- Margherita Poma –Inbound student from Borno, Italy
- Mike Randle
- MaryLou Smith –Speaker from The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto
- Joe Wimmer – Submitted his application
- Marcy Woodland – Repeat guest
IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.” ~ Malcolm Forbes
Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
Rotary Cares: If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.
- Phil Murphy indicated he was the Phil-in president for the day and presented a riddle: What is the longest word in the English language dictionary. (Editor’s note: I believe the word is “longest.”)
- Dave Haase will be sending an email with instructions for the Aug. 17 Peach Festival volunteers to check in at the south entrance of the event.
- Tony Catania will be sending an email to sign up 5 addition Rotarians for the peach booth at the Peach Festival.
- Contact Tony at if you are able to take your box of peaches at the Peach Festival if there are leftover boxes.
- Mike Griffith will be sending a sign up soon for the peach pick up at Timberline Church the morning of Aug. 24.
- Joseph Vander Linde shared the results of 29 survey responses indicating our club Rotarians enjoyed their membership for the following reasons in order of popularity: 1) Friendship and fun, 2) The club meeting experience, 3) Service activities, 4) Networking opportunities, 5) Leadership and personal development.
- Connie Sheltren introduced Margherita Poma, our inbound exchange student from Borno, Italy. Remember to include Margherita in your skiing/snowboarding plans.
- Connie also introduced Shane Abrahamson, an outbound exchange student to Japan.
- Andy Chaffin, introduces three past scholarship recipients:
- Melia Henrichsen is working on her master’s degree
- Olivia Moench an aspiring Park Ranger attending Montana State University who is looking for employment in the Natural Resource field. Interest in Forestry/Wildland Fire/Plant Science.
- Sage Harrison is attending Western Colorado University focusing on achieving a dual degree in Business Law and Economics. Sage would like to work for the USDA after graduation. Sage is on the wrestling roster at Western Colorado University @ 197 lbs.
Becky de la Torre introduced Marta Espinoza and MaryLou Smith with The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto.
- MaryLou Smith started The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto to help immigrant Hispanic woman pursue an opportunity to earn money for their families while learning about agriculture, soil health, planting, mulching, irrigation, harvest, marketing, and sales.
- The project started with six women on a small farm near Windsor but since the farm was sold, the women have found separate locations to raise vegetables.
- The 3rd year of this program yielded revenue of $36,000 for the six women.
- Marta Espinoza started a program in Greeley called Jardines de Salsa (salsa gardens) involving 15 immigrant mothers.
- Marta visited Washington DC to speak up for immigration rights.
- The women’s educational emphasis has been on how to manage pests and disease since they grow all their vegetables without chemicals.
- Vegetables can be purchased at the Fat Donkey Farm booth during the Old Town Farmers Market Saturdays 9:00 am to 1:00.
- Individual or group contributions can be sent via check written to their fiscal sponsor, Fort Collins Community Action Network, P.O. Box 400, Fort Collins, CO 80522, noting “Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto” in the subject line.
Good News:
- Six Rotarians shared their good news of anniversaries, peach sales, wood carvings, family visitors, and child employment.
Marta Espinoza and MaryLou Smith with The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto:
Margherita Poma –Inbound student from Borno, Italy:
Shane Abrahamson – outbound student to Japan:
Melia Henrichsen Scholarship recipient:
Olivia Moench Scholarship recipient:
Sage Harrison Scholarship recipient: