Inspiration: Ken Campell reminded us of the importance of being mindful. He encouraged members to laugh frequently (watch silly cat videos), stand up more often, to take a quick walk, to do isometric stretch (tightening muscles and releasing can lower blood pressure), and to be aware of the air quality. Lastly Ken suggested making a list of people who you love and that love you! It helps him fall back asleep when his mind is wandering at night.
  • Bruce Hottman from the Foothills Club
  • Bill Brayden from the Foothills Club
  • Matt Purdy, our speaker and part of the LAUREN project board
  • Mike Randle, submitted his application to be a member of our Club
  • Melissa Brickey, a guest of Joseph VanderLinde
IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: A lot of different flowers make a bouquet.~ Islamic Proverb
Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.
  • Catherine Varra-Nelson asked for help with Meals on Wheels. We need 3 volunteers from our Club each Wednesday and it takes 1-1.5 hours. If you want to volunteer, you can apply to start driving and helping with deliveries. Check your e-mails from Catherine.
  • Bruce Hottman from the Foothills Club invited us to participate in their 2nd annual Pickleball Classic which is occurring on Saturday, Oct 19th. There are 2 sessions, one beginning at 9:00 am and another at 1:00 pm. They are looking for 40 more players. Monies raised will support Project Self-Sufficiency’s car project.
  • President Leighanne shared that BREW (Beers Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide) was meeting on Thursday, Sept 26th at O’Dell brewery at 4:00 pm as they supported the Peach Festival.
Vic Purdy introduced his oldest son Matt as our program. Matt has a finance degree from Johnson & Wales in Denver. Following his degree – Matt traveled to numerous countries and worked internationally for several years. Matt married his junior high sweetheart and is a real estate agent.
Matt introduced us to the LAUREN Project – (Leaders Abroad Urging Rights Equality and Non-violence), a 501(c)3 organization established in 2009 after the loss of Lauren, a friend of Matt’s. Lauren passed away from carbon monoxide poison. Their website is:  
The LAUREN Project provides carbon monoxide kits (over 7,000 donated to date), strives to legislate for stricter carbon monoxide codes in Colorado and internationally, and targets young adults wanting to help spread the mission of the LAUREN Project overseas. Since 2009, they have granted $550,000 to over 180 projects.
They target supporting 18-35 year olds who are going to be doing service (from 10 days to a year), typically internationally. The LAUREN Project does not provide full amounts of the grant requests. Typically, they grant $2,500-$3,000 grants which cover 25+ days across the world.
Our club donated to the LAUREN Project (via American Red Cross) which allowed the purchase of ~80 carbon monoxide alarms.
Otterbox created a device that attaches to your phone. It is called a Sparrow device that beeps once at a 10, elevated carbon monoxide level. It will continue beeping when the carbon monoxide level reaches 35.
Good News:
  • President Leighanne was excited it was a biscuit and gravy day!
  • Dan St. John shared that he received his Voting Blue Book and explained that judges are not voted on, instead evaluated. See page 89 of the Blue Book for the judge evaluations and information written up by lawyers for the judges.
  • JJ Shaw had lots of good news to share. There were 5-6 members who hiked the Hewlett Gulch and it may become a regular activity – stay tuned for more information. DaVinci Signs (JJ was the founder) received 2 national awards for 2 local projects. And he and his wife Rhonda were excited to continue the Charlie and Susan Peterson steak fry at their Ranch in Loveland on Saturday, 9/28. Bring a side dish, your family, and come have some fun with his alpacas and other Rotarians.
  • Curt Bear was excited that this year was the most productive year of his garden
  • John Carroll’s son, Charlie, is gainfully employed as a music teacher in St. Paul, MN
  • Bob Melrose and his wife Rosie are headed to California to see friends. Bob also shared a story about lessons learned about words in Scandinavia and the one that tickled him was the word for government – ‘fungus’
  • Phil Murphy is looking for more people to help with the trail pickup on Oct 4th at 3:30 (followed by fellowship at William Oliver’s ~4:30 pm). Phil also is looking for 10 more volunteers to help with Slammin’ Famin’ on Friday, October 11th.