A warm welcome to our new member Brenda Simon. She is the CEO of Northern Colorado Rehabilitation Hospital and Northern Colorado Long Term Acute Hospital.Brenda joined Rotary because “I have been looking for a way to integrate into the community (Covid has definitely been a barrier.)
My co-worker, Carrie Campbell-Broughton suggested Rotary. After researching the background and goals for the club, I thought it would be a good fit for me.”
“I am an Occupational Therapist by background, and I grew up professionally working in these types of hospitals. It is a true privilege to now have the opportunity to be an administrator who has a background as a clinician. I now get the opportunity to serve both my patients and my staff of expert professionals whose goals are delivering world class care to the people in this community,” she says.
Brenda’s hobbies include hiking, biking, skiing and spending time with family. She has lived in the Fort Collins area for the past three years. Previously she lived in Long Beach, CA.
We look forward to getting to know you!