Kathy Miner shared her appreciation for receiving a signed card from our club members while dealing with her back pain. She recited multiple versions of the Golden Rule.
- Dana Culler Laval – Argentinian exchange student
- Estee Rivera – program speaker from the Rocky Mountain Conservancy
- Jo Ericson
IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote:
“If you want a strong society, it has to be inclusive. If you have to push a boulder up a hill, do you want 10 people or 100? If you weed out color or gender, you get only 10 people.” – Cyndi Lauper
Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
Rotary Cares: If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.
- Next week’s meeting location will be at the Museum of Art, 201 South College – above the Blue Agave restaurant.
- Leighanne Alford & Joe McCarthy asked for volunteers to help promote the sale of $10k Raffle tickets to other clubs in the area. If anybody wants to volunteer to visit another club, notify Joe at (970-415-4022) so that we don’t double-up. Joe has some handouts and will soon have some more business $10k QR code business cards that can be distributed. Share how our club is making a difference in the community and the world.
- Rotarians are encouraged to send messages of encouragement to Vic Purdy as he begins treatment for lung cancer next week. 2031 Rivers Edge Rd Windsor, 80550
- Bob Waltermire invited Rotarians to attend the next International Services Committee meeting at 7:00 pm on March 19 at Tim Cochran’s home, 630 Peterson Street.
- Becky de la Torre encouraged Rotarians to register before March 1 for the Dr. Regina Lewis Workshop on Apr 25, from 4:45 PM - 8:45 at the Senior Center on Center. The workshop will be a positive learning experience for reflection on unconscious bias. See email from Phil Murphy sent January 25.
Vocational Talk: Keith White
- Keith has been a Rotarian since 2008 and held multiple positions at a Rotary club in Pensacola, FL.
- He has been married for 30 years to his wife Michelle with whom they have a son and a daughter.
- Keith has a BA in Architecture and has been involved in Software Development, Architecture, Engineering, Construction and is currently a Professional Services Consulting manager with Autodesk, Inc.
- Keith likes heavy metal music, martial arts, riding motorcycles, travel, and spending time with family
Becky de la Torre introduced Estee Rivera, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy (RMC)
- The mission of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy is to promote stewardship of Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) and similar lands through education and philanthropy.
- The RMC raised over $3 million for the RMNP last year through individual donations and visitor center proceeds.
- Over 4 million people visit RMNP each year.
- RMC has the oldest Field Institute in the US that is committed to educating the public through an atmosphere of personal engagement with talented instructors.
- RMC is working with CSU and Colorado Parks and Wildlife on a Colorado river Headwater Restoration project.
- Attend the free 2024 RMNP Biennial Research Conference March 6 and 7 in Estes Park. On March 7, oral presentations as part of the Facing Ecosystem Collapse: Wetlands and Stressors session will be available virtually from 8:30am - 10:30am MST. Click here to join the session virtually.
- Learn more about the RMC at their website:
- Become a member of RMC
Estee Rivera, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy: