Sara Murphy inspired us with 10 facts about the Unites States flag.
- Jephta Bernstein - New member applicant
- Mikey Hatch - Centennial High School student
- Lisa Ketner - repeat guest of Carrie Levy
- Dana Culler Laval - Exchange student from Argentina
- Maureen Posten - Assistant Principal at Centennial High School
- John Sheltren - spouse of Connie Schltren
- Jimmy Zee - guest of Bob Hau
IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive. - Mahatma Gandhi
Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
Rotary Cares: If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.
- Lynn Matson encouraged Rotarians to contact businesses this week to become Community Supporters before the May 10 deadline. Over half of the $28,000 goal has been achieved with one week left.
- Rotarians will receive an email this week from Kathy Miner with tools to promote medallion sales. Just cut and paste into emails and post to Next Door and Meta. Encourage your friends to buy medallions for people they admire; spouse, child, grandchild and friends.
- Register on the email invitation sent on April 29 from Tony Catania concerning the Dr. Lewis Seminar Feedback and Fellowship on May 9 from 6:00 to 8:00 at O'Dell Brewing location: 824 East Lincoln Ave. This fellowship is a brief thank you from the IDEA committee and a nudge to share thoughts with committee members about the Dr. Lewis.
- Bring items of mobility assistance (crutches, wheelchairs) to the next two meetings to be forward to the District Conference. Contact Michele Marquitz if you have questions.
- Save the dates of May 31 5:00 - 8:00 pm and June 1 8:00 am – 3:00 pm for Rotary Learning Institute (small group discussions to learn more about Rotary and interact with Rotarians from other clubs) facilitated by Walt Grady and Diane Knight at Poudre Valley REA, 7649 REA Parkway, Ft. Collins.
Paul Harris Recognition:
Bob Melrose awarded Ryan McClean his first Paul Harris award and Carrie Campbell-Broughton her Paul Harris Plus five.
Vocational Services Update:
Ron Catterson shared that our club has had a long-term relationship with the Centennial High School since our club was formed. Ron introduced Maureen Posten, Assistant Principal at Centennial High School who provided an overview of this Alternative High School.
- Objectives of Centennial High School:
- Reengage students and help them be excited to come to school
- Build strong relationships with teachers and students
- Learn life skills necessary to be successful in school, work, and personal relationships
- Help students take personal responsibility for their education and be a responsible young adult
- Maureen Posten introduced Mikey Hatch, Centennial High School student who shared his experiences as a student at Centennial High.
- Mikey shared the “6 Ps” of Centennial: Prompt, Polite, Prepared, Participate, Positive mental attitude, and Produce.
- He appreciated the life changing “Discovery” process that helped him create positive change in his life, to manage his emotions, how to react to other’s emotions and how to treat others.
- Mickey had fun creating a school newspaper article where interviewed students about his “murder.”
International Services Update:
Bob Waltermire shared stories about how our club’s time and funds met the needs of people around the world:
- Ethiopia – Potable Water availability
- Cambodia – Latrines for 23 families
- Rwanda – Rheumatic Heart Disease; provided vocational training for district nurses to listen to hearts and administer penicillin for strep throat.
- Uganda – Divine Mercy School; our club sent $3,000 in the past to feed students and staff and this year we provided $4,800 worth of maize and bean seeds for the community members to plant to allocate produce to: (1) seeds for next planting; (2) feed their families; and (3) share with school to feed students and staff.
- Mexico – Tarahumara Students; we provided $1,500 in scholarships for three students who will be mentored by John Carroll, Tracy Mead and Susan Peterson.
- Any Rotarian is welcome to attend the next International Services meeting at Horse and Dragon on May 21 at 7:00 pm
Ryan McClean receiving his first Paul Harris award
Maureen Posten - Assistant Principal at Centennial High School:
Mikey Hatch - Centennial High School student: