Inspiration: Joe McCarthy reminded us that we share 99.9% of DNA with other humans. Let’s focus on what we have in common instead of falling into the trap of “us” and “them.”
Diversity Quote: “If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.”~ Shirley Chisholm
Upcoming Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
- Robert Hau
- Judy Thompson
- James Wedding
- Ann Alfonso, Bethke principal
- Christie McPhail, Bethke “Teacher of the Month”
Teacher of the Month: – Christie McPhail
- Began her career as a 4th grade teacher on the Western slope
- Got a counseling degree at CSU because she was confident she could have more impact as a counselor
- Serves 600 students at Bethke elementary school
- Kids only need two things to thrive in school – one supportive adult (she is often that one person) and character (she pointed to our Four Way Test)
- Most important for her to create a safe environment so kids can learn
- John Carroll: Nominations are open for the Ed Gillette Vocational Service Award. Named for a Past President who was exceptional in his field at CSU Vet School. See email from Ron Catterson on 11.2 for criteria and how to submit the application
- Michele reviewed our vision and values (service, adaptability, community, diversity, integrity)
- We need a chair or co-chairs for the $10,000 raffle. Please consider stepping up to this responsibility
Recent Board Meeting: We had unbudgeted proceeds of $20,000 from the Peach Festival. The board met to vote on how to spend that money.
- Foundation budget is $122,000
- 10% of proceeds from each fundraiser goes to our Club Foundation, so $2,000 (plus a $3,000 supplement) will go to the Club Foundation
- After great discussion and many opinions, the board voted to divide the remaining $15,000 among several committees (each received an extra $1,500-$3,000) so we can do more work in our communities and around the world
- Michele showed income and expenses for our Club Foundation.
- We are always balancing spending fundraising proceeds now for current needs against funding our endowment for the long term
- Thanks to these extra dollars, we’ll be able to do even more!