Posted by Lynn Matson
Connie Sheltren inspired us with one of the Rotary Guiding Principles from the Four-Way Test: “Is it the TRUTH?” 
  • Lauren Brainard - repeat guest of Cindy Cloyd
  • Amber Runyan – returned guest of Joseph Vander Linde
  • Tiffany Gonzales – Preston Middle School teacher of the month
  • Matthew Fugate – repeat guest
  • Daljit Mirchandani - Rotarian from RC of Khadki, Prune (Maharashtra,India)
  • Samantha Pruess - repeat guest of Cindy Cloyd
  • Betsy Rinehart – parent of Edward Rinehart
  • Edward Rinehart - Rocky Mountain High School – Student of the Month
  • Camryn Rodriguez – Kevin Rodriguez’s daughter who is outbound exchange student
  • Amber Runyon - application in and approved
  • Sara Porter - Preston middle school
  • Brook Wagner - counselor at RMHS
IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “I think that is something that I always like in my work - the sense of inclusion rather than the sense of otherness.”  - Neil Gaiman
Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.
  • Look for an email from Andrew Hensen concerning signup for Secret Santa families. The Secret Santa program allows Rotarians to provide gifts for a specific low-income family in the area.
Teacher of The Month:
Dan St. John introduced Sara Porter from Preston Middle School who introduced Teacher of The Month, Tiffany Gonzales.
  • Tiffany is an English teacher who cares about her students and exudes a positive attitude.
Student of The Month:
Dan St. John introduced Brook Wagner, a counselor at Rocky Mountain High School (RMHS) who introduced Student of the Month, Edward Rinehart.
  • Edward is a very insightful student with a 4.314 grade point.
  • He has been involved in peer counseling reaching out to younger students.
  • Edward is active in DECA and attended the International Career Development Conference which featured over 22,000 members and advisors in attendance. The conference included career-based competitions, leadership academies, and networking opportunities with over 80 internationally recognized businesses and universities.
  • He plans to study Business or Finance when he graduates
Global Grant Leverage:
Bob Melrose explained how Global Grants can increase the impact of our club’s investment in projects.
  • TRF – The Rotary Foundation invests the contributions it receives for the Annual Programs Fund for three years, using 5% of the investment and return on investment to pay the administrative expenses. At the end of three years, the remaining 95% is divided between the DDF and the World Fund.
  • DDF – District Designated Fund - the portion of the funds raised by Rotarians, clubs, and others in a district that are set aside for use by the district.
  • World Fund - a source of funding for the Foundation's highest-priority global activities, including grants and programs for Rotary districts.
Global Grant Leverage
Club funds raised for a project:
DDF Doubles the Clubs funds:
World Fund Contributes 80% of DDF's contribution:
Total for Club's Project
Our Club’s TRF Giving Goals:
  1. Polio Plus monetary giving level – Already achieved
  2. TRF Annual Fund monetary giving level - 33% achieved
  3. Every Rotarian Every Year – 50% achieved
  4. 100% Paul Harris Status by June 30– 6 remaining members to go
Krishna Murthy introduced Daljit Mirchandani - Rotarian from RC of Khadki, Prune (Maharashtra,India)
  • Our club donated $5,000 to Daljit’s Club’s project: Teacher-enabled Parent Engagement in Rural India to Support School Readiness in Preschool Children.
  • The total budget for the project is $52,604
  • In this project government preschool teachers from 4 rural blocks of the Pune District (Maharashtra, India) will train parents from rural families to engage with their preschool children at home to support school readiness.
  • Program objectives are:
    •  to bring about a change in parental mindset on their role on children’s learning and development to complement the efforts of the government preschool teachers build Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN).
    • to improve school readiness in children entering grade 1 through parent involvement.
  • 333 teachers will be trained
  • 7,700 parents will be trained
  • 8,927 children will benefit
Tiffany Gonzales, teacher of the month and Dan St John:
Edward Rinehart Student of the month and Dan St. John:
Leighanne Alford and Daljit Mirchandani exchange banners and Krishna Murthy: