Used Laptop Drive
Drop-off Instructions
Click HERE for some instructions to delete the data from a PC
Click HERE for some instructions to delete the data from a Macyou
If you do not want to erase your hard drive, we will remove the hard drive from your system and give it back to
2. PLEASE Include the power cord
3. Drop off at: 323 S College Ave, Ste 1, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (Rotarian Dan St. John Law Office in Old Town: Johnson Muffly & Dauster)
4. Time 9 am—4 pm M-F

Students entering colleges and universities must have a computer to participate in the digital world of a college ed- ucation. Computers were provided in high school, but once the students leave that system, they are on their own to pur- chase a laptop for college. For many low-income families and students, owning a laptop is out of reach.
To address this need, the Rotary Club of Fort Collins Break- fast has launched a local initiative called "Used Laptops for College Students".
Working with Front Range College and CSU, the Rotary Club has organized a refurbishing and distribution process to get used laptops to financially qualified students. The Financial Aid department identifies the students in need and delivers the used laptop to the student on behalf of the Rotary Club.
Give yourself an upgrade and feel good about donating your laptop to a college student this fall.
Rotary Club's program manager:
Derek Godfrey Cell 949-939-9026