February 6, 2025 Impact Newsletter

NOTE: Apologies in advance for the length of the newsletter – there was just SO much to celebrate and share this week!

INSPIRATIONMike Griffith reminded us of the importance of Rotary during these times. He shared that he uses 4 guiding principles in his life. The Rotary 4-way test + the golden rule to do on to others as you would want done to you + the mantra – “take the rock out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of your neighbor + “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger”. Glad you are feeling better Mike after having COVID for 2 weeks!


  • Mario Simpson – repeat guest member of Bob Hau
  • James Deigler – guest of Curt Bear
  • Maria Elena Thomas
  • Jim DeShayes – guest of JJ Shaw
  • The Trewartha family: Stacey, Nick, Joshua, and Shawn (on Zoom from Chicago) 

FUTURE PROGRAMS: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 

ROTARY CARESIf you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com


  • Leighanne – her dogs are doing well after eating a bottle of Vitamin D supplements – thank you to the fabulous vets who helped her and Wes and their pups
  • Lisa B – Brooke and Lisa are going to be doing a jigsaw puzzle swap for our Club
  • Mary Catherine L – thanked Mike for his inspiration. She wanted to share that the work Rotary is doing is so important as some places have quit giving polio vaccines, there is no mosquito netting available to prevent disease, etc.
  • Fran – shared that our next community service delivery of hygiene products collection for the Early Childhood Center is March 27th
  • Ron C – is just getting over COVID and thus had missed the Centennial High School offsite. He thanked those who stepped up to make it a great meeting. He is also looking for volunteers to help with the Vocational Service Committee.
  • Curt – shared that he and his wife have joined a gym. He also let us know that he had Meredith (a past FCBR guest) on his podcast
  • Ann G – felt that last Thursday and Friday’s Rotary activities and speakers were magic for her. She kept thinking about Fernie our Student of the Month from Centennial High School
  • Bob M – all tickets for the 21st fellowship have been taken. He and Tom S had a great trip to Antarctica even when it took 52 hours to get back to Colorado
  • Connie S  shared that the Jackson Rotary Club did an amazing job of hosting the District 5440 Exchange students the prior weekend. Fun and learnings were had by all!
  • Krishna – shared that while Bob W is in Ethiopia, our $12k global grants turned into a $100k grant – the magic of Rotary
  • Brooke – thanked members of the club for contributing to her Super Bowl Squares – she will be donating $1,000 to Neighbor 2 Neighbor


Tom Welsh shared information about Ed Gillette, a past member of our Rotary Club who left an indelible mark on the people who knew him. Ed was a veterinarian whom many considered the Father of Veterinarian Radiation Oncology who developed animal models for human diseases. Tom was a student of Ed’s, then a colleague and a friend! He knew Ed for 45 years. Our Club, in 2006 changed the Vocational Service award to the Ed Gillette Vocational Service Award. The award recognizes members and their vocations as a way to give back to the community.

Ryan McLean shared his memories of Ed Gillette. He was a friend to Ryan’s Mom. Ryan remembers as a child how kind, generous, and what a good man Ed was. He also remembers growing up that the only time they ordered pizza was when Ed came over. Ed also took him on his motorcycle and they would ride around Horsetooth Reservoir – a fond memory for Ryan.

Krishna Murthy received the 1st Ed Gillette award and also nominated this year’s winner. The individual has had multiple jobs allowing him to give back to the community. He was a realtor for 10 years, Manager at Hardee’s, Fed Ex Delivery Driver and now safely delivers kids to school. John Trewartha chaired our International Service Committee for 2 terms, when the committee was much smaller and the committee would gather around his kitchen table. 

John wanted to Thank the club for the award. He has been a rotarian for a long time and his kids were young when joined our Club. Ed would actually tease John as a new member of our club. Now he is only able to come when school is out and he saw so many new faces in our Club. John had a special thank you to his wife Stacey for always supporting him and his Rotary endeavors.

NEW MEMBER INDUCTION – Joseph inducted Amber Runyon. Welcome to our club Amber!

PAUL HARRIS AWARD RECIPIENTS: Bob M handed out 1st time Paul Harris awards to members of our Club who have reached $1,000 contributions to Rotary International. Congratulations to: Jephta, Molly, Joseph, Tony, and Kevin (via Zoom). 


Joe McCarthy wanted to express his appreciation to all those who contributed to the success of this year’s Purple Pins for Polio, helping the Quad Club raise close to $30,000 total (with the 2x matching grant from the Gates Foundation). The following folks provided Lane Sponsorships:

  • Domino’s Pizza (Jay Feavel)
  • Horse & Dragon (Tim Cochran)
  • Mutual of Omaha (David Haase)
  • Jackson Eye Care (Mark Jackson)
  • DaVinci Signs (via John Shaw)
  • Ed Carroll Motor Company (John Carroll)
  • ALC CPA, P.C. (Andy Chaffin)
  • Keith White

Jay Feavel and Domino’s were also very generous food sponsors!!!

With the help of Sara Murphy and her special Purple Pins for Polio handmade bracelets,  we were able to sell, and raise an additional $410 (that will also be doubled!).

Bowlers at the event included teams led by Lisa Boesch, Leighanne Alford, David Haase, Jack Bales, and Keith White, as well as Teres Lambert and her granddaughter.

$10,000 JACKPOT JUBILEE KICKOFF – Bob M and Leighanne (co-chairs) shared the new graphics and information for our old $10,000K. We are waiting for the state to approve our raffle license and then we will be able to sell tickets. Details below:

  • Thursday, April 3rd from 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
  • There will be a party at Horse & Dragon Brewing Company and the first 80 people to RSVP will be admitted
  • Drawing will be at 8:00 pm
  • Tickets cost $100 each (we are only selling 500 tickets) and the ticket is not tax deductible


  • President Leighanne – the Quad Club has been meeting and re-engaging to re-start Rotaract. The kickoff at CSU will be on Wednesday, 2/12 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. Leighanne has sent a separate e-mail with details. There will also be a Quad Club potluck on March 2nd with a $10 fee to be given to Rotaract. More details coming soon.
  • Marguerite shared with the club how great the Jackson Hole Ski Trip was. She found it hard to find words. She met other exchange students, and they all shared their experiences. She made 10 new friends who have agreed to visit a different country each year and to stay in touch. She shared it was very emotional to see so many people doing nice things for them!
  • Joseph V – gave a shoutout to Teres for all the advertisements and posts she has been doing for our Club. Joseph received a call from a potential new member for the first time in years – it is working!
February 6, 2025 Impact Newsletter Michele Marquitz 2025-02-10 07:00:00Z 0
New Member Projects Approved Teres Lambert 2025-01-28 07:00:00Z 0

January 23, 2025 Impact Newsletter

Posted by Lynn Matson


Marcy Woodland inspired us with her reasons for being a Rotarian. Marcy is proud to be a Rotarian and likes to recite the Five-Way Test by including the question “Will it be fun?”



  • Lauren Brainard - repeat guest/CSU student
  • Tricia Canonico – speaker and Fort Collins City Council member
  • Austin Kelly - repeat guest of Dave Haase
  • Samantha Preuss - repeat guest/CSU student
  • Amber Runyon - application in process
  • Dan St. John - Dan St. John’s father
  • Mario Simpson - repeat guest of Bob Hau

IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: You either believe that people respond to authority, or that they respond to kindness and inclusion. I'm obviously in the latter camp. I think that people respond better to reward than punishment.” -Brian Eno


Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 


Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com


Good News:

  • Diane Knight – shared that Carrie Levy’s son has a 90% chance of surviving cancer after his treatments of chemotherapy. The meal train for Carrie Levy is only one slot short this Saturday night. Carrie’s father is having heart surgery this week. Contact Diane to sign up. (303-324-4337)
  • Dave Haase is happy there is a naming sponsor for the Peach Festival
  • Ann Griffith is thankful that Bob Loosley has a process for billing Rotarians for fellowship events and that Tim Cochran provides extra cheer with Horse and Dragon beer.


  • John Carroll reminded us that next week’s meeting will be off-site at the Centennial High School at 330 East Laurel. Park on the street and proceed to the gym in the newer building.
  • Joe McCarthy would like Rotarians to contact him joegmccarthy@yahoo.com if you are participating in Purple Pins for Polio on February 2 from 2 – 4:30.
  • Joe also wanted to ask Rotarians to include our exchange student Margherita if you are attending a rodeo.
  • See email sent earlier to register for the Quad Club Pot Luck at the Drake Center - 802 W Drake Rd March 2 from 4:45-7:30. 
  • Joe McCarthy and Phil Murphy both told stories at the Sip and Tell Story Swap at Horse & Dragon on Wednesday. You too have a chance to hear or tell stories at future Sip and Tell events; February 26 at 7PM, the theme is “Panda” and on March 26, the theme is Fire at Horse & Dragon Brewery 124 Racquette Dr, Fort Collins.

Vocational Talk by Marianne Blackwell:

  • Marianne has lived in many locations in the US plus Germany and Kazakhstan is now living with her husband, Don of 39 years/10 months and 3 dogs near their son in Fort Collins
  • Marianne has degrees in Psychology and Law
  • She lived in Kazakhstan shortly after the Soviet Union had fallen where her husband spoke Russian
  • Marianne has been involved in fund raising and lists Oklahoma, Stockton, CA, Colorado Springs, and Castle Rock among the many places she has lived.
  • Welcome Marianne to the Rotary family!


Gary Turner introduced Tricia Canonico, Fort Collins City Council member from District 3 and board member of the Front Range Passenger Rail (FRPR) project.

  • Tricia provided a presentation on the Front Range Passenger Rail project:
  • The FRPR website: https://www.ridethefrontrange.com
  • To get updates about FRPR and provide input, fill out this Jotform: https://www.jotform.com/form/240306530425041
  • FRPR will provide passenger rail service from the Wyoming border to the border of New Mexico. 
  • FRPR board has been coordinating with Union Pacific, Amtrac and BNSF railways
  • There will be nine initial primary stations: Ft. Collins, Loveland, Longmont, Boulder, Denver, South Denver, Castle Rock, Colorado Springs and Pueblo.
  • Fort Collins to Denver will be the first leg of the rail to open by 2029
  • Initially there will be three trips per day with 5 passenger cars 
  • By 2035 there will be 10 trips per day
  • FRPR will have priority over freight transportation.
  • The station in Ft Collins will be at either Vine, Old Town or the South Transit Station.
  • 90% of the funding for FRPR via the Infrastructure Bill was paused for 90 days on Jan. 22, 2025
  • The other 10% of the funding is to come from the following proposed taxes: 0.23% sales tax, a $3/day car rental fee, oil and gas production tax and rider fees

Tricia Canonico, Fort Collins City Council member:


Marianne Blackwell:

January 23, 2025 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2025-01-24 07:00:00Z 0

January 9, 2025 Impact Newsletter

Inspiration: Tom Strause began our inspiration educating us on the great, late John Wooden and his focus on his players. Tom shared that John taught his players to sweat the small stuff and that the results are better in paying attention to the details. As Rotarians, we have the ability to pay attention to the small stuff to impact bigger things.
  • Joe Morrongiello – guest of Jephta
  • Mary Scott – co-founder of Health for Heroes, currently contracting to help veterans and first responders – friends with Kathy Miner
  • Sheila McMullan – guest speaker, Veterinary Health System Senior Associate Dean
IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: For our own to be real, it must contribute to the success of others. Elenor Roosevelt
Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
  • Mary Scott shared an update on what she has been doing since co-founding Health for Heroes. She continues to work with families, adults, teens, veterans, and 1st responders with a mental health focus. She thanked our Club for our Veterans and First Responders grant of $1,000 for the Berthoud American Legion for education and activities during their winter retreat which Mary is involved in.
  • Craig Campbell asked us to take a moment to honor President Jimmy Carter who led a life of Service above Self the last 40 years
  • Joseph VanderLinde shared that we have had 2 resignations to our Club – Jill Layden due to a work schedule change and Deb Kelly due to her work and personal commitments. We will miss both members and hope to see them around.
  • Catherine Varra-Nelson publicly thanked Phil Murphy for his work publishing our volunteer opportunities for our members.
Gary Turner introduced our speaker Sheila McMullan who was going to speak to us about the CSU Veterinarian Hospital Expansion. Sheila has a double major from New Mexico State University, Bachelor of Arts, Theatre Arts and Bachelor of Science, Political Science and Government. Her Masters of Liberal Studies and a Law Degree from Georgetown University. Her experience in the academic world makes her especially qualified to implement a Veterinarian Health System at CSU.
Sheila shared her experiences with vet care for 2 of her dogs – Chubby and Nix. While both pets had good end of care, they were different due to the types of clinics she took them to over the years. Independently owned practices are becoming the exception to the rule with many private practices being bought by corporate organizations (i.e., Mars). Sheila’s job at CSU is to help fulfill a vision of a CSU Health System for our animals. Similar to the UCHealth System, Sheila and CSU believe there are many opportunities for academic veterinarian health systems (though there are not very many!).
As the #2 vet hospital in the country, Sheila sees opportunities to compensate the academic veterinarians, engage in the community more frequently, and provide an urgent care facility for members’ pets in our community. This is in progress with Phase I of the Vet Hospital expansion fully funded. However, Phase II of the system vision and hospital update has not been funded yet.
Good News:
  • President Leighanne – had her 42nd birthday last Sunday and had a tribe to celebrate her birthday weekend. She also shared that she and her team raised $13M in the November/December.
  • Joe McCarthy – had vocal cord surgery recently though he wanted folks to know that our exchange student was at the meeting.
  • Fran Lefler spoke to us about Pasadena, CA and what a positive experience it was for him and Nancy to visit, though it was a bit of a challenge to get to the parade. The first rental car they got in LA had red lights and engine warning lights going off so they had to go back and rent a different car. They were glad to make it to the Rose Bowl Parade and Fran was amazed at all of the ‘hellos’ he got from each horn player that said ‘Hi’ to them with their horns (hee!hee!).
  • Bob Williams shared that his grand-daughter (who spoke to our Club) was in an episode of The Man on the Inside series (shown on Netflix) – YAY! She is fulfilling her dream of acting.
  • Teres Lambert shared that she has been working on the digital ad campaign and feedback members provided her are starting to show on our website. She is excited also to be headed to the British Virgin Islands to sail and experience warmer weather.
  • Tom Strause and his wife, Jerilyn, found out they are going to be first time grandparents. Tom is already planning to get the baby a unisex bike so they will be able to ride together!
  • Bob Melrose told the club there are still 4 tickets available to Ain’t Too Proud to Beg at the Lincoln Center on Friday, 1/21 – another great fellowship opportunity.
  • Walt Grady is back at Rotary and it makes him very happy!
    January 9, 2025 Impact Newsletter Michele S Marquitz 2025-01-15 07:00:00Z 0

    Helping Keep Ukranians Warm

    Our Club’s International Service Committee received a request from Feed The World for funds that would go toward the purchase of wood-burning stoves for families and shelters in the Ukraine. With the on-going war against Russia, gas supplies have been cut-off or severely dwindled and wood stoves can provide much needed heat and assist with meal preparation.

    This cry for help was heard and acted upon by our Club. At its November meeting, our Club’s International Service Committee voted to award Feed The World with $3,000 that will provide 15 wood-burning stoves for use by families and shelters in Ukraine.  

    Helping Keep Ukranians Warm Philip Murphy 2025-01-08 07:00:00Z 0 International Service

    Club Awards Four Grants to Help Serve Our Community

    Our Club’s Community Service Committee has a big responsibility when it meets, as committee members review grant proposals submitted by non-profits across our community. Committee members strive to be good stewards of the Club’s money that is generated by our three key annual fundraisers. Since there is only so much money to award each fiscal year and so many non-profits in our community submitting grant proposals, decision-making can be challenging.

    Committee members consider the non-profit submitting each grant and how the money awarded will serve and impact our community.

    At its most recent meeting, our Club’s Community Service Committee approved three more grants for this fiscal year:
    •    $2,500 to Sound Affects for their Performance Program so musicians can continue to enrich the lives of the elderly by performing live music in assisted living facilities.
    •    $4,000 to Project Self-Sufficiency for its Healthy Families Transportation Fund. This grant will help provide individuals enrolled in Project Self-Sufficiency to have safe, reliable transportation to and from work and/or to/from their post-high school education source
    •    $1,000 to Outreach Fort Collins, a street-based outreach program that maintains our community as a safe and welcoming place while connecting those in need to services and supportive networks. This grant will help ensure staff has appropriate gear to safely perform their jobs. 

    Our Club’s Community Service Committee also oversees grants awarded specifically to non-profits that provide services to Veterans and First Responders. These funds are raised by our annual Field Of Honor.

    In addition to the grants already awarded in this fiscal year, the Community Service Committee approved a grant of $2,000 to Larimer County Dive and Rescue. This grant will go toward the purchase of a new boat.
    Club Awards Four Grants to Help Serve Our Community Philip Murphy 2025-01-08 07:00:00Z 0

    Club Holiday Party 2024

    A line in a Christmas carol states “faithful friends who are dear to us gather near to us,” and this line came true as Fort Collins Breakfast Club members and their guests participated in the Club’s annual Christmas party on Thursday, Dec. 19. 
    After exchanging hugs, fist bumps and holiday greetings, we feasted on a Christmas breakfast buffet and listened as a local school choir filled the air with Christmas melodies. Club members added to the merriment by singing the final song with the choir. 
    To the delights of the children and grandchildren of Club members, Santa made his annual appearance and handed out gifts. 
    Here’s wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas season.
    Club Holiday Party 2024 Philip Murphy 2024-12-19 07:00:00Z 0

    December 5, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Posted by Lynn Matson
    Ann Griffith inspired us with the ABC’s of life.
    • Don Butler - Coats and Boots
    • Jeff Schneiders - repeat guest of John Hintzman
    • Woody Woodland – Marcy Woodland’s husband
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.” - Mahatma Gandhi
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    Good News:
    • Leighanne Alford - glad it was biscuit and gravy day and seeing everyone again after Thanksgiving break.
    • Gary Turner – was thankful for reading Vietnam POW, Bob Wideman’s book Unexpected Prisoner. Gary will lend his book to anyone.
    • Mary Catherine Limbird - had a Zoom session with former Rotarian Patrick Bols and his wife, Martine during Thanksgiving. They wanted to pass along greetings to our club members.
    • Bill Honn – 135 people celebrated his daughter’s last chemo treatment 
    • Becky de la Torre – is back from caring for two new grandchildren, Knox Cooper and Becca Joy.
    • Mark Campbell – celebrated Thanksgiving in WY, NJ and CO.
    • Bob Melrose – has two tickets available for the Rotary Fellowship event on February 21 “Ain’t Too Proud – The Life and Times of the Temptations”
    • Andy Chaffin – had Thanksgiving in Texas and was thankful when he returned, he found a check for $5,000 and one for $10,000 in the Foundation mail box.
    • John Carrol is requesting Rotarians to submit names by Dec. 6 of fellow Rotarians for the Ed Gillette Award. This award is presented annually to a member in recognition of excellence in their vocational field and integrity in their career. The nominee may be currently working or retired.
    • Andy Chaffin indicated we had met 77% of the Breakfast Rotary Charitable Foundation Capital Campaign goal of $250,000 in donations by 2027. Donations made between now and the end of the year will be matched up to $500 per donation.
    • Mark Campbell encouraged Rotarians to register themselves and their guests for the December19 Christmas breakfast meeting. Names, ages and gender are needed to acquire gifts for children attending. 
    • Ann Griffith shared several fellowship events within the next few months: 
      • Dec. 6 wreath making
      • Jan 14 Progressive Dinner 5:00 to 8:00 (entrée at Bistro Nautile)
      • Feb 2 Purple Pins for Polio
      • Fed 21 “Ain’t Too Proud”
    • Joe McCarthy – is looking for Rotarians who would like to be a $250 “Lane Sponsor” for the February 2 Purple Pins for Rotary event. Contact Joe at JoeGMcCarthy@yahoo.com
    • Don Butler, representing the Coat and Boots program, thanked our club for supporting the program he started 18 years ago with the Fort Collins Business Association. 1,253 sets of coats and boots were distributed last year.
    • Diane Knight – wanted to share how to connect with Rotary Action Groups to join a group of interest. Diane specifically mentioned theWash-Rag Action Group
    • Leighanne Alford shared the following member update:
      • New members since 6/30 (or just before)
        • John Sheltren
        • Joe Wimmer
        • Marianne Blackwell
        • Marcy Woodland
        • Michael Randle
      • Leave of Absence:
        • Jill Layden
        • Kristen Candella
        • Krishna Murthy
        • John Trewartha
        • Carrie Holmes
        • Becky de la Torre - through end of year
        • Carrie Levy 
    • Resigned Members:
      • Alisa Bennet 6/27/24
      • Keith Huntsman 6/27/24
      • Ann Bedient 09/19/2024
      • Judy Thompson 10/09/2024
      • Jim McCambridge 10/24/24
    Paul Harris Fellows:
    Bob Melrose presented the following: 
    • Mike Randall his first Paul Harris award
    • John Sheltren his Paul Harris plus 2
    • Catherine Costlow her Paul Harris plus 3
    • Connie Sheltren her Paul Harris plus 5
    Vocational Talk by Marcy Woodland:
    • Marcy is a retired Research Scientist with a PHD at UC Berkeley and Post Doc at National Jewish Health
    • Worked in labs at St. Jude Children Research Hospital in Memphis and Trudeau Institute in Saranac Lake, NY
    • Marcy and her husband, Woody moved into a Thrive Environmentally Sustainable home in Fort Collins 8 months ago
    • They have two adopted children, Rob and Anja
    • Son Rob was from Russia, found his Russian family, got a teaching job in Russa then was falsely sentenced to prison for 12.5 years
    • Her passion is to preserve this beautiful earth for future generations
    • Marcy has traveled to Croatia, the Artic, New Zealand, China, and South Africa where she has trimmed rhino horns to protect them from poachers
    • Marcy was a member of Rotary in Summit County where she collected 10,000 pounds of plastic film for recycling
    • We welcome Marcy into the Rotary family
    Mike Randall receives his first Paul Harris Award from Bob Melrose:
    Mark Campbell introduces Don Butler from Coats and Boots:
    Marcy Woodland gives her Vocation talk:
    December 5, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-12-06 07:00:00Z 0

    November 21, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    • Connie Storholt – our speaker
    • Walt Storholt – Connie’s husband
    • Louise Sempala – Foothills Club exchange student from Uganda
    • Lavelle McGovney – guest of John Hintzman
    • Jeff Schneiders – guest of John Hintzman
    Inspiration: Dave Haase provided a reminder that life repeats itself and lessons are learned frequently! Many of those lessons that Dave learned a while ago apply to our Rotary Club – temperaments, talents, and convictions motto from college still apply today.
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work. William Arthur Ward
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    Good News:
    • Connie Sheltren – Louise is staying with she and John. We need 2 more host families if you are interested. Louise is also very interested in going with a family to cut down a Christmas tree – reach out to Connie.
    • Teres Lambert – applied for a Rotary district advertising grant for our club and we got it! YAY!
    • Keith White – has been absent for a bit. He has missed us and finally this week, his level of chronic pain has been better – YAY!
    • John Carroll – don’t forget to provide nominations for the Ed Gillette award recognizing the vocation of our members. Contact John if you have any questions.
    • Andrew Hensen – an e-mail was sent out with the link to help families in our community as Secret Santa. We will need personal shoppers and elves to pick up gifts around 12/9 – 12/11. Gary Turner will provide more information soon.
    • Vic Purdy – turning 70 this week and going to Vegas to spend time with his whole family!
    • Joe McCarthy – Purple Pins for Polio (PP4P) is happening on Sunday, February 2ndSave the Date!
      • What: Fun-raiser for fighting Polio, with friendly competition, tasty food, and great company
      • When: February 2, 2025 from 2:00 – 4:30 pm
      • Keep your eyes open for opportunities
        • Lane Sponsorship – the main source of money going to fight Polio
        • Bowling team signups
        • Individual bowler (adult or under 16) signups
    Bob Williams introduced Connie Storholt, FNP who presented on A History of American Nursing. Bob has experienced health issues and had many a nurse that have helped him. Bob’s mother was also a nurse. Connie started her career as a CAN and has worked her way to be a Nurse Practioner.
    Connie Storholt shared the history of the generations beginning in the 1600-1700’s and the American colonies to the 21st century. The evolution from female/nuns to the organizational leadership represented today in nursing has had many challenges through the year.
    Connie’s passion for the history of nursing in the United States was very apparent. She provided great examples of the changes. For example:
    • 1920-1940 – women had to choose between work and family. Provide duty nurses became too expensive.
    • After WWII – only 1 of 6 nurses returned to the role. Many were getting married, wanted a change, or found better paying jobs.
    • 1960-1980 – Scrubs became the common uniform for a nurse. Following the Vietnam War – many nurses had delay stress syndrome and depressions after all they saw.
    • 1980-2000 – a transformation of the nursing image occurred.
    • By 2025, it is forecasted that the United States will need more than 500,000 nurses than we currently have.
    • Andy Chaffin – update and background on the capital campaign. 2.5 years ago, President Andy Groeger asked Andy C to lead the growth of our club foundation from $250,000 to $1,000,000 targeting the next 10 years. There are so many ways to give – check, cash, IRA distribution monies, company match, stock gift (via the Community Foundation). Toward our goal of $250,000, we are currently at 70% committed or given. We have a match until the end of the year up to $500/rotarian.
    • John Sheltren – new member talk. While John is new to our Club, he has been active along with his wife Connie. He has also been very active in other Rotary Clubs with our Club being his 3rd Rotary Club. John was born in California and studied city and regional planning at Cal Poly – San Luis Obispo. He graduated on a Saturday and he and Connie were married on Sunday! John traveled a lot for his career with a territory from Palm Springs to Fairbanks, Alaska and Denver West. John and Connie are avid tandem cyclists.
    November 21, 2024 Impact Newsletter Michele S Marquitz 2024-11-26 07:00:00Z 0

    Supporting School Readiness in Preschool Children in India

    Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary is partnering with Rotary Club of Khadki, Pune, on a project to train government preschool teachers and supervisors in four rural blocks of Pune District, Maharashtra, India, so they can equip rural parents to support child learning at home, thus helping children to be ready for Grade 1. 
    The three-year project, which started July 1 of this year, includes training 333 preschool teachers who will then train and empower 7,700 parents, resulting in 8,927 children benefitting from the project.
    Between July and September, 303 out of the 443 parents in Bhor Block—one of the four selected geographies—had participated in orientation meetings. Key topics covered at these meeting were brain development until age 6, how children learn and school readiness. Program implementation in two other blocks, Khed1 and Maval, began this month.
    “Parents are changing their mindsets, are beginning to understand their role in childhood education and are feeling empowered,” stated Daljit Mirchandani, a Rotarian with the Rotary Club of Khadki, Prune (Maharashtra,India), who spoke at a November FCBR meeting.
    Supporting School Readiness in Preschool Children in India  Philip Murphy 2024-11-19 07:00:00Z 0

    From Soap to Toothbrushes, Diapers & More 

    Armed with the facts that 50% of low-income families worry about meeting their children’s hygiene needs and 73% of low-income households cut back on food expenses to afford hygiene products, Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary members recognized that they needed to step up to the plate. 
    For the past three years, our Rotary has been collecting and providing hygiene products twice a year for Early Childhood Education to distribute to its families in the Fort Collins area. Early Childhood Education is a no-cost and tuition-based preschool program that has classrooms in 21 district elementary schools and 7 community sites in the Poudre School District. The PSD-based program, which offers services that help families build a strong foundation, relies on donations to help families meet a variety of needs
    From Soap to Toothbrushes, Diapers & More  Philip Murphy 2024-11-19 07:00:00Z 0

    Club Members Deliver Coats, Boots to Schools

    Rotarians delivered 190 boxes of winter coats and snow boots to 29 Fort Collins elementary schools on behalf of the Fort Collins-based non-profit Coats & Boots. The 190 boxes were filled with 1,500 new winter coats and 1,500 pairs of boots for Poudre School District children in need.

    “This past year, our Rotary awarded a Community Service grant to Coats and Boots so it could purchase winter coats and boots for school children, and now we got to help deliver those coats and boots—plus a whole lot more coats and boots—to schools that will hand them out to students,” states Bob Melrose, a member of the Club’s delivery team. 

    “No child should be without a warm winter coat and a nice pair of snow boots. And it warms my heart to see our Rotary helping keep school children warm now that cold weather is on its way.”
    Club Members Deliver Coats, Boots to Schools  2024-11-11 07:00:00Z 0

    Rocky Mountain High Senior Named ‘Student of the Month

    Edward Rinehart, a senior at Rocky Mountain High School, was presented with the Club’s “Student of the Month” award at its Thursday, Nov. 7, meeting. 
    Edward is active in teen suicide prevention and currently serves as a district representative within DECA, a high school and college program for students interested in business. With DECA, he has competed in Principles of Business Management and Administration, International Business Plan, and Entrepreneurship Series. In his free time, Edward volunteers at a local hospital and a food bank. A well-rounded student, he also enjoys hiking, cooking, traveling, reading, listening to music. His educational plans include earning a degree in business.
    During his presentation to Rotary, the highly articulate young man acknowledged his teachers for supporting and pushing him academically. 
    Rocky Mountain High Senior Named ‘Student of the Month 2024-11-11 07:00:00Z 0

    November Teacher of the Month

    Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary recognizes outstanding teachers during the academic year by honoring them as “Teacher of the Month.” Nominated by their superiors, this elite group of teachers are dedicated to educating tomorrow’s leaders and are committed to the success and well-being of every student they serve. They inspire change and surpass expectations for exemplary vocational service. 

    November’s Teach of the Month was Tiffany Gonzales, an English and Language Arts teacher at Preston Middle School., Recognized as the Club’s “Teacher of the Month” at its Nov. 7, meeting, Tiffany was presented with a check for $250 to use at her school. 

    “My students know that, while I am not there to be their best friend,  I am there for them,” Tiffany stated. “I am there to push them academically and help them grow as individuals.

    “Thank you for this award and for Rotary’s commitment to education.”
    November Teacher of the Month 2024-11-11 07:00:00Z 0

    November 7, 2024 Impact Newsletter 

    Posted by Lynn Matson
    Connie Sheltren inspired us with one of the Rotary Guiding Principles from the Four-Way Test: “Is it the TRUTH?” 
    • Lauren Brainard - repeat guest of Cindy Cloyd
    • Amber Runyan – returned guest of Joseph Vander Linde
    • Tiffany Gonzales – Preston Middle School teacher of the month
    • Matthew Fugate – repeat guest
    • Daljit Mirchandani - Rotarian from RC of Khadki, Prune (Maharashtra,India)
    • Samantha Pruess - repeat guest of Cindy Cloyd
    • Betsy Rinehart – parent of Edward Rinehart
    • Edward Rinehart - Rocky Mountain High School – Student of the Month
    • Camryn Rodriguez – Kevin Rodriguez’s daughter who is outbound exchange student
    • Amber Runyon - application in and approved
    • Sara Porter - Preston middle school
    • Brook Wagner - counselor at RMHS
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “I think that is something that I always like in my work - the sense of inclusion rather than the sense of otherness.”  - Neil Gaiman
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Look for an email from Andrew Hensen concerning signup for Secret Santa families. The Secret Santa program allows Rotarians to provide gifts for a specific low-income family in the area.
    Teacher of The Month:
    Dan St. John introduced Sara Porter from Preston Middle School who introduced Teacher of The Month, Tiffany Gonzales.
    • Tiffany is an English teacher who cares about her students and exudes a positive attitude.
    Student of The Month:
    Dan St. John introduced Brook Wagner, a counselor at Rocky Mountain High School (RMHS) who introduced Student of the Month, Edward Rinehart.
    • Edward is a very insightful student with a 4.314 grade point.
    • He has been involved in peer counseling reaching out to younger students.
    • Edward is active in DECA and attended the International Career Development Conference which featured over 22,000 members and advisors in attendance. The conference included career-based competitions, leadership academies, and networking opportunities with over 80 internationally recognized businesses and universities.
    • He plans to study Business or Finance when he graduates
    Global Grant Leverage:
    Bob Melrose explained how Global Grants can increase the impact of our club’s investment in projects.
    • TRF – The Rotary Foundation invests the contributions it receives for the Annual Programs Fund for three years, using 5% of the investment and return on investment to pay the administrative expenses. At the end of three years, the remaining 95% is divided between the DDF and the World Fund.
    • DDF – District Designated Fund - the portion of the funds raised by Rotarians, clubs, and others in a district that are set aside for use by the district.
    • World Fund - a source of funding for the Foundation's highest-priority global activities, including grants and programs for Rotary districts.
    Global Grant Leverage
    Club funds raised for a project:
    DDF Doubles the Clubs funds:
    World Fund Contributes 80% of DDF's contribution:
    Total for Club's Project
    Our Club’s TRF Giving Goals:
    1. Polio Plus monetary giving level – Already achieved
    2. TRF Annual Fund monetary giving level - 33% achieved
    3. Every Rotarian Every Year – 50% achieved
    4. 100% Paul Harris Status by June 30– 6 remaining members to go
    Krishna Murthy introduced Daljit Mirchandani - Rotarian from RC of Khadki, Prune (Maharashtra,India)
    • Our club donated $5,000 to Daljit’s Club’s project: Teacher-enabled Parent Engagement in Rural India to Support School Readiness in Preschool Children.
    • The total budget for the project is $52,604
    • In this project government preschool teachers from 4 rural blocks of the Pune District (Maharashtra, India) will train parents from rural families to engage with their preschool children at home to support school readiness.
    • Program objectives are:
      •  to bring about a change in parental mindset on their role on children’s learning and development to complement the efforts of the government preschool teachers build Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN).
      • to improve school readiness in children entering grade 1 through parent involvement.
    • 333 teachers will be trained
    • 7,700 parents will be trained
    • 8,927 children will benefit
    Tiffany Gonzales, teacher of the month and Dan St John:
    Edward Rinehart Student of the month and Dan St. John:
    Leighanne Alford and Daljit Mirchandani exchange banners and Krishna Murthy:
    November 7, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-11-08 07:00:00Z 0

    October 30, 2024 - Impact Newsletter

    Phil Murphy inspired us in our Golden Years. 
    • Amber Runyan – returned guest of Joseph Vander Linde
    • Lori Juszak – guest speaker 
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Governments can enhance growth by increasing inclusiveness. A country's most valuable resource is its people. So, it is essential to ensure that everyone can live up to their potential, which requires educational opportunities for all.” - Joseph Stiglitz
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Fran Lefler encouraged Rotarians to bring hygiene products (diapers, tooth paste, brushes, dental floss, hand sanitizer, etc to the November 7 meeting to be donated to the Early Childhood Education Program.
    • Bob Melrose explained Rotarians can fill out a form to become members of the Polio Plus Society by committing to donate at least $100 a year to Polio Plus. See Bob for details at rwm2020@aol.com
    Good News:
    • Dan St. John was celebrating Nevada Day when in 1864 Nevada joined the United States of America.
    • Phil Murphy thanked Tim Cochran for inspiring him to appreciate the forests in Ireland.
    • Joe McCarthy is happy that exchange student Margherita Poma living in his home now.
    • Bob Melrose appreciated help moving coats and boots the past week.
    Deb Kelly introduced Lori Juszak, founder of Fort Collins Tours.
    Presiding President - Elect Nominee, Bob Melrose:

    Lori Juszak, founder of Fort Collins Tours:
    October 30, 2024 - Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-11-01 06:00:00Z 0

    October 30, 2024 Impact Newsletter 

    Posted by Lynn Matson
    Phil Murphy inspired us in our Golden Years. 
    • Amber Runyan – returned guest of Joseph Vander Linde
    • Lori Juszak – guest speaker 
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Governments can enhance growth by increasing inclusiveness. A country's most valuable resource is its people. So, it is essential to ensure that everyone can live up to their potential, which requires educational opportunities for all.” - Joseph Stiglitz
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Fran Lefler encouraged Rotarians to bring hygiene products (diapers, tooth paste, brushes, dental floss, hand sanitizer, etc to the November 7 meeting to be donated to the Early Childhood Education Program.
    • Bob Melrose explained the attached document Rotarians can fill out to become members of the Polio Plus Society by committing to donate at least $100 a year to Polio Plus.
    Good News:
    • Dan St. John was celebrating Nevada Day when in 1864 Nevada joined the United States of America.
    • Phil Murphy thanked Tim Cochran for inspiring him to appreciate the forests in Ireland.
    • Joe McCarthy is happy that exchange student Margherita Poma living in his home now.
    • Bob Melrose appreciated help moving coats and boots the past week.
    Deb Kelly introduced Lori Juszak, founder of Fort Collins Tours.
    Presiding President - Elect Nominee, Bob Melrose:
    Lori Juszak, founder of Fort Collins Tours:
    October 30, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-11-01 06:00:00Z 0

    October 17, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    • Ann Bedient – previous member of our Club
    • Vivian Hoyer – 2024 YRYLA attendee (and her Mom Naomi)
    • Karen Trusler – Assistant District Governor
    • Ben Hargieroad – 2024 RYLA Junior Counselor
    • Allen Zwicke – 2024 RYLA Junior Counselor (and his Father Greg)
    • Sullivan Muller – 2024 RYLA Junior Counselor (and his Mom Laurie Matson – Lynn Matson’s family)
    • Michaela Taylor – 2024 RYLA Junior Counselor
    • Ash Candella – 2024 YRYLA attendee (and her Mom Kristin)
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: You don’t have to agree with what people think to learn from how they think. You don’t have to share their identity to be curious about what shaped it. Adam Grant
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • John Hintzman and Joe McCarthy – John shared his kiddos went to RYLA and many of the skills his son learned were highlighted in his CSU Senior year Leadership Class
    New Member Project kickoff brainstorming session – Thursday, November 14th at 8:00 am @ Ginger & Baker – They shared there is interest in a New Member Project supported by our Club Foundation and $5,000 to get new members that joined since 2019 to understand the magic of matching funds (i.e, The Rotary Foundation and other Clubs), making an impact, creating connections with the Club, etc. Everyone in the Club is invited to attend.
    Michele Marquitz read a Thank you note from past member Heather Gossel: To my friends in Breakfast Rotary – I want to convey my appreciation for the club’s support for my Paul Harris fellow. I value the work of TRF and all of you. Hope all is well – think of you often and miss the club very much!
    • Bob Melrose presented Paul Harris Awards acknowledging members of our Club that have contributed to the General Fund at The Rotary Foundation (TRF). The awards are measured in $1,000 contribution increments (whether actual donation, club point appreciations, contributions made in a Rotarian’s name, etc.)
      • Kathy Miner received her Paul Harris + 2 (Kathy has contributed over $2,000 to TRF).
      • Tom Strause received his Paul Harris Fellow
      • Wendy Lange received her Paul Harris Fellow
      • Jack Bales received his Paul Harris Fellow
    Ron Catterson facilitated a YRYLA and RYLA panel with 2 YRYLA participants and 4 RYLA Senior counselors. YRYLA are between 7th and 8th grade students and RYLA participants are sophomore or juniors in high school. Rotary Clubs pay for participants from district 5440 and 5450 kids to go. When the chosen participants arrive, they are put in a team of 10-12 kids and each team is led by junior counselors. Senior counselors help the Junior counselors, and Ron has participated as a senior counselor several times. As part of the daily activities, there is a debriefing session – what went well, could be better, what can we learn from this and what can we continue to use in the future.
    Ron shared that is an inclusive, positive, encouraging atmosphere for participants and counselors. Participants expand their comfort zone and learn about themselves while learning and practicing leadership.
    Our club has a lot of history with 30+ years of experience. In the beginning, RYLA started in Australia with New Mexico being the first US state. Charlie Peterson, while District Governor, traveled to New Mexico to see RYLA. He wanted to bring it back to Northern Colorado and there was a discussion whether women should be included. Charlie’s wife, Susan, weighed in that it seemed like a great program and that women would be accepted. This all happened 2 years before women were accepted into Rotary. Diane Knight was one of the original people to help organize the YRYLA program and we have had many members participate in organizing and senior counseling since then. Plus, many of our members’ children (and grandchildren) have participated as well.
    • YRYLA participants
    • Vivian Hoyer (left) – Made friends and learned more about herself. Her favorite activity was twilight time when they would talk about their day and hear about what everyone had experienced. She learned not to judge people because you never know what is going on
    • Ash Candella (speaking) – It was a positive experience, and she made friends. Her favorite activity was the mid-week review of the week. She learned that she and many others are much less alone than they think
    • RYLA Junior Counselors
    • Allen Zwicke (left) – Allen thanked us for letting him participate. He made some great relationships. His favorite activity was the rap sessions where they talked about what went well, what could do better. He also feels he learned some valuable communication skills that he continues to build on.
    • Michaela Taylor (2nd from left) – Michaela found the experience magical due to connecting with people. Her favorite activity was building a tent blindfolded – requiring trust, communication skills, etc. Her friends noticed a change in her when she returned from RYLA as she is more outgoing and willing to speak up.
    • Ben Hargieroad (2nd from right) – Ben enjoyed talking to people each day. His favorite activity was leading the song – California Girls. He learned that he needs to remain positive and to be nice to people. Upon returning from RYLA he feels that he is able to be more vulnerable around friends.
    • Sullivan Muller (speaking on right) – Sullivan shared that he met many people. His favorite team building event was the Ropes Course (spider web) which brought the team together. He also liked how the 4 way test acted as a guiding principle
    Good News:
    • Tom Welsh – glad to be here, literally and so glad for the support of our Club during his health challenges
    • Jim McCambridge – last day as a member of the Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Club after 12 years. He and his wife have been splitting time between 3 Rotary Clubs while in CO and AZ. They have decided to focus on less and make a bigger impact – we hope to see him when they are in Fort Collins.
    • Gary Turner – and his wife just returned from an amazing trip to Egypt and Jordan. Now is the time to look at pricing for a trip as the prices are very reasonable.
    • Bob Melrose – just celebrated his birthday, enjoyed the District Training with Joe McCarthy representing our Club, and Bob presented Jim with his Paul Harris +3 pin
    • Fran Lefler – shared that we are partner with the Early Education Childhood Center again this year to collect toiletries, diapers, laundry detergent, etc. There will be a collection at our weekly meeting on Thursday, November 7th
    • Walt Grady – is back as he has been gone the last 2 month. He was volunteering and helping in the great state of Colorado and saw many wonderful people and places
    • Teres Lambert – announced the opportunity for us to help at the Lee Martinez Park Treatsylvania event on the weekend of Oct 25-27. Stay tuned for details via an e-mail from Teres
    • Andy Chaffin – excited that Tax Season ended on October 15th and is excited to go visit family in Kansas City – including his twin grandchildren there.
    October 17, 2024 Impact Newsletter Michele S Marquitz 2024-10-20 06:00:00Z 0

    October 3, 2024 Impact Newsletter 

    Posted by Lynn Matson
    Dan St. John II inspired us with the history of space exploration from sputnik to the James Webb Space Telescope to seek out new life.


    • Ann Alfonso - principal at Bethke Elementary
    • Marianne Blackwell – Submitted her application
    • Molly Higgins – Student of the Month – Timnath High School
    • Shelly Higgins – Mother of Molly Higgins 
    • Melissa Lang – – Teach of the Month, Bethke Elementary 
    • Matthew Mittenberg – counselor at Timnath High School
    • Mike Randle – Submitted his application
    • Dan St. John – father of Dan St. John II
    • Terri Sunset 
    • Marcy Woodland – Submitted her application
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” - Maya Angelou
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Rendezvous Trail Cleanup and Fellowship Friday afternoon, October 4 at 3:30 PM at 2400 Pinecone Circle then at William Oliver's Colorado Pub and Eatery for some lively fellowship at 2608 S. Timberline Road.
    Good News:
    • Leighanne Alford: Celebrating a year of the Humane Society serving Weld county.
    • Lisa Boesch: Thankful for a bat on her screen door and her Walmart Pharmacy achieving not only the Pharmacy of the Year for the local markets but also the regional market of 104 stores.
    • Ann Griffith: Thanking Phil for arranging for the trolley ride last week, plus JJ and Rhonda Shaw for producing the Club Steak Fry at Spooky Tooth Llama Ranch. 
    • Diane Knight: Happy to have visited Croatia and seeing all the guests at our meeting.
    • Phil Murphy: Happy that the Oct 11, 6:00 to 8:00 Slammin Famine at the McKee Building at the Ranch sign up goal was achieved. Contact Phil if you would like to participate in this fun fellowship/Community Service activity.
    • Dave Haase: Presented Andy Chaffin with a check for $20,000 to the Breakfast Rotary Charitable Foundation from the Peach Festival.
    Paul Harris Award:
    Bob Melrose awarded Steve James his Paul Harris + 4 pin.
    Student of the Month:
    • Dan St. John introduced Matt Mittenberg, counselor at Timnath High School who introduced Student of the Month, Molly Higgins, a senior at Timnath High School.
    • Molly is a cornerstone student who focuses on serving others.
    • She is leader who is involved in Performing Arts coordinating 30 students to create stage props.
    • Molly visited Uganda to deliver text books and help build a maternity ward.
    • Molly will persue a degree in Bio Chemistry or Child Education
    Teacher of the Month:
    • Dan St. John introduced Ann Alfonso - principal at Bethke Elementary who introduced Teach of the Month, Melissa Lang, PE teacher at Bethke Elementary.
    • Melissa focuses on creating a safe place for students to develop character.
    • Dan presented Melissa with a check for $250.
    Breakfast Rotary Charitable Foundation Capital Campaign:
    • Andy Chaffin and Andy Groeger shared the Capital Campaign presentation.
    • Campaign Goal is to build a Perpetual Legacy with our club foundation
    • Specifically raise $250,000 in donations for the Breakfast Rotary Charitable Foundation by 2027
    • $152,500 has been committed to the goal so far
    • A perpetual legacy could create $53K/year once the foundation assets reach $1,000,000 in ten years
      • Here is the math:  $270K in assets now + $250K campaign + 10% of fundraising for 10 years ($145K) = $665K
      • $665K invested at the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado for 10 years at 5% rate of return = $1,062K
      • 5% of the $1,062K ($53,100 per year)  would be available to be used for our club’s service projects
    • Everyone may donate a level comfortable for their budget
    • See handouts for various way to give
    • Checks can be made to “Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Charitable Foundation” and be mailed to P.O. Box 272728, Fort Collins, CO 80527
    Melissa Lang and Molly Higgins, Teacher and Student of the Month:
    October 3, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-10-03 06:00:00Z 0

    Breakfast Rotary Club Newsletter

    Inspiration: Ken Campell reminded us of the importance of being mindful. He encouraged members to laugh frequently (watch silly cat videos), stand up more often, to take a quick walk, to do isometric stretch (tightening muscles and releasing can lower blood pressure), and to be aware of the air quality. Lastly Ken suggested making a list of people who you love and that love you! It helps him fall back asleep when his mind is wandering at night.
    • Bruce Hottman from the Foothills Club
    • Bill Brayden from the Foothills Club
    • Matt Purdy, our speaker and part of the LAUREN project board
    • Mike Randle, submitted his application to be a member of our Club
    • Melissa Brickey, a guest of Joseph VanderLinde
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: A lot of different flowers make a bouquet.~ Islamic Proverb
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Catherine Varra-Nelson asked for help with Meals on Wheels. We need 3 volunteers from our Club each Wednesday and it takes 1-1.5 hours. If you want to volunteer, you can apply to start driving and helping with deliveries. Check your e-mails from Catherine.
    • Bruce Hottman from the Foothills Club invited us to participate in their 2nd annual Pickleball Classic which is occurring on Saturday, Oct 19th. There are 2 sessions, one beginning at 9:00 am and another at 1:00 pm. They are looking for 40 more players. Monies raised will support Project Self-Sufficiency’s car project.
    • President Leighanne shared that BREW (Beers Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide) was meeting on Thursday, Sept 26th at O’Dell brewery at 4:00 pm as they supported the Peach Festival.
    Vic Purdy introduced his oldest son Matt as our program. Matt has a finance degree from Johnson & Wales in Denver. Following his degree – Matt traveled to numerous countries and worked internationally for several years. Matt married his junior high sweetheart and is a real estate agent.
    Matt introduced us to the LAUREN Project – (Leaders Abroad Urging Rights Equality and Non-violence), a 501(c)3 organization established in 2009 after the loss of Lauren, a friend of Matt’s. Lauren passed away from carbon monoxide poison. Their website is: www.laurensproject.org.  
    The LAUREN Project provides carbon monoxide kits (over 7,000 donated to date), strives to legislate for stricter carbon monoxide codes in Colorado and internationally, and targets young adults wanting to help spread the mission of the LAUREN Project overseas. Since 2009, they have granted $550,000 to over 180 projects.
    They target supporting 18-35 year olds who are going to be doing service (from 10 days to a year), typically internationally. The LAUREN Project does not provide full amounts of the grant requests. Typically, they grant $2,500-$3,000 grants which cover 25+ days across the world.
    Our club donated to the LAUREN Project (via American Red Cross) which allowed the purchase of ~80 carbon monoxide alarms.
    Otterbox created a device that attaches to your phone. It is called a Sparrow device that beeps once at a 10, elevated carbon monoxide level. It will continue beeping when the carbon monoxide level reaches 35.
    Good News:
    • President Leighanne was excited it was a biscuit and gravy day!
    • Dan St. John shared that he received his Voting Blue Book and explained that judges are not voted on, instead evaluated. See page 89 of the Blue Book for the judge evaluations and information written up by lawyers for the judges.
    • JJ Shaw had lots of good news to share. There were 5-6 members who hiked the Hewlett Gulch and it may become a regular activity – stay tuned for more information. DaVinci Signs (JJ was the founder) received 2 national awards for 2 local projects. And he and his wife Rhonda were excited to continue the Charlie and Susan Peterson steak fry at their Ranch in Loveland on Saturday, 9/28. Bring a side dish, your family, and come have some fun with his alpacas and other Rotarians.
    • Curt Bear was excited that this year was the most productive year of his garden
    • John Carroll’s son, Charlie, is gainfully employed as a music teacher in St. Paul, MN
    • Bob Melrose and his wife Rosie are headed to California to see friends. Bob also shared a story about lessons learned about words in Scandinavia and the one that tickled him was the word for government – ‘fungus’
    • Phil Murphy is looking for more people to help with the trail pickup on Oct 4th at 3:30 (followed by fellowship at William Oliver’s ~4:30 pm). Phil also is looking for 10 more volunteers to help with Slammin’ Famin’ on Friday, October 11th.
    Breakfast Rotary Club Newsletter Michele S Marquitz 2024-09-29 06:00:00Z 0

    Paul Harris Recipients Recognized

    On Thursday, September 5, Dave Haase and Andy Groeger were recognized for their giving to The Rotary Foundation.
    The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.

    Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.

    With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world.

    Mission of The Rotary Foundation

    The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.

    What impact can one donation have?

    For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
    $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
    $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.

    Paul Harris Recipients Recognized Philip Murphy 2024-09-07 06:00:00Z 0

    Peach Pick Up 2024

    Members and friends of the Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary loaded up 720 20 pound boxes of Palisade Peaches August 24. Many buyers also took advantage of the Peach Salsa, Jam, and Syrups that were for sale.
    Thank you to all the buyers who supported this years' event with part of the proceeds going to support the Larimer County Dolly Parton Inspiration Library.
    Peach Pick Up 2024 Philip Murphy 2024-08-25 06:00:00Z 0

    Breakfast Rotary Impact Newsletter - August 15, 2024

    Inspiration: Mary Catherine Limbird inspired us with sharing and recognizing ‘small kindness’. The everyday brief moments of exchange we are grateful for and that help us recognize kindness. She encouraged us to make someone’s day.
    Meeting Leader: Diane Knight was President of our club in 2014-2015. She considers herself the ‘Accidental President’ that year as our planned president had to step down due to family issues. A requirement of our Club is that the person has attended PETS (President Elect Training) and since Diane was President of the Golden Rotary Club in 1998-1999, she met the requirements. A fun side note on Diane’s journey is that our own Susan Peterson introduced Diane to Paul Knight and as they say, the rest is history!
    • Joe Wimmer – has applied to join our club. He and his wife moved here from Southeast Kansas and he works in the Finance Department for City of Fort Collins. While his wife is working at Poudre Valley Hospital.
    • Marcy Woodland – returning guest who has requested an application to join our club.
    • Matthew Fugate — returning guest of Curt Bear.
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “In my lifetime, the world has become better, not worse. And the world is moving, very slowly but surely, with more democracy and a more liberal way of thinking, more inclusion and more diversity.” Isabel Allende (Chilean American writer)
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Tony Catania asked for help with the sign-up sheet to take your peaches on Saturday at the Peach Festival (i.e., any peaches not sold)
    • Dave Haase asked our club to step in and help if you see something that needs to be done at the Peach Festival. While many of our members will be volunteering at the Peach Booth, he appreciates those who signed up for the Peach Festival.
    • Teres Lambert encouraged members to get out and sell 2 boxes each. She is going to provide a quick and updated flyer to post on NextDoor, tape to your mailbox, share with friends, etc. We have sold 673 boxes as of this morning toward of goal of 800 boxes… we know our club with People of Action can hit this goal by Monday, 8/19 at 6:00 pm.
    • Joe McCarthy asked us to share information from the Quad Club meeting for the Foothills Club’s 1st annual Duck Race fundraiser on September 7th from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, at the “Lazy River” at City Park Pool. Prices will be awarded – 1st duck gets $2,500; 2nd place duck gets $1,500, and 3rd place gets $1,000. The link to adopt a duck is: https://fcrotaryduckrace.org   
    • Gary Turner shared that the last meeting of the month, on August 29th, will be held offsite at the Larimer County Emergency Services and Fire Rescue office at 1303 N. Shields, Fort Collins, CO 80524.
    Gary Turner introduced Dave Stewart, neighbor, friend, long time Rotarian (joined in 1982 – same year as Gary) with a Ph.D. in environmental engineering who is passionate about Water and the Colorado River Compact.
    Dave shared information about the River, and work being done within the 7 states.
    • The 1922 Colorado River Compact is due for renewal in 2026. Dave is coordinating a meeting of representatives from all 7 states, through a Rotary District Grant, to meet and negotiate using the 4 way test.
    • The meeting will be held in January at the CSU SPUR campus and Rotarians will be able to live stream the meeting.
    While the video was difficult to hear at first – the link to the video which can be found here: Colorado River in Crisis (note: it is a 30 minute video full of information). A few of the points stressed in the video were:
    • Agriculture uses 80% of the water available out of the Colorado River for crop irrigation.
    • If you eat a salad in January, anywhere in the United States, that lettuce will be grown with Colorado River water.
    • There are dozens of endangered species on the Colorado River.
    • Las Vegas has done remarkable conservation work over the years going from 135 gallons per day per person to 30 gallons per day. This has been done via xeriscaping new homes (and old homes), minimizing water features, incentives for conservation, and increasing awareness.
    • Crop choices play a role in the use of water as well – based on farm, location, what climate the crops grow in, etc. The farms are trying to take less water from the river; though, sprinklers and water systems are quite expensive. Utilizing underground water has been effective with less evaporation than dams, reservoirs, etc.
    Good News:
    • Andy Chaffin shared that after 19 years, he took the plunge and bought a new car. The bad news is he has to learn all the new technology on the car.
    • Vic Purdy was excited to share that next week, he and his wife, leave for an Alaskan Cruise
    • Gary Turner shared that he and his wife have had their 2 grandchildren with them, 8 and 11 years old. They are exhausted!
    • Tony Catania has recruited a new member for our club as his mother-in-law is moving from Texas to Fort Collins (Thanks Tony!).
    Past President Diane ended the meeting on the importance and value of her meeting ending phrase: “If you are lucky enough to be a Rotarian, you are lucky enough!”
    Breakfast Rotary Impact Newsletter - August 15, 2024 Michele Marquitz 2024-08-17 06:00:00Z 0

    Club Sponsors Eight to RYLA, Young RYLA

    The four Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and four Young Rotary Youth Leadership Awards sponsored by the Club returned home from camp tired, happy and amazed at what all they learned about themselves as individuals and as leaders. Many campers call their experience at the week-long camps “life changing” and/or “one of the best weeks of my life.” 
    During their one-week stay at the camp located near Estes Park, RYLA and Young RYLA campers participated in a wide range of team-oriented activities. Each activity brought forth lots of smiles and laughter while helping campers discover themselves. Activities also helped campers zero in on and hone their leadership skills while expanding their comfort zone.  
    Club Sponsors Eight to RYLA, Young RYLA 2024-08-10 06:00:00Z 0

    August 8, 2024 Impact Newsletter 

    Posted by Lynn Matson

    Keith White inspired us with the Rotary International Theme of 2013-14: "Engage Rotary, Change Lives." Keith encouraged us to find a way to engage to make a difference.

    • Shane Abrahamson – Outbound student to Japan
    • Marta Espinoza – Speaker from The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto
    • Marti Grady – Walt’s wife
    • Sage Harrison – Scholarship recipient
    • Melia Henrichsen – Scholarship recipient
    • Austin Kelly – Guest of Dave Haase
    • Olivia Moench – Scholarship recipient
    • Randy Moench – Olivia’s dad
    • Kelli Mutmansky – Melia Henrichsen’s friend
    • Margherita Poma –Inbound student from Borno, Italy
    • Mike Randle
    • MaryLou Smith –Speaker from The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto
    • Joe Wimmer – Submitted his application
    • Marcy Woodland – Repeat guest
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.” ~ Malcolm Forbes
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Phil Murphy indicated he was the Phil-in president for the day and presented a riddle: What is the longest word in the English language dictionary. (Editor’s note: I believe the word is “longest.”)
    • Dave Haase will be sending an email with instructions for the Aug. 17 Peach Festival volunteers to check in at the south entrance of the event.
    • Tony Catania will be sending an email to sign up 5 addition Rotarians for the peach booth at the Peach Festival.
    • Contact Tony at TjCatania@gmail.com if you are able to take your box of peaches at the Peach Festival if there are leftover boxes.
    • Mike Griffith will be sending a sign up soon for the peach pick up at Timberline Church the morning of Aug. 24.
    • Joseph Vander Linde shared the results of 29 survey responses indicating our club Rotarians enjoyed their membership for the following reasons in order of popularity: 1) Friendship and fun, 2) The club meeting experience, 3) Service activities, 4) Networking opportunities, 5) Leadership and personal development.
    • Connie Sheltren introduced Margherita Poma, our inbound exchange student from Borno, Italy. Remember to include Margherita in your skiing/snowboarding plans.
    • Connie also introduced Shane Abrahamson, an outbound exchange student to Japan.
    • Andy Chaffin, introduces three past scholarship recipients:
      • Melia Henrichsen is working on her master’s degree
      • Olivia Moench an aspiring Park Ranger attending Montana State University who is looking for employment in the Natural Resource field. Interest in Forestry/Wildland Fire/Plant Science.
      • Sage Harrison is attending Western Colorado University focusing on achieving a dual degree in Business Law and Economics. Sage would like to work for the USDA after graduation. Sage is on the wrestling roster at Western Colorado University @ 197 lbs.
    Becky de la Torre introduced Marta Espinoza and MaryLou Smith with The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto.
    • MaryLou Smith started The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto to help immigrant Hispanic woman pursue an opportunity to earn money for their families while learning about agriculture, soil health, planting, mulching, irrigation, harvest, marketing, and sales.
    • The project started with six women on a small farm near Windsor but since the farm was sold, the women have found separate locations to raise vegetables.
    • The 3rd year of this program yielded revenue of $36,000 for the six women.
    • Marta Espinoza started a program in Greeley called Jardines de Salsa (salsa gardens) involving 15 immigrant mothers.
    • Marta visited Washington DC to speak up for immigration rights.
    • The women’s educational emphasis has been on how to manage pests and disease since they grow all their vegetables without chemicals.
    • Vegetables can be purchased at the Fat Donkey Farm booth during the Old Town Farmers Market Saturdays 9:00 am to 1:00.
    • Individual or group contributions can be sent via check written to their fiscal sponsor, Fort Collins Community Action Network, P.O. Box 400, Fort Collins, CO 80522, noting “Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto” in the subject line.
    Good News:
    • Six Rotarians shared their good news of anniversaries, peach sales, wood carvings, family visitors, and child employment.
    Marta Espinoza and MaryLou Smith with The Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto:

    Margherita Poma –Inbound student from Borno, Italy:
    Shane Abrahamson – outbound student to Japan:

    Melia Henrichsen Scholarship recipient:
    Olivia Moench Scholarship recipient:
    Sage Harrison Scholarship recipient:
    August 8, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-08-10 06:00:00Z 0

    July 25, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Posted by J Thompson
    Catherine Varra-Nelson shared the results of an activity that measured an aspect of mental and physical health: seeking happiness.
    The activity resulted in the deduction that in our daily lives we are frantically searching for happiness, when happiness lies in helping others and being part of a community, fostering compassion, perspective, and connection.
        Woody Woodland
        John Sollo (speaker)
        Nan Sollo (co-speaker)
        Greg Parker (guest of Gary Turner)
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote:   When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become a wiser, more inclusive, and better organization.  Pat Wadors
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    Club Meeting/Good News/Announcements
    The Year of the Magic of Rotary
    Michele Marquitz/Pass the Gavel Awards
    • Rock Star Award: Bob Williams for his enduring contributions to Meals on Wheels
    • Rotarian of the Year Award:  Dave Marvin for success in reaching our fundraising goal/Memorial Day fundraiser activities
    • David Haase:  Volunteers are still needed for the Peach Festival on August 17.  Particularly late in the day we are short on people to work the booth. Please consider staying to help with these later shifts if you’ve worked earlier in the day.
    The sign up list for working at the festival has been sent to email and is at the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-JphG90uWAL6BG3C60X0Bysvtc3nmtMd/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115526600388406458822&rtpof=true&sd=true  
    • Leighanne Alford will be missed during her leave to care for Wes after his surgery
    Good News
    Several members shared happy events
    Ann Griffith shared that as of Tuesday’s meeting, the social calendar for the upcoming year is full of unique and fun events. Thank you to all who attended that planning meeting.
    John Sollo shared highlights of his 20 years as an appraiser for PBS’s Antiques Road Show
    • John’s interest in the Modernism movement began in his early 30’s, when he began his journey to excel in the fascinating world of antiques.. “The more you know about your business, the better off you are.” His career includes participation on museum boards, at auction houses, consulting and appearing as an  appraiser on the Antiques Road Show ,where he enjoyed the camaraderie of celebrity peers on a show which is based on spontaneously appraising items that the public brings through the door.   
    • He was offered the opportunity to join the show by Dan Farrell, the originator and consulting producer of ARS since its beginning in the US in 1996.
    • John worked with auction houses from LA to New York for many years. Initially, he was able to gain background on the various items through first-hand accounts, as many of the artists or their families were available.
    • Through his work in person, print, as a lecturer and author, he has expanded the appeal of the modernist era.
    • He authored “American Insider’s Guide to 20th Century Furniture” from Miller’s and co-authored with David Rago, “Collecting Modern:A Guide to Mid Century Furniture and Ceramics.”
    • All appraisers and staff that we see on the show are volunteers. 
    • As many as 5000 participants will appear at 6:30 am on the day of taping, and interviews last until as late as 7:30 pm.  The material from that day will afford as many as 3 hours of shows.
    • What we see on the broadcast are authentic reactions to the interviews. The spontaneity of the interviews are one of many strengths of this engaging show.
    • John and his wife, Nan entertained us with mock appraisals, to give us a feel for what a conversation might include, as well as to show us the diplomatic subtleties that are required to a successful sharing of information about fondly shared family objects.
    • Note this quote from John taken from pbs.org:
    “I see the astounding diversity of the 20th century. There are revolutionary furniture makers with their creed of beautiful design for the masses; the architects and beatniks who blurred the boundaries between sculpture and household goods; the ceramists who rebelled against what they perceived as a tyranny of form; the artists who saw textiles as their great canvases.  It’s a privilege to know and share their work.”
    Take a look at this link to hear more:
    Segment John Sollo-Charles Rohlfs Mahogany Chair
    July 25, 2024 Impact Newsletter J Thompson 2024-07-27 06:00:00Z 0

    July 18, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Posted by Lynn Matson

    Bob Melrose inspired us with Viktor Frankl’s three sources for the meaning of life: 1) The completion of purposeful tasks, 2) Caring for another person, 3) Facing suffering and challenges with dignity.

    • Judy Calhoun — speaker and member of Greeley Downtown Rotary Club
    • Matthew Fugate — guest of Curt Bear 
    • Anna Giovinetto — guest of Andy Groeger
    • Tomas Godine— former exchange student from Argentina 
    • Mara Godine — Tomas Godine’s’ wife
    • Richard and Jenny Hillman — Leighanne Alford’s parents
    • Diana and Chris Hutchinson — guest of Joe McCarthy
    • Karter Jackson – Mark Jackson’s daughter
    • Ohad Levy— Carrie Levy’s nephew
    • Presley Stevenson – outbound exchange student to Italy
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Diversity, or the state of being different, isn't the same as inclusion. One is a description of what is, while the other describes a style of interaction essential to effective teams and organizations. - Bill Crawford
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Leighanne Alford will be taking a 4 to 6-week leave to care for her partner, Wes Alford who will be having surgery July 19.
    • Dave Haase requested Rotarians to sign up in force for a shift for the August 17 Peach Festival HERE and then work the Peach Booth. Contact Tony Cantania at tjcatania@gmail.com to sign up for the August 17 Peach Sales Booth.
    • Lee Varra-Nelson and Teres Lambert asked Rotarians to take the following actions this week:
      • Forward the Peach Sale email received earlier this week to your friends
      • Repost Facebook postings to the public
      • Distribute Peach Sale bookmarkers
      • Place Peach Sale posters in businesses
      • Look for an email to post a nextdoor message to buy peaches
      • Michele Marquitz presented a check for $500 to our Ginger and Baker hosts, Kate and Grace 
    Leighanne Alford introduced Judy Calhoun, CEO of NOCO Humane.
    • Mission Statement: NOCO Humane is an independent nonprofit working to further the compassionate, safe, and responsible relationship between animals and people
    • The merger of the Larimer Humane Society and the Humane Society of Weld County formed NOCO Humane in the fall of 2023
    • There are 105 volunteers at NOCO Humane 
    • A new facility is needed to replace the Weld County facility at Evans
    • NOCO Humane will answer calls for animals as large as a coyote but not deer, bear, or mountain lions
    • The number of incoming animals decreased during Covid but increased post-Covid
    • The budget for next year will be about $10 million with an expected deficit of $1 million
    • Revenue streams are 1/3 from animal sheltering contracts with various cities, 1/3 fees, 1/3 donations
    • You may donate to NOCO Humane HERE
    Good News:
    • Mary Catherine Limbird presented Leighanne Alford with an official Rotary Theme scarf to kick off her first meeting as president.
    • A raft of Rotarians shared their good news of travels, visiting relatives, and recovery.
    Leighanne Alford with an official Rotary Theme scarf:

    Judy Calhoun, CEO of NOCO Humane:
    July 18, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-07-19 06:00:00Z 0

    June 20, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Posted by Lynn Matson


    Phil Murphy inspired us with the enduring spirit of Rotary to go forward to bringing peace, understanding and hope to everyone.


    • Karter Jackson – Mark Jackson’s daughter

    • Mike Werner – Lead conductor for the Ft. Collins Municipal Railway Society

    • Marcia Woodland – Repeat guest

    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Roddenberry’s dreams, Star Trek’s dreams, help us to think through what it would be like to have a society of abundance, of logic and reason, and of inclusion.” - Manu Saadia, Trekonomics: The Economics of Star Trek

    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 

    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com

    • Cards were circulated for: 

      • Becky de la Torre’s quick recovery for her wrist surgery

      • Tracy Mead’s step-father passed

      • Kathy Miner’s brother passed


    • Michele Marquitz invited Rotarians to attend the Pass the Gavel meeting July 22 at The Barn at Rigden Farms at 2902 Rigden Parkway:

      • Last name A - G, please bring an appetizer to share
        Last name H - M, please bring a salad to share
        Last name N - W, please bring a dessert to share

    • Our next regular weekly meeting is July 11. 

    • $2,800 was collected when we passed the hat for our exchange student Dana’s Western Trip. See photos below.

    • Michele Marquitz passed her hat to collect tip money for the Ginger and Baker servers.

    • Our club raises funds for club’s foundation three ways this summer:

      • Selling Peaches to friends at $60 per box – the goal is to sell 800 boxes or net $27k. Website for Peach Sales 

      • Selling Peaches and salsa at the Peach Festival

      • Volunteering at the Peach Festival to collect ticket fares, sell tokens, sell beer, install wrist bands, empty trash 

    • Dave Haas encouraged Rotarians to sign up for a time at the Peach Festival on August 17 then also work at the Peach Booth to sell peaches. Sign up to volunteer at the Peach Festival HERE  

    • Contact Walt Grady at 970-219-2465 to bike up Fall River Road in Rocky Mountain National Park on June 24 and have a picnic late morning. The road is closed to cars but open to bicycles.


    Deb Kelly introduced Mike Werner, the lead conductor for the Ft. Collins Municipal Railway Society responsible for recruiting, training, and coaching 24 volunteer conductors of the Mountain Avenue streetcars.

    • Streetcars operated in Fort Collins from 1907 to 1951.

    • The original tracks fanned out from the intersection of Mountain Ave. and College Ave. in downtown Fort Collins:

      • West on Mountain Ave. to the cemetery (later thru City Park)

      • South to the (then new) high school on Pitkin

      • Northeast on Linden, then East to Lindenmeier Lake

    • The original 1907 streetcars held 58 passengers and had two motormen operators

    • In 1918 a transition was made to the Briney streetcars holding 28 passengers with only one motorman operator (see photo below) and the fare was a nickel until 1951 when the cars stopped running.

    • Two of the streetcars have been restored and run along Mountain Avenue on a 30-minute round trip cycle.

    • See the schedule for riding the streetcars from May 4 to September 29, 2024 HERE

    Streetcars # 25 and 21

    Mike Werner, the lead conductor for the Ft. Collins Municipal Railway Society

    Dana Culler Laval – Argentinian exchange student in Las Vegas

    Dana Culler Laval at the Grand Canyon

    Dana with exchange students at Grand Canyon

    June 20, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-06-20 06:00:00Z 0

    2024 Field of Honor Essay Winners

    Ninety-two third and fourth graders in the Poudre School District submitted essays in the first Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary-sponsored “My Hero” essay contest that was conducted in conjunction with the club’s annual Field Of Honor. Limited to 250 words, the essays featured a wide range of heroes—from Abraham Lincoln and Clara Barton to Martin Luther King and Jesus to Taylor Swift, moms, dads and teachers.

    The essay that rose to the top and received first place was entered by Cameron Motichka, Eyestone Elementary, Wellington. Second place went to Max Allen, Liberty Common School’s Plato Campus, and third place was awarded to Emily Kemp, Dunn World IB School. These three individuals will read their winning essays to the Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary at its June 13 meeting.
    2024 Field of Honor Essay Winners Philip Murphy 2024-06-19 06:00:00Z 0

    Fresh Palisade Peaches Coming to Fort Collins

    For the 18th consecutive year, Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary is selling 20 lb. boxes of Palisade peaches—the sweetest, juiciest peach you’ve ever tasted. The Club’s orchard grower has confirmed that the hot, dry days combined with cool nights on Colorado’s Western slopes are working their magic to help the fruit develop their rich, distinctive, outrageously amazing flavor.
    Rotary’s Palisade peaches come direct from the grower. Orders taken now will be delivered to Timberline Church for pick up on Saturday, Aug. 24. And the peaches in those boxes will be fresh from the tree.
    Cost per 20 lb. box is just $60—one of the lowest, if not THE LOWEST, prices in the area. 
    And remember, when you purchase a box of Palisade peaches from Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary, you’re also supporting childhood literacy and doing good within our community and the world. 
    To place an order for Palisade peaches—and to learn more about supporting childhood literacy at the same time, click this link: www.rotaryfcbreakfast.org
    Fresh Palisade Peaches Coming to Fort Collins Philip Murphy 2024-06-19 06:00:00Z 0

    Field of Honor 2024

    Thank you to the area businesses and individuals who displayed their community spirit—and their desire to help others—by becoming a Community Supporter of the Field Of Honor. Funds raised by Community Supporters and the sale of medallions at the May 24-27 Field Of Honor will be used to award grants to non-profits that provide services to veterans and first responders as well as for additional community and international projects undertaken by Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary.
    To see a list of our Community Supporters click here.

    Field of Honor 2024 2024-06-19 06:00:00Z 0

    June 6, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Inspiration:  Andy Groeger gave the inspiration on D-day's 80th anniversary and honored the D-day soldiers with his medallion.  The beginning of the end of WWII in Europe. Most of the soldiers were conscripts with <1 year of service and an average age of 20 years.  Thanks to our soldiers, and their bravery in this battle, the war would end 11 months later. 
    IDEA Quote:     It were not best that we should all think alike; it is the difference of opinion that makes horse races.~ Mark Twain
    Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
    • Beckie Wagner (guest of Bob Hau)
    • Sheryl Lack (Rotarian from CA)
    • Stave Lack (Rotarian from CA and Director of BREW Fellowship)
    • Joe Wimmer (repeat guest of Brooke Cunningham)
    • Bill Brayden (Foothills Rotarian)
    • John Sheltren (soon to be a member)
    • Dana Culler Laval (exchange student)

    Welcome back John Trewartha, Krishna Murthy, Craig Campbell (members)
    New Member Presentation:    Tom Strause
    • This week he found out he is cancer free after treatment!
    • He met his wife at the insurance office they worked at together and have been married for 36 years.   His wife has worked against insurance and corporate fraud.
    • They have twin sons that live in Niwot and Brooklyn. They also have a Corgi who rules the roost.
    • His career was spent mostly working for Progressive Insurance Co and saw exponential growth during his career.  He opened the western region regulatory state compliance department. 
    • He retired on April Fool's Day in 2022 and has been able to join Rotary subsequently. 
    • He enjoys cycling and raced in high school and college and continues to enjoy long distance races/tours. He has set 3 world records for endurance racing.  His sons also enjoy cycling.  He estimates he has riden about 225,000 miles to date. 
    • He is an advocate for defensive cycling which has likely saved his life over time
    • His credo for life is "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"
    Community ServiceCommittee Report:  Brooke Cunningham
    • Average grant size is $2000 with a range of $750 to 3.5K (Finally Home, Vegetable Connection, Mujeres de Colores, Project Self Sufficiency, Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Department)
    • Other recipients are Coats and Boots, Outreach Fort Collins, The Lauren Project, Disabled Resource Services, Food Band of Larimer County
    • 2023 Field of Honor budget was $20,238 and gave $3K+ each to Platte River Veterans Flyfishing, High Plains Honor Flight (5 trips provided), Hearts and Horses, Health4Heroes, Healing Warriors.  
    • Grants were also given to Outreach Fort Collins, First Responder Trauma Services for the Peer Connect Program and Revital Colorado for mental health care for first responders
    • The total impact was $45,742 for our community.  
    • Other ways we helped our community: 492 hours from 32 Rotarians, Meals on Wheels, Rendesvous Trail Cleanup among others. 
    • Feel free to join the committe which meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
    PROGRAM    Mike Griffith:  Honor Flight Report
    • The most recent honor flight to Washington D.C. was 4/28-29 and Mike went as a guardian
    • 120 veterans went on this trip including 5 Korean veterans and veterans from Desert Storm and Vietnam.
    • The journey left from Fort Collins Loveland airport to DIA with well wishers including fire trucks along the way. Sixty-one veteran motorcyclists were present.  
    • There were receptions and a chance to share stories and memories with the veterans.   Stops included the WWII Memorial, Air Force Memorial. Arlington Cemetary, Iwojima Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, Korean Memorial, Lincoln Memorial.
    • There was a Changing of the Guard ceremony and a Laying of the Wreath ceremony for the veterans
    • This was the first chance for many of the Vietnam veterans to be publically thanked for their service. 
    • "All gave some, but some gave all. "

    • Pass the hat for Dana for her trip expenses for the exchange student west coast trip coming up next week!  Thanks to everyone who has made this possible for her. 
    • Save the date for FCBR Pass-The-Gavel.  Date: Jun 22, 2024 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM.  Location:  Red Barn, Rigden Farms, 2902 Rigden Parkway
    • There have been only 3 cases of polio in Pakistan this year
    • Krishna Murthy gave his medallions to Phil Murphy for his dedication to the Food Bank of Larimer County, Bob Williams for his coordination of Meals on Wheels, and Joe McCarthy for leading the IDEA committee and his networking to obtain global grants
    • Lee Varra-Nelson will be heading the Peach Sales Committee and will be asking for volunteers in the near future. 
    June 6, 2024 Impact Newsletter Carrie Campbell Broughton 2024-06-06 06:00:00Z 0

    Members Read the Names of the Fallen

    Fort Collins Breakfast Club members volunteered at Veteran's Plaza to read the thousands of Names of the Fallen. The Wall commemorates the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks as well as the men and women who sacrificed their lives defending our country in the conflicts and wars to follow. The Wall includes approximately 10,000 names representing losses from September 11 and conflicts, including terrorist acts, in Iraq and Afghanistan spanning from 1983 to the present.

    Members Read the Names of the Fallen Philip Murphy 2024-05-29 06:00:00Z 0

    Potable water for a village in Ethiopia Project

    The Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast (RCFCB) and Rotary District 5440 completed a Rotary District Grant in 2024 to provide potable water to a village utilizing the Laga Chali spring southwest of Nekemte, Ethiopia.  This is the eighth village in Ethiopia that has had their water system upgraded by the RCFCB and cooperators.  The idea for this project was developed by Dr. Fekadu Tamiru Gebissa, an assistant professor of geophysics at Wollega University, and the staff at the Central Highlands Foundation.  The Murulle Foundation and the Rotary Club of Nekemte also contributed to this project. 
    Potable water for a village in Ethiopia Project 2024-05-22 06:00:00Z 0

    Members Receive Paul Harris Fellow Awards

    On May 9, Dan St. John, Cindy Cloyd, and Robert Hau received their Paul Harris Recognition Awards from Club Rotary Foundation Chair, Bob Melrose. The Paul Harris recognition is given to donors after reaching certain bench marks based on contribution to  The Rotary Foundation (TRF). The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.

    Members Receive Paul Harris Fellow Awards 2024-05-22 06:00:00Z 0

    Dr. Lynn Boland, Director, Gregory Allicar Art Museum

    The Gregory Allicar Museum of Art invites individuals to engage with art and each other to inspire fresh perspectives and wonder. The museum is a catalyst for visual literacy and critical thinking that instills a passion for learning.

    In addition Dr. Boland talked about BRAINY: a program of the Gregory Allicar Museum of Art with assistance from the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance and the Department of Art and Art History.


    BRAINY was conceived to provide arts opportunities for students from Title 1 schools in northern Colorado. Since its inception in fall 2009, more than 5,000 students from Fort Collins, Loveland, and Windsor elementary schools have participated in this collaborative, educational program, taught by more than 400 CSU students.

    For more information: artmuseum.colostate.edu

    Dr. Lynn Boland, Director, Gregory Allicar Art Museum 2024-05-22 06:00:00Z 0

    May  16, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Inspiration:  Dave Marvin shared quotes from Zig Zigler.  You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.  There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.  It is not how far you fall but high you bounce that counts.  Fear:  forget everything and run or face everything and rise.  His book is See You at the Top.
    IDEA Quote:  Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.~ Jintao Hu
    Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
    •       Jennifer McLean
    •       Lisa Ketner
    •       John Sheltren
    •       Jephta Bernstein 
    •       Gary Turner: The 1918 Club invites us to a wine tasting to support the Colorado River Festival to support the public understanding of teh river.  It is Wednesday 5/19 from 5-7pm at 824 E. Lincoln Ave.   Cost is $50/ticket and guests are invited
    •       Music Spoke concert series sponsored in part by John Carroll (see below for schedule). It is a week-long series of concerts from 6/2-6/9 organized by Off The Hook Arts.
    •       Joe McCarthy/Catherine Varra-Nelson reviewed the purpose and membership of the IDEA committee to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in our club.  An IDEA member is in each of our club's committees to bear witness to and bring the IDE perspective to all of our activities and discussions. 
    •       Pass The Gavel:  save the date for June 22, Saturday.  Families and friends invited.
    •       Phil Murphy: Just a reminder that if you are interested in reviewing any of out speakers' PowerPoint presentations they are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1auQlXXvUfsaAv43FQbZ5VPFx6rdpr3-t?usp=share_link
    •       Field of Honor:  $32K (approx) has been raised through recruitment of community supporters so far. There is a goal of $12,000 to be raised through medallion sales.  Continue to get the word out to your communities. Help is needed for security and the booth on Memorial Day weekend.
    •       Volunteers needed to read the names of the people who gave their lives on September 11, 2001. It is only for 30 minutes at Veterans' Park near the Field of Honor. The times are all on Memorial Weekend Saturday: 10:30 am, 11:00 am,11:30 am. Contact Phil Murphy by email or call/text to sign up. 
    •       Carrie Levy: Veterans Life magazine has our add for Field of Honor.  The magazine is distributed to 18 veteran organizations.  Subscription is available. 
    •        Bob Melrose:  Volunteer to to help with Field of Honor this coming weekend.  Our greatest area of need is for flag removal on Monday afternoon, some security slots on Friday through Sunday, and a smattering of booth management/flag sales throughout the weekend.  Go to the following link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q2WYBU5fwyau5Sf5etU0wAkyBiK_j8C2KfBAmMym8kI/edit
    •       Bob Waltermire: The next meeting of the International Service Committee will be held Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at the Horse & Dragon Brewing Company and via Zoom (see email for link).  The meeting runs from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.  All Rotarians and guests are invited.
    ROTARY CARES:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time, please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support possible.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    PROGRAM:  Tim Jackson, former president of Auto Dealers' Association,
    Past, present and future of personal mobility
    •       Introduced by John Carroll
    •       Author of "Dude, where's my flying car?", available in the next few weeks.
    •       The first bicycles were missing brakes and pedals.  The first bicycle co. was Schwinn. 
    •       The first car, in 1898, was a curved dash Oldsmobile (Ransom Eli) which preceded Henry Ford's first cars.  He showed it at the 1901 National Auto Show. 
    •       Oldsmobile, Buick and Cadillac were the basis of the original GM. 
    •       Ransom Eli also developed the first truck and called it REO Speedwagon (like the 1970s band). 
    •       Historically, there are about 40K American traffic fatalities/year.  Traffic fatalities declined to about 30K after seatbelts became mandatory.  THe current increase in fatalities are mostly due to deaths of pedestrians and bicyclists. 
    •       Newer cars are nearly emission free and not just electric cars.  They are 99% cleaner than previous generations of autos in erms of brown cloud emissions.  They are 30% better in terms of CO2 emissions. 
    •       Aviation has not improved in emissions over the same time frames.  There have been 0 commercial aircraft fatalities in the last 10  years. 
    •       Leonardo DiVinci was the first person to envision a flying car
    •       VTOLs (vertical take off and landing) vehicle.  The first one was developed in Denver in 1930.  
    •       Drone technology is being used to develop flying car technology.  They are used for package delivery and light shows. *** NY EVE year of the dragon. 
    Tim Jackson, former president of Auto Dealers’ Association:
    May 16, 2024 Impact Newsletter 2024-05-19 06:00:00Z 0

    May 2, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Posted by Lynn Matson
    Sara Murphy inspired us with 10 facts about the Unites States flag.
    • Jephta Bernstein - New member applicant
    • Mikey Hatch - Centennial High School student 
    • Lisa Ketner - repeat guest of Carrie Levy
    • Dana Culler Laval - Exchange student from Argentina
    • Maureen Posten - Assistant Principal at Centennial High School
    • John Sheltren - spouse of Connie Schltren
    • Jimmy Zee - guest of Bob Hau
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote:   No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive. - Mahatma Gandhi
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Lynn Matson encouraged Rotarians to contact businesses this week to become Community Supporters before the May 10 deadline. Over half of the $28,000 goal has been achieved with one week left.
    • Rotarians will receive an email this week from Kathy Miner with tools to promote medallion sales. Just cut and paste into emails and post to Next Door and Meta. Encourage your friends to buy medallions for people they admire; spouse, child, grandchild and friends.
    • Register on the email invitation sent on April 29 from Tony Catania concerning the Dr. Lewis Seminar Feedback and Fellowship on May 9 from 6:00 to 8:00 at O'Dell Brewing location: 824 East Lincoln Ave. This fellowship is a brief thank you from the IDEA committee and a nudge to share thoughts with committee members about the Dr. Lewis.
    • Bring items of mobility assistance (crutches, wheelchairs) to the next two meetings to be forward to the District Conference. Contact Michele Marquitz if you have questions.
    • Save the dates of May 31 5:00 - 8:00 pm and June 1 8:00 am – 3:00 pm for Rotary Learning Institute (small group discussions to learn more about Rotary and interact with Rotarians from other clubs) facilitated by Walt Grady and Diane Knight at Poudre Valley REA, 7649 REA Parkway, Ft. Collins.
    Paul Harris Recognition:
    Bob Melrose awarded Ryan McClean his first Paul Harris award and Carrie Campbell-Broughton her Paul Harris Plus five.
    Vocational Services Update:
    Ron Catterson shared that our club has had a long-term relationship with the Centennial High School since our club was formed. Ron introduced Maureen Posten, Assistant Principal at Centennial High School who provided an overview of this Alternative High School.
    • Objectives of Centennial High School:
      • Reengage students and help them be excited to come to school
      • Build strong relationships with teachers and students
      • Learn life skills necessary to be successful in school, work, and personal relationships
      • Help students take personal responsibility for their education and be a responsible young adult 
    • Maureen Posten introduced Mikey Hatch, Centennial High School student who shared his experiences as a student at Centennial High.
      • Mikey shared the “6 Ps” of Centennial: Prompt, Polite, Prepared, Participate, Positive mental attitude, and Produce.
      • He appreciated the life changing “Discovery” process that helped him create positive change in his life, to manage his emotions, how to react to other’s emotions and how to treat others.
      • Mickey had fun creating a school newspaper article where interviewed students about his “murder.”
    International Services Update:
    Bob Waltermire shared stories about how our club’s time and funds met the needs of people around the world:
    • Ethiopia – Potable Water availability
    • Cambodia – Latrines for 23 families
    • Rwanda – Rheumatic Heart Disease; provided vocational training for district nurses to listen to hearts and administer penicillin for strep throat.
    • Uganda – Divine Mercy School; our club sent $3,000 in the past to feed students and staff and this year we provided $4,800 worth of maize and bean seeds for the community members to plant to allocate produce to: (1) seeds for next planting; (2) feed their families; and (3) share with school to feed students and staff.
    • Mexico – Tarahumara Students; we provided $1,500 in scholarships for three students who will be mentored by John Carroll, Tracy Mead and Susan Peterson.
    • Any Rotarian is welcome to attend the next International Services meeting at Horse and Dragon on May 21 at 7:00 pm
    Ryan McClean receiving his first Paul Harris award
    Maureen Posten - Assistant Principal at Centennial High School:

    Mikey Hatch - Centennial High School student:
    May 2, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-05-03 06:00:00Z 0

    April 18, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Posted by Lynn Matson
    Laura-Jo Bhimani inspired Rotarians by increasing our awareness of gratitude and encouraging us to share our gratitude with each other.
    • Jephta Bernstein – New member applicant
    • Carol Ann Kates – Program speaker
    • Leelee Kates
    • Russ Kates 
    • Lisa Ketner
    • Presley Stevenson – outbound exchange student Zooming from Italy
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Each human being, however small or weak, has something to bring to humanity. As we start to really get to know others, as we begin to listen to each other's stories, things begin to change. We begin the movement from exclusion to inclusion, from fear to trust, from closedness to openness, from judgment and prejudice to forgiveness and understanding. It is a movement of the heart.” - Jean Vanier
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • A card was passed around for Gary Turner – recovering from hip surgery
    International Services Committee update:
    Bob Waltermire, chair of the International Services Committee introduced committee members Cindy Cloyd and Wilton Lyles who provided updates on the Madonna Hospital in Nigeria, the Peanut Butter House and the Ukraine Solar Panel project.
    • Our club helped provide two containers of refurbished medical equipment, funding for automated laboratory equipment, new lithium batteries to aid solar power, and a generator for the Madonna Hospital in Nigeria.
    • We helped build the Peanut Butter House in Liberia and $6,000 for ingredients that provides sealed nutritional packets to malnourished children
    • Ten of our club’s decorated solar panels were delivered west of Kiev and ten solar panels were delivered south of Odessa, on January 12.
    • Rotarians are invited to attend the next International Services Committee meeting the evening of May 15. Details will be sent via email.
    Outbound Exchange Student Update:
    Presley Stevenson, our sponsored outbound exchange student Zooming from Italy provided an update.
    • Presley gets along “super well” with her host family living near Pisa, Italy while her host family’s daughter is an exchange student in Argentina.
    • Presley participated in her host family’s New Years and Easter traditions.
    • She skied in the Dolomites, and traveled to Spain and North Africa.
    • Presley has made good friends and encourages Rotarians to volunteer to host an exchange student.
    • Bob Williams had four announcements:
      1. More volunteers are needed for Meals on Wheels once every two months.
      2. Volunteers need to be certified by the Meals on Wheels Office.
      3. A Co-chair is needed to chair the Meals on Wheels Committee
      4. Lisa Boesch was recognized for managing the Walmart FY 2024 Pharmacy of the Year.
    • Bob Melrose reported we have sold 6 medallions and have $10,000 in Community Supporters for the Field of Honor. 
      1. Let Diane Knight know when you have acquired a Community Supporter. The deadline for committing Community Supporters is May 10.
      2. Rotarians are encouraged to tell their friends about the Field of Honor and Civil War Living History Camp.
    • Rotarians are encouraged to show our appreciation to veterans by attending the Honor Flight send-off on April 28 at the Ranch. Arrive for the 7:20 am ceremonies at the McKee 4-H Building – the buses with veterans departs the Ranch at 8:30 am. See route map to cheer them on their way. Mike Griffith is on the flight as a Guardian, however he would be eligible as a veteran as well.
    Ann Griffith introduced Carol Ann Kates, daughter of the founder of Steele’s Market, Merrill Steele. You can view her presentation HERE
    • The first Steele’s’ Market was established in 1940 at 113 East Oak Street in Ft. Collins
    • The donut machine was very popular.
    • When Steele’s Market opened in 1963 on Mountain Ave, it represented 46% of Ft. Collin’s grocery business.
    • Ground beef was $0.33 per pound in 1963 and $0.98 per pound in 1981.
    • There were four locations in 1991 and pharmacies were added to the stores.
    • Ft. Morgan, Niwot and a Drake Street locations were added in 1998.
    • All stores were closed in 2001 after Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings due to a street closing near a new $10 million store.
    • Carol Ann has written a book “Grocery Shopping Secrets”
    Outbound exchange student, Presley Stevenson:
    Carol Ann Kates, daughter of the founder of Steele’s Market”
    April 18, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-04-19 06:00:00Z 0

    Civil War Living History Camp at Field Of Honor®

    A Civil War Living History Camp featuring the C. CO. 6th U.S. Infantry Regiment will be in Spring Canyon Community Park, May 24-27.  This Civil War Living History Camp will bring the past to life, with knowledgeable Civil War historians demonstrating the day-to-day life of Civil War soldiers. 
    “Only a small fraction of any soldier’s time was spent in front line combat,” states Jared Maddox, one of the Civil War re-enactors.  “Instead, the vast majority of his existence revolved around the routines of camp life, which presented its own set of struggles and hardships. The public will get a firsthand look at a soldier’s daily life during this re-enactment.” 
    Civil War Living History Camp at Field Of Honor® 2024-04-18 06:00:00Z 0

    2024 Field Of Honor®

    Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary is bringing the Field Of Honor® to Fort Collins on Memorial Day weekend, May 24 to May 27, at Spring Canyon Community Park on West Horsetooth Road. The Field Of Honor’s 500 flags flying in formation play tribute to heroes—veterans, active military, first responders, community leaders and personal heroes—and provide a place for individuals to pause, reflect and remember their heroes.
    A medallion honoring a hero will be attached to each flag. Individuals wishing to purchase a medallion to honor their hero can do so at https://rotaryfcbreakfast.org/ The back of each medallion will list the honoree, a brief acknowledgement by the donor and the donor’s name.
    2024 Field Of Honor® Philip Murphy 2024-04-16 06:00:00Z 0

    3rd and 4th Grade Essay Contest Part of Field Of Honor®

    Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary is sponsoring an essay contest, “My Hero,” for third and fourth graders  in the Poudre School District. Conducted in coordination with PSD, the essays are limited to 250 words and will be submitted via PSD. Entry deadline is May 10. 
    First, second and third-place winners will receive a medallion honoring their personal hero, plus $100, $75 and $50, respectively. The three winners will be asked to read their essays at a Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary meeting.
    Essays earning Honorable Mention will earn their authors a complimentary Field Of Honor medallion.
    All submitted essays will be available for the public to read at the Field Of Honor, May 24-27, at Spring Canyon Community Park, Fort Collins.

    3rd and 4th Grade Essay Contest Part of Field Of Honor® 2024-04-16 06:00:00Z 0

    April 11, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Inspiration:  Ron Catterson told us about a Rotarian named John in his Evergreen Rotary Club.  His signature quote was, "Best day of my life!"  Ron encourages us to encourage others with our own attitudes. 

    IDEA Quote:  Diversity, or the state of being different, isn't the same as inclusion. One is a description of what is, while the other describes a style of interaction essential to effective teams and organizations.~ Bill Crawford
    Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
    • John Sheltren
    • Sara Colorosa
    • Bella and Will Lorey and Karen Beach-Dana's current host family
    • Chad Phyle- repeat guest
    • Jemma, Heather, Jon Wayne -- guests of Dana
    • Marita and David Culler --Dana's parents
    • Presley Stevenson --exchange student to Italy
    • Alana Bethune—guest of Chad Phyle
    • JD Murphy --Foothills Rotary Club
    Field of Honor Kickoff: Teres Lambert, Dave Marvin, Kathy Miner

    Medallions for heroes are now available for purchase online. We are raising money for grants for non-profits that serve veterans and 1st responders in our area. The field of flags will be at Spring Creek Park over Memorial Day weekend. There are cards with a QR code or can go to www.rotaryfcbreakfast.org.  There will be an essay contest for PSD students.  Hand out postcards or reach out to friends, family and neighbors so they can by medallions as well.   There are four levels of community support ranging from $250-$2500 and includes benefits including medallions.  When approaching a community supporter, give them the fact sheet and a commitment form. The deadline for commitment form community supporters is May 10.  
    New Member Presentation:  Molly Skold
    • Native of Fort Collins, CO
    • Her parents and grandparents modeled active community support. 
    • She went to Riffinberg Elementary, Lescher MS and Fort Collins High School and was the Lambkin mascot
    • She graduated from CSU and lived in Iowa with her husband, Carl, and then moved to Russia for 18 months.
    • They later lived in Chicago and have 2 sons and a daughter.  They then moved to Omaha, Nebraska.  She worked for the Chamber of Commerce to promote the city. She helped run the Crock Foundations and was part of a mid town mixed use development project. 
    • They moved back here for her husband's job at JBS and she continues to work remotely for Mutual of Omaha. 
    • She has 3 grandkids
    • JD from Foothills Rotary:  QPR Suicide Prevention Training  is Monday, April 22 at 5:30-7:30 at the Summit Stone Longview Mental Health Center
    • Foothills Rotary: They are having a presentation by Dorothy Metcalf-Linderburger who is an astronaut and Fort Collins High School graduate. It is May 7 a noon at the Fort Collins Marriott.  The cost is $35 and includes lunch.
    • District conference is coming up in Steamboat and is free to register.  May 16-18
    • Pass The Gavel:  save the date for June 22, Saturday.  Families and friends invited.
    • Phil Murphy: Just a reminder that if you are interested in reviewing any of out speakers' PowerPoint presentations they are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1auQlXXvUfsaAv43FQbZ5VPFx6rdpr3-t?usp=share_link
    • April 19 Food Bank Friday, 1 - 3:30 PM. Nine volunteers needed
    • Foundation Celebration Dinner: Join us at a dinner Celebrating The Rotary Foundation and its donors:  May 4, 6-8:30, Casper, WY.   Krishna Murthy will be recognized for his Citation for Meritorious Service Award. For details, contact rwm2020@aol.com.
    ROTARY CARES:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time, please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support possible.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    PROGRAM:  Dana Culler Laval, inbound Rotary Exchange Student from Argentina
    • We welcome her parents here today!
    • Her hometown is Coronel Suarez, a town of 40K people, known for making the largest struedel (230 ft) in the world, annually. 
    • She has sisters who are 13, 19 and 22 years old. 
    • Food:  a typical beverage is mate made from pumpkin and is tied to feelings of family, friendship and community. SHe loves dulce de leche and empanadas. 
    • She goes to school from 7am to 12pm daily and the teachers change classes rather than the students.  She plays lacrosse and parties are a big part of life in Argentina. 
    • World Cup 2022!  The new president is trying to stabilize the economy which has struggled with inflation and destabilization of the peso.
    • Traditions:  mate, tango, paisanos, asado/BBQ, empanadas, strudel fest, horseback riding, dulce de leche
    • Thank you, Dana, for sharing your country with us and happy 16th birthday!
    April 11, 2024 Impact Newsletter Carrie Campbell Broughton 2024-04-15 06:00:00Z 0

    April 4, 2024 Impact Newsletter

    Posted by Lynn Matson
    Leighanne Alford inspired each member with a cupcake to celebrate our club’s 35th birthday, April 4, 1989. John Carroll, Mark Korb andTom Welsh were honored as charter members. Incoming president, Leighanne thanked outgoing club board members and welcomed new board members.
    • Tanya Alcaraz – Fossil Ridge High School
    • Bill Brayden - Foothills Rotary
    • Jephta Bernstein – New member applicant
    • Erin LaRue - Assistant Principal at Kinard Middle School
    • Ella Maroni - Student of the month
    • Jennifer Maroni – Mother of Ella Maroni
    • Peter Maroni – Father of Ella Maroni
    • Jenny McLean - Ryan McLean’s wife
    • Kelli McPhee - Fossil Ridge High School Counselor
    • Rathna Murthy – Krishna Murthy’s wife
    • David Perricone – Husband of Melissa Perricone
    • Melissa Perricone - Teacher of the month 
    • Mike Ring  - Father of Melissa Perricone
    • Jackie Ring – Mother of Melissa Perricone
    • Chris Woodruff - District Foundation Chair and Past District Governor - Centennial Rotary Club 
    • Karoline Woodruff – Past President of Centennial Rotary Club
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote:  “Provided that societies stay mindful of the challenges that capitalism creates and never forget the paramount importance of inclusion and equal opportunity, we can and should celebrate the miracle of free enterprise-and the billions of souls it has helped free from desperate poverty.” -Dalai Lama
    Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Joe McCarthy has a Global Grant project in El Salvador that is in partnership with CSU’s Rams Without Borders (CSU’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders). Four CSU students went in November 2023, and ten in March of this year. They are also doing a sustainable agriculture project in Guatemala. Rams Without Borders is having a Cabernet fundraiser on April 21, from 6:00-9:00 at the Hillside Vinyard. Click to order tickets HERE.
    • Krishna Murtha was presented with the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service for District 5440 by Chris Woodruff, District Foundation Chair and Past District Governor. Krishna and his wife, Rathna accepted the citation.
    • Chris Woodruff encouraged Rotarians to register for the May 4, District 5440 Foundation Recognition Dinner featuring keynote speaker Wyn Spiller. Register HERE before April 28.
    • Dave Marvin introduced the 2nd of this year’s fundraisers, the 4th Annual Field of Honor (FOH).
    • Kathy Miner revealed the 2024 FOH medallion and marketing plans
    • Teres Lambert (as Diane Knight) explained the concept of Community Supporters and encouraged Rotarians to ask the businesses who supported the FOH last year to contact the same businesses this year when the Community Support levels are communicated and the FOH website are ready next week.
    • Teres Lambert (as herself) explained how 3rd and 4th graders in the Poudre School District will have an opportunity to submit a less than 250-word essay about “My Hero.” The essays will be awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and 20 honorable mention awards. Volunteers will be needed to read and evaluate essays.
    • Teres Lambert announced that there will be a Civil War Living History encampment near the FOH to attract visitors to the Veterans Plaza on Memorial Day weekend.
    Vocational Talk: Ryan McLean
    • Ryan is a lifelong resident of Fort Collins, he and his wife, Jenny have two adult children. 
    • He is an alum of Colorado State University (B.S.) and of Gonzaga University (M.A.).
    • Ryan had careers as an EMT, firefighter and has been Division Chief of Support Operations for Poudre Fire Authority and Senior Director of Pre-Hospital Care at UCHealth.
    • Ryan is the founder and President of the Leadership Engagement Opportunity (LEO) Fund. For more information concerning LEO click HERE.
    • Ryan is passionate about learning Spanish – Welcome Ryan!
    Teacher of the Month:
    • Dan St. John introduced Erin LaRue, Assistant Principal at Kinard Middle School who introduced our Teacher of the Month, Melissa Perricone.
    • Melissa teaches 7th Grade Science, Science Adventures and Environmental Leadership.
    • She fires up the students at assembles and is a “kid magnet”.
    • She appreciated the educational support she received as a youth and that has carried over into her teaching career.
    Student of the Month:
    • Dan St. John introduced Tanya Alcaraz, director, Career & Innovation at Poudre School District who introduced Ella Maroni, senior at Fossil Ridge High School.
    • Ella has already received two associate degrees from Front Range Community College.
    • Ella started a peer tutoring program for middle and high school students that meets in the new Future Ready Center at The Shops at Foothills Mall.  
    • She will attend Duke University next year to study Math and Public Health.
    Krishna and his wife, Rathna accepting the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service for District 5440:
    Ryan McLean gives his vocational talk:
    Teacher of the Month Melissa Perricone receives a check for $250 from Dan St. John:
    Ella Maroni, Student of the Month:
    April 4, 2024 Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-04-05 06:00:00Z 0

    March 21,2024 Impact Newsletter

    Posted by Carrie Campbell Broughton
    Inspiration:  Bob Williams read a poem by Reverend Sarah Speed called, To My Heart.  You can find her poetry on Facebook or at A Sanctified Art webpage www.sanctifiedart.org

    IDEA Quote: Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.-- Khalil Gibran, writer, poet
    Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
    ⦁    Martin Limbird
    ⦁    Steve Stansfield - guest of Ron Catterson
    ⦁    Stephen Mitchell - guest of Jack Bales 
    ⦁    Robert White - guest of Bob Hau
    Love Our Community 10K Raffle:  418 tickets sold and foundation donations made.  Final amount raised is pending but is about $35K at present to fund next year's projects. You can still donate to our club's foundation (and get a tax deduction) to help close the $5K gap to fund the work our club does over the year. 
    New Member:  Laura Jo Bhimani

    ⦁    Born at Poudre Valley Hospital and raised in northern Colorado
    ⦁    Graduated from IB program at Poudre Valley HS and studied at Creighton University where she also rowed crew.
    ⦁    Worked as a corporate auditor for Union Pacific Railroad out of college
    ⦁    She works at Group Realty with her dad who is president elect for Foothills Rotary Club. 
    ⦁    She is married and her husband belongs to Foothills Rotary Club.  Welcome, Laura Jo!
    ⦁    Sign up to be a greeter or to give the inspiration using the links sent by email.

    ⦁    District conference is coming up in April in Steamboat and is free to register.  May 16-18

    ⦁    Pass The Gavel:  save the date for June 22, Saturday.  Families and friends invited.

    ⦁    Phil Murphy: Just a reminder that if you are interested in reviewing any of out speakers' PowerPoint presentations they are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1auQlXXvUfsaAv43FQbZ5VPFx6rdpr3-t?usp=share_link
    • Another successful donation and delivery of hygiene products by club members and Community Service Committee 

    ⦁    Ron Catterson:  Applications for RYLA summer camp in process.  It is a youth leadership camp in Estes Park that is one week long. It is an encouraging, accepting environment to learn about and practice leadership. 
    ROTARY CARES:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time, please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support possible.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    PROGRAM:  District Judge Juan G. Villasenor, 8th Judicial District
    ⦁    He belongs to the 1918 Rotary Club and is studying the history of juries for his doctorate degree. 

    History of the jury:
    ⦁        First jurys, called recognitors, were appointed by William the Conqueror in the early 1000s and worked primarily as assessors.
    ⦁        The first jurors to come into the courtroom were in the 1100s under King Henry II and were used for civil private disputes.
    ⦁        Unanimity was not required until the 14th century
    ⦁        18th century juries were 12 men who were left without food, drink or fire until their unanimous verdict was achieved.
     History of 1990s Jury Reform in Colorado:
    • OJ Simpson trial as well as the beating of Rodney King precipitated jury reform
    • Arizona was at the forefront of jury reform.  
    • Colorado created a committee on the effective use of jurors for reform proposals. 
    Jury practices unique to Colorado:
    •  6 jurors for civil cases (12 for criminal is usual)Allow jurors to take notes during trial and can submit written questions for witnesses.
    •  Jurors can have predeliberation (mid trial) discussions in civil cases. 
    •  Allows lawyers to highlight portions of exhibits. 
    March 21,2024 Impact Newsletter Carrie Campbell Broughton 2024-03-22 06:00:00Z 0

    James Wedding

    I am a commercial relationship manager for Umpqua Bank. 
    In my free time, I like to play golf and tennis. My family and I love to travel as well. We have a goal of playing golf in all 50 states. 
    James Wedding Philip Murphy 2024-03-17 06:00:00Z 0

    March 14, 2024 - Impact Newsletter 

    Carrie Levy inspired us to be the body of Rotary.
    • Ginger Graham – program speaker 
    • Chris Jones - guest of Andy Chaffin 
    • David Knight - guest of Diane and Paul Knight 
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote:  Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.  Malcolm Forbes
    Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • If you’re looking to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in style, come hear the Irish Band, Molly Higgins on Sunday, March 17th!  The band features Kathy Miner’s son-in-law, Andrew on tin whistle along with Sam on fiddle, David on accordion and Marcos on guitar. They’ll be playing at Maxline Brewing 2-4 pm, and Stodgy Brewing 5-7 pm. To learn more about the band and listen to a sampling of their music, click HERE.
    • Contact Ann Griffith 970-402-9134 to get tickets to attend the Fort Collins Symphony’s “Then & Now: Reel Music – Film Music Concert” April 12 7:00 pm at Timberline Church.
    o   Joe McCarthy encourages Rotarians to register for the April 13  9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. District 5440 Virtual Assembly HERE
    • Have you wondered how to apply and what qualifications are needed for a District or Global Grant?
    • Are you interested in helping your club with Public Image?
    • Are you a club president elect or president elect nominee?
    • Register now to attend this zero cost District 5440 Virtual Assembly.  
    Vocational Talk: Deb Kelly
    • Deb was born in Minneapolis and enjoyed fishing and swimming and spent seven summers in Alaska.
    • Graduated from EMT school in Hawaii
    • Became a single mother and moved back to Minnesota
    • 36 years ago Kelly started as a bank teller and is now a Vice President of an Independent Financial Bank.
    • Likes traveling, camping, hiking, grandchildren, sports (hockey, football, basketball)
    • Has experience as a Demolition Derby driver 
    • Had two detached retinas
    Curt Bear introduced Ginger Graham, Co-owner of Ginger and Baker. Curt had the opportunity to interview Ginger for a podcast in July 2022.
    Ginger’s PowerPoint Presentation about building the Ginger and Baker culture with photos of the restoration of the Northern Colorado Feeders Supply store can be viewed HERE.
    • Ginger grew up on a farm in Arkansas where she sewed her own clothes and her mother had a catering business
    • Sharing pies helped build community in Arkansas
    • Graduated from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Ag Economics
    • Sold herbicides to old farmers
    • Received an MBA from Harvard
    • Started renovating the Northern Colorado Feeders Supply in 2016
    • Ginger and Baker is NOT a restaurant – it’s a community building, a classroom, a coffee shop, an event center and a culture.
    • Ginger worked 12-hour days to make 802 pies for our club the year the Palisades peach crop froze
    President Elect Leighanne Alford encourages $10K Raffle ticket sales
    Deb Kelly shares her Vocational Talk:
    Ginger Graham:
    March 14, 2024 - Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-03-14 06:00:00Z 0

    Molly Skold

    Molly Skold, a native of Fort Collins and third-generation resident, is a proud FCHS Lambkin and CSU Ram. Her father, Thomas, contributed to the community as an active member of the Fort Collins Rotary Club and served as its President.
    Molly Skold Philip Murphy 2024-03-06 07:00:00Z 0

    Ryan McClean

    I joined Rotary to find a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to helping others and working together for the common good. After attending some of the meetings as a guest, I really appreciated the warmth and friendliness of the group. I am excited to be a part of Rotary and to help contribute in whatever way I can. 
    Ryan McClean Philip Murphy 2024-03-05 07:00:00Z 0

    2024 $10K RAFFLE

    Are you "Feeling Lucky?"
    Winning Ticket Number: 1149
    MARCH 14 DRAWING FOR $10,000
    Proceeds will benefit the many local and international projects throughout the 2024-25 Rotary Year. Some of the projects from 2023-24 include:
    • Dolly Partner Imagination Library
    • Water project in El Salvador
    • Emergency support - Syria, Ukraine, etc.
    • Solar panels for Ukraine
    • Veteran Organizations support
    • Project Self Sufficiency
    Rotarians are PEOPLE OF ACTION. Together, we build parks, award scholarships, develop youth leaders, support first responders and provide disaster relief, promote literacy, distribute food and have nearly eliminated polio worldwide.
    2024 $10K RAFFLE Philip Murphy 2024-02-27 07:00:00Z 0

    Judy Thompson

    I am originally from the Kansas City area; graduated from the University of Kansas, taught for 6 years in the Shawnee Mission School district. For several years following that, I worked for Raytheon Educational Publishing division and for Macmillan Publishing, as a professional speaker and marketing agent of textbook materials.  In 1998, we moved to Wisconsin for my husband’s work. We enjoyed being in the Great Lakes area, which is well known for winter and summer outdoor activities, as well as arts and music.  
    Judy Thompson Philip Murphy 2024-02-25 07:00:00Z 0

    February 22, 2024 - Impact Newsletter 

    Kathy Miner shared her appreciation for receiving a signed card from our club members while dealing with her back pain. She recited multiple versions of the Golden Rule.
    • Dana Culler Laval – Argentinian exchange student
    • Estee Rivera – program speaker from the Rocky Mountain Conservancy
    • Jo Ericson 
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: 
    “If you want a strong society, it has to be inclusive. If you have to push a boulder up a hill, do you want 10 people or 100? If you weed out color or gender, you get only 10 people.” – Cyndi Lauper
    Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Next week’s meeting location will be at the Museum of Art, 201 South College – above the Blue Agave restaurant.
    • Leighanne Alford & Joe McCarthy asked for volunteers to help promote the sale of $10k Raffle tickets to other clubs in the area. If anybody wants to volunteer to visit another club, notify Joe at (970-415-4022) so that we don’t double-up. Joe has some handouts and will soon have some more business $10k QR code business cards that can be distributed. Share how our club is making a difference in the community and the world.
    • Rotarians are encouraged to send messages of encouragement to Vic Purdy as he begins treatment for lung cancer next week. 2031 Rivers Edge Rd Windsor, 80550
    • Bob Waltermire invited Rotarians to attend the next International Services Committee meeting at 7:00 pm on March 19 at Tim Cochran’s home, 630 Peterson Street.
    • Becky de la Torre encouraged Rotarians to register before March 1 for the Dr. Regina Lewis Workshop on Apr 25, from 4:45 PM - 8:45 at the Senior Center on Center. The workshop will be a positive learning experience for reflection on unconscious bias. See email from Phil Murphy sent January 25.
    Vocational Talk: Keith White 
    • Keith has been a Rotarian since 2008 and held multiple positions at a Rotary club in Pensacola, FL.
    • He has been married for 30 years to his wife Michelle with whom they have a son and a daughter.
    • Keith has a BA in Architecture and has been involved in Software Development, Architecture, Engineering, Construction and is currently a Professional Services Consulting manager with Autodesk, Inc.
    • Keith likes heavy metal music, martial arts, riding motorcycles, travel, and spending time with family
    Becky de la Torre introduced Estee Rivera, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy (RMC)
    • The mission of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy is to promote stewardship of Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) and similar lands through education and philanthropy.
    • The RMC raised over $3 million for the RMNP last year through individual donations and visitor center proceeds.
    • Over 4 million people visit RMNP each year.
    • RMC has the oldest Field Institute in the US that is committed to educating the public through an atmosphere of personal engagement with talented instructors.
    • RMC is working with CSU and Colorado Parks and Wildlife on a Colorado river Headwater Restoration project.
    • Attend the free 2024 RMNP Biennial Research Conference March 6 and 7 in Estes Park. On March 7, oral presentations as part of the Facing Ecosystem Collapse: Wetlands and Stressors session will be available virtually from 8:30am - 10:30am MST. Click here to join the session virtually.
    • Learn more about the RMC at their website: https://rmconservancy.org
    • Become a member of RMC

    Estee Rivera, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy:
    February 22, 2024 - Impact Newsletter Lynn Matson 2024-02-23 07:00:00Z 0

    New Breakfast Club Members


    Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast inducted three new members on Thursday Feb 8, 2024. -James Wedding, Tom Strause, and Ryan McLean!

    New Breakfast Club Members 2024-02-10 07:00:00Z 0

    Ukraine Solar Phone Project

    Wilton Lyles introduced Andy Lenec, a native of Ukraine and a Rotarian for over 30 years who developed a process for creating shippable solar panels to Ukraine for charging four cell phones at a time. Our club’s International Service Committee is sending 20 of the solar panels to Ukraine. 
    Andy introduced Olena Halapchuk-Tarnavska, a past president of a Rotary Club in Ukraine who shared how the solar panels help Ukrainians keep connected to the world and help students continue their remote learning.
    Club members helped decorate the 20 solar panels with words of encouragement and colorful flag stickers.
    Ukraine Solar Phone Project Philip Murphy 2024-01-14 07:00:00Z 0

    Kevin Rodriguez

    Kevin joined Rotary because he wanted to help make an impact both here locally and abroad by working alongside likeminded people in our community. When he was in 7th grade, he was invited to a meeting and asked to speak as the Student of the Month.  He was terrified, but remembers hearing all the incredible things that Rotary was doing around the world.  He thought it was the coolest thing that this small group of people in small town Fort Collins, CO were all striving to make difference for other people around the world.  In addition to impact, he joined Rotary for the community of people.  He believes strongly that we can accomplish so much more together and can exponentially increase our impact. 
    Kevin Rodriguez 2024-01-14 07:00:00Z 0

    Newsletter January 4 2024

    Alisa Bennett inspired Rotarians with a New Year Blessing by John O’Donohue.
    • Leah Coleman – Pastor at Christ United Methodist Church
    • Dana Culler Laval – Argentinean exchange student
    • Don Dority – guest of Alisa Bennett
    • Olena Halapchuk-Tarnavska – Rotarian on Zoom from Ukraine
    • Meila Henrichson – club scholarship recipient
    • Andy Lenec – Program speaker Rotarian from Denver area on Zoom
    • Ryan McLean
    • Molly Skold
    • Olena Halapuck-Tarnavska - Past president of a Ukrainian Rotary club on Zoom
    • Steve Yurash – guest of Bob Hau
    IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: 
     No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive. - Mahatma Gandhi
    Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
    Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    • Contact President-Elect Leighanne Alford to help our club by serving as: Club Administrator, Public Relations or President- Elect. See club position descriptions HERE
    • Leighanne Alford encouraged Rotarians to sponsor and/or attend the Quad-Club February 4 Purple Pins for Polio fundraiser at Horsetooth Chipper’s Lanes Bowling from 2:00 to 4:30. Contact Leighanne to sponsor/participate leighanneorama@gmail.com
    • Multiple birthdays and member Rotary anniversaries were recognized.
    Scholarship Recipient:
    Andy Chaffin introduced Meila Henrichson, recipient of our club’s Joyce Chaffin Scholarship. Our club provides 8 scholarships per year. Meila is in her 2nd year at CSU majoring in Computer Science in addition to minors in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies and Mathematics. She attended a Fulbright Summer Institute Program in Scotland where she learned to appreciate cows and haggis. She has seen Virtual Reality programs help medical students perform virtual surgeries using real surgery tools.
    Vocational Talk:
    Joseph Vander Linde introduced new member, Kevin Rodriguez. Kevin was Rotary Student of the Month when he was in 7th grade at Fort Collins. He developed an appreciation for fly fishing, hunting, mountain biking, backpacking and running as his father worked at the CSU Environmental Learning Center. 
    Kevin was recruited to Washington College in Maryland for athletics and was fortunate enough to be a member of both the men's varsity soccer team and the men's varsity rowing team. Kevin studied abroad at Rhodes University in South Africa for 1.5 years and left Washington College with a degree in international studies.
    Kevin worked at Otterbox and Environfit International while earning his MBA in global social and sustainable enterprise from CSU. Kevin leveraged his work experience and passion to make a difference by joining Edward Jones where his purpose is to help people realize and achieve their life goals.
    Wilton Lyles introduced Andy Lenec, a native of Ukraine and a Rotarian for over 30 years who developed a process for creating shippable solar panels to Ukraine for charging four cell phones at a time. Our club’s International Service Committee is sending 20 of the solar panels to Ukraine. 
    Andy introduced Olena Halapchuk-Tarnavska, a past president of a Rotary Club in Ukraine who shared how the solar panels help Ukrainians keep connected to the world and help students continue their remote learning.
    Club members helped decorate the 20 solar panels with words of encouragement and colorful flag stickers.
    Meila Henrichson, scholarship recipient:
    Andy Lenec – Program speaker Rotarian from Denver area
    Olena Halapchuk-Tarnavska – Ukrainian Rotarian:
    Newsletter January 4 2024 Philip Murphy 2024-01-06 07:00:00Z 0

    December 21, 2023 Impact Newsletter

    IDEA Quote:      Roddenberry's dreams/Star Trek's dreams, help us to think through what it would be like to have a society of abundance, of logic and reason, and of inclusion.
    Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!

    Thank you to everyone who attended and brought guests to this year's Christmas party
    • Andy Chapman:  if you made a contribution to our FC Breakfast Club Foundation, it will be matched from now until the end of the year.  
    • Purple Pins for Polio:  save the date for Sunday, February 4th from 2-4 pm. Lane sponsorships are available for $250.  $95 for a team of five.  $20 for individuals
    • January 16th Progressive Dinner sign ups have been sent by email. This will start with appetizers at Walnut Creek, 222 Walnut Street(just east of the Silver Grill), from 5-5:45pm. The Regional, 130 S. Mason, will offer a salad, main dish(vegetarian option), one glass of house wine or beer from 6-7:45pm. Little Bird Bake Shop's new location 613 S. College(once home to Canino's Restaurant) 8-9pm for our finale offering desserts and coffee or tea.  Further details and price will follow. 
    • Save the date for a program on April 25th by Dr. Regina Lewis about intentional conversations and learning more about our selves and communication styles
    • Joe McCarthy is having back surgery so keep him in your thoughts and prayers
    • Phil Murphy: Just a reminder that if you are interested in reviewing any of out speakers' PowerPoint presentations they are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1auQlXXvUfsaAv43FQbZ5VPFx6rdpr3-t?usp=share_link
    PROGRAM:  Annual Christmas Party

    Thank you to Santa for his guest appearance
    Thank you to Andrew Hensen for the kids' gifts
    See more amazing photos on the FC Breakfast Club Facebook page 

    ROTARY CARES:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time, please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support possible.  Sara.jane.murphy1@gmail.com
    December 21, 2023 Impact Newsletter Carrie Campbell Broughton 2023-12-21 07:00:00Z 0

    November 2, 2023 Newsletter

    Inspiration:  Joe McCarthy reminded us that we share 99.9% of DNA with other humans.  Let’s focus on what we have in common instead of falling into the trap of “us” and “them.”
    Diversity Quote“If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.”~ Shirley Chisholm
    Upcoming Programs:  Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
    • Robert Hau
    • Judy Thompson
    • James Wedding
    • Ann Alfonso, Bethke principal
    • Christie McPhail, Bethke “Teacher of the Month”
    Teacher of the Month:   – Christie McPhail
    • Began her career as a 4th grade teacher on the Western slope
    • Got a counseling degree at CSU because she was confident she could have more impact as a counselor
    • Serves 600 students at Bethke elementary school
    • Kids only need two things to thrive in school – one supportive adult (she is often that one person) and character (she pointed to our Four Way Test) 
    • Most important for her to create a safe environment so kids can learn
    • John CarrollNominations are open for the Ed Gillette Vocational Service Award.   Named for a Past President who was exceptional in his field at CSU Vet School.  See email from Ron Catterson on 11.2 for criteria and how to submit the application
    • Michele reviewed our vision and values (service, adaptability, community, diversity, integrity)
    • We need a chair or co-chairs for the $10,000 raffle.   Please consider stepping up to this responsibility
    Recent Board Meeting:   We had unbudgeted proceeds of $20,000 from the Peach Festival.    The board met to vote on how to spend that money. 
    • Foundation budget is $122,000
    • 10% of proceeds from each fundraiser goes to our Club Foundation, so $2,000 (plus a $3,000 supplement) will go to the Club Foundation
    • After great discussion and many opinions, the board voted to divide the remaining $15,000 among several committees (each received an extra $1,500-$3,000) so we can do more work in our communities and around the world
    • Michele showed income and expenses for our Club Foundation.
    • We are always balancing spending fundraising proceeds now for current needs against funding our endowment for the long term
    • Thanks to these extra dollars, we’ll be able to do even more!
    November 2, 2023 Newsletter Diane Knight 2023-11-03 06:00:00Z 0

    Used Laptop Drive

    The Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Club is looking for used laptops in pretty good condition. If you are thinking of upgrading, why not donate your older laptop which will be cleaned up and made useful for students at Front Range Community College who are in need of one of these valuable devices to get the most out of their education.
    For more information, click HERE.

    Used Laptop Drive 2023-07-20 06:00:00Z 0

    Area of Focus - Environment

    Rendezvous Trail cleanup this morning in Fort Collins. We are there once a month to keep the 2 mile section as clean as we can for those enjoying the spectacular trails in Fort Collins. Identified many of the flowering plants along the trail due to the high level of rain we have experienced. Saw signs of elk moving through the area but they are long gone now in July. Thanks to all the folks who thanked us. Makes doing the work more rewarding.
    Area of Focus - Environment Philip Murphy 2023-07-08 06:00:00Z 0
    Peaches Helping Preschoolers Philip Murphy 2023-07-04 06:00:00Z 0

    Steve James

    Steve was a Peace Corps volunteer in Ecuador, SA where he gained an appreciation for how much of an impact helping others has on his sense of well-being.   
    He was looking for a way to connect in Fort Collins while also doing something for his new community.   The Rotary Breakfast Club met both those needs. 
    Steve and his wife, Teresa Runge, have two daughters – Elisa, a graduate of USC in Los Angeles who now works as a business consultant, and Catherine, who will graduate from USC in Columbia, SC and plans to go on to medical school. They are close and enjoy travelling/spending time together.
    He is a civil engineer, specializing in water and wastewater projects including pumping, piping, and treatment. He loves the opportunity to help large and small municipalities solve tough problems and the opportunity to help mentor and build the careers of younger staff as the manager of the local office. 
    Steve enjoys skiing, hiking, travelling internationally, art appreciation, forestry, and gardening. Since being in FoCo, he has been learning to play tennis and is gaining an appreciation for locally brewed beer! 
    He is always open to new adventures.  He and Teresa intend to make Fort Collins their home and are excited to grow new friendships here
    Steve James Philip Murphy 2023-07-04 06:00:00Z 0

    Rotary International President 2023-2024

    R. Gordon R. McInally

    President 2023-24

    Rotary Club of South Queensferry


    R. Gordon R. McInally was educated at the Royal High School in Edinburgh and at the University of Dundee, where he earned his graduate degree in dental surgery. He operated his own dental practice in Edinburgh until 2016. McInally was chair of the East of Scotland branch of the British Paedodontic Society and has held various academic positions. He has also served as a presbytery elder, chair of the Queensferry parish congregational board, and commissioner to the general assembly of the Church of Scotland.

    Gordon joined Rotary in 1984 at age 26. A member of the Rotary Club of South Queensferry, he has served as president and vice president of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland. He has also served RI as a director and on several committees, most recently as an adviser to the 2022 Houston Convention Committee and chair of the Operations Review Committee.

    Gordon says he looks forward to working with members to build new Rotary clubs and groups. "My vision is that Rotary should exist everywhere in a style to suit everyone who has the desire to be part of us and to help us do good in the world," he says.

    He is a patron of the UK-based nonprofit Hope and Homes for Children and led a partnership between that organization and RIBI to support children in Rwanda who had been orphaned in the genocide there. He is a patron of Trade-Aid, an initiative of the Rotary Club of Grantham Kesteven, England, that provides sustainable humanitarian aid to individuals, families, and businesses in the developing world. He is also an ambassador for Bipolar UK, a national mental health organization. In August 2022, he was made a laureate of the Sino Phil Asia International Peace Awards Foundation.

    In his free time, Gordon enjoys rugby, good food and wine, and stick dressing, the traditional Scottish craft of making walking sticks.

    Gordon describes The Rotary Foundation as "the engine that provides the energy to do Rotary service." He and his spouse, Heather, also a Rotarian, are Paul Harris Fellows, Major Donors, Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation, and members of the Bequest Society.

    Gordon wishes to dedicate his presidency to making the world a better place for his granddaughters, Ivy and Florence, and all the children of the world, to live and thrive.

    Rotary International President 2023-2024 2023-07-01 06:00:00Z 0

    $1,000,000 in Donations

    The Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast is celebrating that its generous members have contributed over $1,000,000 to The Rotary Foundation since the club’s founding in 1989!
    The mission of The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.
    Donations to The Rotary Foundation result in life changing impacts:
    • For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
    • $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
    • $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.


    $1,000,000 in Donations Philip Murphy 2023-05-18 06:00:00Z 0

    Teacher of the Month May 2023

    Andy Graham from Kinard Core Knowledge School is the teacher of the month for Rotary Club of FC- Breakfast. 

    Andy shared is passion of teaching middle school age kids!

    Teacher of the Month May 2023 Philip Murphy 2023-05-18 06:00:00Z 0

    International Service Projects

    The Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Club has turned $28,000 into $400,000 to fund international projects around the world. The original $28,000 has come from individual members and generous community members and businesses supporting the Club's local fund raising events such as the $10K Raffle, Field of Honor, and Peach Sales. Additional funding from The Rotary Foundation and from Rotary District 5440 grew the $28,000 to $400,000.
    International Service Projects Philip Murphy 2023-05-18 06:00:00Z 0

    Deb Kelly

    Deb Kelly joined Rotary to serve others and give back.  She admired Rotary from afar, but when she came to meetings, she saw that we are PEOPLE OF ACTION and wanted to be part of it!  

    After being raised in MN, she moved to Fort Collins in 1987.  She was a single mom and raised her daughter, Amber, here. Amber is a graduate of Poudre School District, C.S.U and the U. of Michigan (degree in Social Work.)   Amber, her husband and two sons (10 and 7) live here.  Deb feels blessed to be in a community that is so family oriented.  

    Deb also has a dad, stepmom, sister and brother in Alaska whom she usually visits annually.  

    She is Vice President/Manager of Independent Financial Bank and has been a banker for 40 years!  Her resume includes a short stint as an EMT in Hawaii and Loveland. 

    She loves to travel and saw the birth of a giraffe on a safari to Kenya and Tanzania. She loves the outdoors – hiking in the mountains or getting to the ocean.   And she tries to get some place warm every winter.   She enjoys movies and almost all major sports. 
    Deb Kelly Philip Murphy 2023-05-16 06:00:00Z 0

    Paul Fritz

    Paul’s first impression of Rotary was that several men he grew up around and respected in Texas were Rotarians.    He joined Rotary because he wants to give back to our community and to be able to network with like-minded people. Married last April, he and wife Natalie are expecting their first child – a girl – in August!  She is a practicing attorney at CP2 and two dogs and two cats round out their family!

    Paul is a a project manager for an IT Consulting Firm, Quisitive, a Premier Microsoft Partner that specializes in everything Microsoft.

    He loves soccer (won the Texas State Championship his senior year).  Loves woodworking and traveling to experience new cultures and foods. He enjoys snowboarding, mountain biking, running, and gardening. He recently picked up a new hobby, One Wheeling.

    Paul is both a proud Aggie (from Texas A&M) and a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He served four years as an Airborne Battle Manager on the E-3 AWACS.

    Paul Fritz  2023-05-05 06:00:00Z 0

    2023 Field of Honor®

    The Third Annual Field of Honor® (FOH) will be held Memorial Day weekend, May 26 to May 29 at Fort Collins' Spring Canyon Park on West Horesetooth Road. Medallions that honor your hero, including military veterans, first responders, or personal heroes are available to purchase and will hang on one of the 500 American flags that will make up the field. Order medallions: www.rotaryfcbreakfast.org
    2023 Field of Honor® 2023-04-16 06:00:00Z 0

    April 6, 2023 Impact Newsletter

    Inspiration:  Ann Griffith--Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime...Mark Twain

    IDEA Quote: Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. -- John F. Kennedy
    Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
        Next week is Chris Juergens: History of 10th Mountain Division

    Rob Schmieden, Colorado native, CSU alum and guest of Vic Purdy
    Deb Kelly

    • Joseph Vander Linde: 99 PSD applicants for our scholarship, deadline is April 15th.  Help needed for reading applications and ranking applicants
    • Connie Sheltren: Rotary Youth Exchange is looking for host families for upcoming exchange student.
    • Mark Campbell:  April 20th, 5:30 - 8:00,  is the celebration of our club's $1 million donation to Rotary Foundation.  It is at the Marriott on Horsetooth.  RSVP needed, cost is $20/person.
    • Gary Turner: Program committee is beginning to plan on next year's programs.  If interested the committee is open to new participants. 
    • The next Friday Food Bank work day is the 3rd Friday in April.
    • Michele Marquitz is preparing for her upcoming year as president.  Steve James s going to be the Next Generations chairperson.  Leighanne Alford is president elect. 
    • Mike Griffith and Teres Lambert:  Today is the kick off for the Field of Honor Memorial Day Weekend Event.  It will be held May 26-29 at the Spring Canyon Park.  We will be selling medallions ($50 each) to honor heroes and tiered business sponsorships are available as well.  The fund raising will take place between 4/13 to 5/15/23.  We will also be involving veteran owned businesses.  The goals are to raise $25,000 for service projects and non-profits that serve veterans and first responders, to build community and to raise awareness of Rotary.  The website will be available on 4/13. 
    • The traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall will be present at the Veteran's Park next to our Field of Honor. 
     PROGRAM: John Hintzman's experience as Rotary Youth Exchange host family
    • They have hosted exchange students from Thailand, France and Costa Rica
    • Lucille was their first exchange student and was from Bordeaux, France. 
    • John shared experiences about hosting over the years.
    • John's family initiated their exchange students by taking them to the CSU/CU game shortly after arrival. 
    • They have enjoyed visits from their exchange students over the years. 
    • Lucille is now a Rotarian and live in Berlin, Germany. 
    Gold Star Winners:
    • Mary Catherine Limbird
    • Bob Waltermire
    • Kristin Candella
    • Wilton Lyles
    • Joe McCarthy
    April 6, 2023 Impact Newsletter Carrie Campbell Broughton 2023-04-10 06:00:00Z 0

    Stephen Fowler

    Stephen hails from Madison, NJ, spending time in Ohio and Indiana before he settled in Granville, Ohio for 20 years. There, he raised three children and met Barbara Wolfe. Together, they have five children ages 21 to 28. They relocated to Castle Rock, Colorado in early 2016 where he became a Certified Home Inspector and started Vista Home Inspections. On their 35-acre ranch, they raised horses, cattle, Paco-Vicuna, industrial hemp, and four dogs.

    In June 2021, they moved to a 40-acre ranch in Fort Collins where Barb began a full-time faculty position at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Stephen is currently focused on building Dashboard Personal Workshop - a Boulder start-up woodworking tool manufacturer - into a thriving business.

    Stephen holds a Master of Public Affairs and a Master of Science in Environmental Science from the Indiana University as well as a bachelor’s in Business Administration from Kent State. Stpehen has worked for city, county, and state governments in economic development and environmental planning as well as non-profit organizations focused on downtown revitalization, housing, and economic opportunity. He was most recently an active member of the Rotary Club of Castle Rock and the Club Foundation.




    Stephen Fowler Philip Murphy 2023-03-20 06:00:00Z 0

    IDEA Committee

    The IDEA Committee is responsible for the following on behalf of the Fort Collins Rotary Club Breakfast:
    • Raising awareness of diversity,
    • Supporting of diversity, inclusion, and belonging within the club and in the club’s interaction with the community,
    • Liaising with the other club committees.
    To find out more, click here
    IDEA Committee Joe McCarthy 2023-02-11 07:00:00Z 0 Belonging,Diversity,Inclusion,Relationships

    December 8, 2022 Impact

    Inspiration:  Teres Lambert– a poem of encouragement about intentional living, serenity, and appreciation.
    IDEA Quote:     “Roddenberry’s dreams, Star Trek’s dreams, help us to think through what it would be like to have a society of abundance, of logic and reason, and of inclusion.”  ~ Manu Saadia, Trekonomics: The Economics of Star Trek
    Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
    Holly Honn visited with her husband
    Amanda Mancuso -- insurance broker as her second career
    Austin Hensen is helping his dad with Secret Santa
    Peter Bostwick is new to Fort Collins, moving back after 40 years
    Kyle Stack (zoom)
    Paul Fritz
    Vocational Talk by Bill Honn
    --Grew up in Tulsa, OK and went to KU.  He started his career as an architect in Dallas.  He moved to Beaver Creek, CO to help design and build 15 multimillion dollar homes there.  
    --He met and married Holly Hunter in Beaver Creek. He designed several award winning homes. 
    --Moved to Reston, VA  and then transitioned to project management for Plaza of the Patriots and later the prison that held Abraham Lincoln's assasin. 
    --Moved to Zagreg, Croatia (during wartime) with his wife and 3 young boys.
    --He served with the first free election in Bosnia.
    --Real estate development in Washington, DC and then moved back to CO after 9/11
    --Developed the Southwinds Lodge in Winter Park
    --Married to his wife, Holly and have three boys in their 30s
    -- Remodeled his home on Remington, added a VRBO in his garage and has an additional VRBO in Cheyenne
    --Bill is currently a project manager for Sprague Roofing and Exteriors
    Fran announced Tom Welsh is bringing cleaning supplies today for delivery to the Early Childhood Center
    Tony Catania--Idea committee is working with Braver Angels on planning a workshop for how to how difficult conversations in our contentious times called "Bridging the Divide".  Online sign up is available and is limited to 60 spots. February 9 at Senior Center.
    Secret Santa program--- Gifts will be delivered today to 106 kids and families.
    Jill Layden-- Save the date for Thursday, March 9 for the 10K raffle.  
    January 17th is the Progressive Dinner and invitation will come online.
    Tim Cochran issued an invitation to his home for Christmas Day dinner and Star Wars marathon. 
    Mark Campbell--needs RSVP for next week's Rotary Christmas Party at 7:30 am at Ginger and Baker (no Zoom option).  There will be music by Rocky Mountain High School and gifts for kids. 
    Susan Peterson--Money can be donated to Kiev International Rotary Club in Ukraine through the foundation (tax deductible).  The deadline is by the end of 2022. Make check to Breakfast Rotary Club Foundation.
    Phil Murphy--Monday from 1 to 4:30 pm, volunteer to stuff food bags for the holidays for kids and families.
    Mark Eversole has been hospitalized after a motor vehicle accident and has resigned 
    Vocational Service Committee Update
    Ron Catterson, Natalie Brown
    Looking for more members to join this committee
    Encourages high ethical standards in business, encourages the worthiness of each vocation, use of occupation to serve the world, help to develop young leaders.
    Leadership Development Team has been formed to develop workshops on life  and leadership skills such as ethics, conflict resolution, to name a few.
    Next meeting is December 13th at 7:30pm at Horse and Dragon
    Developing a database within Clubrunner on our club skills, hobbies and expertise.  All skills and talents count within and outside of our occupational skill sets. 
    Kyle Stack is the Centennial High School principal.  Centennial High School is an alternative high school in Poudre School District.They have 155 students and go through a 6 week class, called Discovery class, to promote social and emotional health and establish the culture of the school.   They have a peer mediation program to help with support and conflict resolution. There is as scholarship that goes to several CHS students each year.  $3900 was awarded to several CHS students last year.  There is also an emergency fund for students with an acute need and 3 students were served last year by this fund.
    Teacher of the Month to honor PSD teachers nominated by their administrators receive an honorarium to use for their classroom
    Ed Gillette Vocational Service Award presentation:  
    Krishna has lead trips to India in past years and received he Ed Gillette award in the past.  He was awarded the gift box that should have been given to him at the time of his receipt of this honor. Krishna also had words of support for Centennial High School. 
    December 8, 2022 Impact Carrie Campbell Broughton 2022-12-11 07:00:00Z 0
    Braver Angels Workshop Joe McCarthy 2022-11-22 07:00:00Z 0 Braver Angels,Bridging the Divide,Relationships,Rotary Fellowship

    Teres Lambert

    Teres Lambert, who was raised in northeast Kansas, has called Fort Collins/Windsor "home" for the past 10 years. Teres and her husband, John Krueger, moved to the area from Illinois so they could be closer to her daughter's family, which lives in Fort Collins, and help with Teres' special needs granddaughter. John commutes to his job in Denver. 
    Now retired, Teres has lived in five states and Australia. Her professional career included writing about animal agriculture, working for marketing/public relations companies that specialized in animal agriculture and teaching journalism and public relations on the collegiate level. She is also the author of a book, published in 2020, that covers the first 50 years of Gelbvieh, a breed of cattle, in the United States. 
    Teres was introduced to service before self as a 4-Her. "I was put on this earth to serve others, and I have the time and energy to do it, so why not do it," she states. To that point, in addition to being a member of Rotary, Teres is on the Board of Directors and President of Front Range Exceptional Equestrians, a Fort Collins-based non-profit that provides adaptive horsemanship classes for at-risk youth, first responders and individuals with special needs. 
    In her spare time, Teres enjoys sailing, traveling and hanging with friends and family. She loves to play cards and games, drink red wine and soak up life's special moments.
    Teres Lambert Philip Murphy 2022-10-26 06:00:00Z 0

    September 8, 2022 Impact Newsletter

     Inspiration: Joe McCarthy inspired us all to become active listeners, highlighting some of the practices he has learned in his Toastmasters Dynamic Leadership Training. Active listening includes respecting another's point of view and demonstrating understanding and respect through clarifying questions such as, “help me understand...”, “what do you mean by...”, and then demonstrating understanding with statements such as, “I hear what you're saying”and “I see what you mean”. Joe encourages us that by engaging in active listening “we can change things around”.

    IDEA Quote: We were all human until race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us and wealth classified us.” Unknown

    Upcoming Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends.


    • Mary Catherine Limbird introduced her husband, Martin, as her guest.

    • Martin Limbird introduced Bob Melrose, from Stockton, CA.He and his wife just moved here to be close to grand kids. Bob' was a Rotarian there and wants to join here to start getting to know the community.

    • Amy Welsh, daughter of Tom and Linda, joined us via Zoom. She has moved back to the area.

    • Patrick Bols also joined us via zoom from his home in Maryland

    • Dr. Drew Leslie and the members of the Trombone Choir Ensemble: Joseph Raby, Brenna Hudson, Christian Heck, Dylan Perez, Bryce Medlyn, Brandon Graese, Andrew Hanze andShae Mitchell


    • Amy Welsh shared with us that her dad, Tom Welsh, has suffered a heart attack. He is resting and recuperating at MCR while he awaits bypass surgery. Thoughts and prayers for his health, the surgery and his family are appreciated. Please feel free to reach out to Amy and Tom through Andy Groeger. 
    • Steve James is officially a member of the Breakfast Club!

    • Stephen Fowler attended the meeting this morning with very good news regarding his cancer treatments!

    • From Joe McCarthy:

      • The Fort Collins DEI Fellowship welcomed SheriffAaron Appelhans (Albany County, Laramie WY) on August 17th, and he gave a very well received talk on professionalism. His talk was recorded by the 1918 club, and the link to watch the recording is: https://youtu.be/tavZKwrucrQ .

      • "A Towering Task: the Story of the Peace Corps" will be shown at the Lyric Theater on Monday September 19 at 6:00 PM.  You can see a preview of the documentary here.Apartnership between Peace Corps and Rotary International was instigated by a group in District 5450 and is in its seventh year.  The reason for the partnership is the areas of focus for both organizations is almost identical.  Both organizations highly value the partnership and are constantly looking to bring it to the club level.  Seeing this documentary will surely inspire you to connect with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in the northern part of the state and to support your local citizens who will be serving in the Peace Corps in the coming years.

    • From Diane Knight

      • Paul and Diane Knight have two tickets for the Rams football game (against Sacramento State) on Saturday, Sept. 24 at 2 p.m.    If you’d like them, in exchange for a $50 donation to our Club’s Foundation, please email Diane at dkessel2@comcast.net

      • Diane will be singing with the Loveland Choral Society next weekend (Sept. 17 and 18) at the Rialto Theater in Loveland.  The show will feature music and photos from the trip to chorus took this summer to Ireland and Scotland.  For tickets, go to The Rialto Theater (rialtotheatercenter.org)

    • Jill Layden invited interested members to the 10,000 Raffle Committee meeting on Monday at 5:30 at Horse and Dragon.

    • Connie Sheltren announced that recruiting has begun for Rotary Youth Exchange 2023-24 and that our club will be sponsoring a student. Please let any interested students, who will be 15-19 years old in August of 2023, know that applications are available and interviews will be the last week of September.


    Program – CSU Trombone Choir Ensemble

    • Bob Williams introduced Dr. Drew Leslie, associate professor CSU. Dr. Leslie attended the University of Michigan (B.M.), Manhattan School Of Music (M.M.) and the University of Texas at Austin (D.M.A.) In addition to his passion for music education, Dr. Leslie is and has been very active in performances across the country. At CSU, Dr. Leslie serves as Associate Professor of Trombone and Undergraduate Coordinator in the School of Music, Theatre and Dance.He leads a group of 16 trombonists in the Trombone Choir Ensemble, a subset of which played several beautiful pieces for our meeting this morning.  https://www.facebook.com/fcbreakfastrotary/videos/594956242374515

    • Trombone students from across campus, representing music majors, music minors and various other majors come together to rehearse and perform original music written and arranged for this type of ensemble. Unlike a traditional concert band or orchestra where the trombone often takes a background role, in trombone choir the students are required to cover all musical and technical roles which pushes their skills and musical maturity on the instrument. Dr. Leslie would love to hear from us at Drew.Leslie@colostate.edu.

    • We have the opportunity to enjoy The Trombone Choir again! The ensemble has a concert on Nov. 9th at 7:30 pm in Griffin Concert Hall in the University Center for the Arts building on the CSU campus. It is a free concert that will feature a wide variety of music, all written and arranged for trombone choir.


    Until next week....DREAM BIG 

    September 8, 2022 Impact Newsletter Wendy Lange 2022-09-09 06:00:00Z 0

    3rd Grade Literacy Project

    Thank You to All Who Supported the 3rd Grade Literacy Project!
    It was a successful day at the Holiday Twin Drive-In theater for the 2022 Peach Delivery. Close to 800 boxes of delicious Palisade peaches were loaded into cars along with Ginger & Baker peach pies and jalapeño jam, and Savory Spice peach spice.
    Following delivery members of the club were actively volunteering and selling more peaches at the Fort Collins Peach Festival.
    3rd Grade Literacy Project Philip Murphy 2022-08-28 06:00:00Z 0

    August 11, 2022 Newsletter

    Inspiration:  Ann Griffith inspired us with the story of a 98 year old Rotarian from Japan (whose photo is on the cover of the latest Rotary magazine) who is doing tea services all over the world, sharing the message of peace, reconciliation and brotherhood.
    IDEA Quote:   “Life puts rocks in your path – it’s up to you to decide if you want to build a bridge or a wall with them.”
    Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
    Needs Quick Response:  Can you work a shift from 1-3 this Saturday at one of the local breweries to sell peaches?   If so, please contact Michele Marquitz at 970-215-9449 and she’ll give you all of the details! 
    • Amy Welsh (Tom and Amy’s daughter)
    • Beth Maddox (Columbia, MO) – Amy’s cousin
    • Speaker – Robert Williams
    Awards:  Sara Murphy recognized several people in the club:
    • Paul Harris Awards – for those who have contributed $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International:  Arun Murthy, nephew of Krishna (+1), Curt Bear (+1), Carrie Broughton (+2), Carrie Levy (+3), Michele Marquitz (+3), Tim Cochran (+3), Carol Morris (+3), Andy Groeger (+4), Ellen Brinks (+5), Joe McCarthy (+3-6), Lynn Matson (+8), Mark Campbell (+8)
    • End of Year Club Awards:
      • Rock Star – Tom Welsh for his support for the Early Childhood Development Program and fixing bicycles for underserved kids
      • Rotary Spirit – Gary Tuner for his championship of a project to build a community garden in Zimbabwe
      • Guiding Light – Kristin Candella for thoughtful and organized leadership of the 10K fundraiser and for her boundless energy and creativity
      • Most Active New Member Joseph Vander Linde (awarded at end of year party)
      • Charlie Peterson Service Above Self - Fran Lefler (awarded at end of year party)
      • Rotarian of the Year – Joe McCarthy (awarded at end of year party)
    Annual Peach Sale for Literacy:
    • Mike Griffith – please use the link below to sign up to volunteer for the Peach Sale Delivery or for selling peaches at the Peach Festival!
    • https://bit.ly/3JMvSDE
    • Ann Griffith – please consider a $250 sponsorship of a classroom (proceeds will be split between the literacy project (40%) and our club Foundation (60%)).  If interested, please contact ann.griffith@frosch.com
    • Andy Chaffin – be intentional about “selling literacy” to everyone you know!   The proceeds from the peach sales will provide grants for teachers for their literacy efforts as well as fund some of our club projects; encourage a business owner to buy a box for their staff or to distribute to customers
    • You can provide the recipe below to friends who might be looking for something great to make with all of those peaches.   Courtesy of Martine Bols.
    The Peach Festival
    Program:   Robert Williams new Executive Director of the Larimer County Health District
    • A special tax district serving the northern 2/3 of Larimer County, established in 1960
    • The organization’s mission is to enhance the health of the community and has a five-member board
    • The Health District impacted 10,648 individuals in 2021 with a staff of 125
    • Budget is $14 million; of that, $10 million comes from taxation and remainder is from property and grants
    • The bad news is that depression and substance abuse are up for teens (partially a function of Covid) but the good news is that they like to connect and receive counseling virtually.
    • This is somewhat unique to Larimer County.   There are only a handful of these types of programs in Colorado and the country.
    • The Health District provides many programs and services.   For more information about all of these, use the link below to see the Power Point the speaker used:
    Thanks to the program committee for bringing us this informative program.
    August 11, 2022 Newsletter Diane Knight 2022-08-12 06:00:00Z 0
    Rotary Responds to Ukraine Crisis 2022-07-02 06:00:00Z 0

    2022 Field of Honor®

    The second annual Field of Honor® Flag Display will be help over Memorial Day weekend, May 27 - 30, 2022 at Spring Canyon Park, 2626 West Horsetooth Road. For $50, you can honor your own personal hero which can include veterans, living or deceased, active military, first responders, frontline workers, medical workers, teachers, or other personal heroes. Each hero’s medallion will be proudly displayed on a flag at the Field of Honor®.
    Please visit www.rotaryfcbreakfast.org where you will find a link to purchase a medallion. You can pick up your medallion at the site anytime during the weekend. Sponsorships are also available from the same site.
    500 American flags will be proudly displayed at the site.
    Proceeds from the sale of the medallions will support Health4Heroes and the Fort Collins Rotary Club Foundation.
    2022 Field of Honor® 2022-04-10 06:00:00Z 0

    $10K 2022 Raffle

    The annual $10K "Love Our Community" Raffle was held February 14, 2022. Proceeds raised support our local and international People of Action Projects.
    Congratulations to the $10K Winner for this year.
    The entire Fort Collins Breakfast memberships wishes to express our greatest gratitude to all who bought tickets for this event. Past funds raised have gone on to support several local charities and to foster international understanding through projects for clean water and health.
    $10K 2022 Raffle 2021-12-13 07:00:00Z 0

    December 9, 2021 Newsletter

    December 9, 2021
    Inspiration:  Ann Griffith  
    • Maria Nara – Head of Early Childhood Center
    • Leighanne Alford – Prospective member
    • Carol Cochran – Guest of Tim Cochran
    • Ann Hutchison – President and CEO of Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce
    • Bill Lamperes – former FCRBRC member
    • Austin Hensen – son of Andrew Hensen
    • Joyce Dickens - Filmographer
    IDEA Quote:  “When you clench your fist, no one can put anything in your hand, nor can your hand pick up anything.”-- Alex Haley, writer
    10K Raffle:   “Love our Community” drawing for $10,000 on Feb.14th.  If we each sell six $100 tickets, we can meet our goal of 500 tickets.   They will make great Christmas gifts – look for the website to go live very soon!
    • Tracy Mead – all are welcome and encouraged to join the Program committee; if interested, contact tracymead2003@yahoo.com
    • Bob Williams look for sign up sheets for Meals on Wheels
    • Save the Date!  Feb. 6th – Purple Pins for Polio; a bowling event with the other Fort Collins Rotary clubs.  Details to come.
    • Jen Parker completed all of the requirements of the New Member Orientation – congrats, Jen!
    Program:  Ann Hutchinson – CEO of Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce; after 18 years with the Chamber, she became CEO in January of 2021
    •  Work of the Chamber is about:
      • Helping to connect people to community resources (the “Front Door”)
      • Helping create leaders for the community – Leadership Fort Collins and Leadership Northern Colorado
      • Being a strong advocate for Business – tracking policy recommendations and how they will impact businesses
      • Being a place for businesses to connect
    • NoCo Prospers 1.0 Fundraising and investment campaign – raised $3.8 million for
      • Fixing N. I-25 - $500 million gap for work between Longmont and Berthoud
      • Supporting Talent development
        • Talent Portal
        • Trailing Spouse Program
        • Workplace Learning Alliance with all educational partners
      • Working on a Covid Recovery Plan, to include more economic marketing (building relationships with bigger companies)
      • Business Retention and Expansion – how to help these businesses after Covid
    •  NoCo Prospers 2.0 Raised $4 million to be used over next 5 years - will launch Jan. 1
      •  Economy
      • Talent
      • Business friendly environment
      • I-25 – transportation across the region – how to plan for and fund this, especially with crossroads like Hwy 34, 392 and 14)
    •  Questions:
      • What are we missing most in terms of talent?   C Suite talent and People of Color
      • Is the Regional Airport part of the plan?  Definitely – must take advantage of that as a hub for economic activity
      • What impact is money from Fed. Govt. having? First round made a big difference but over the next 6-8 months, we’ll have a reckoning; funding streams will allow us to take on issues that are business related, but social (i.e. like homelessness; transit)
      • Is there a Master Plan for I-25?  Yes, go to cdot.gov
      • Is retail dead?  No, but they need to modify their businesses
      • Metrics – have 1083 members, want 1200-1300
    Thanks to the program committee for bringing us this great program!
    December 9, 2021 Newsletter Diane Knight 2021-12-10 07:00:00Z 0

    November 18, 2021 Newsletter

    • Inspiration, Pledge and Rotary 4 Way Test – Bob Waltermire
      • Bob recited Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, as it is the anniversary of the original delivery during the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, PA. Read the address here.
    • Introduction of guests – Sargent at Arms Curt Bear
      • Today’s speaker: Alyssa Stephens
      • Leighanne Alford – Past Rotary president from Little Rock, guest of John Hintzman
    • History and dedication of the new Club flag
      • New flag: from Nan Brown
        • In her father’s honor, he was a long-time member of the Eastside Club of Colorado Springs – his membership taught Nan a lot about community service. Her father was a Marine Veteran – and lived his life with service to country, family and God. Semper Fi to Charlie Brown, the flag is dedicated in his honor.
      • New stand: Joe McCarthy created the flag stand.
        • Joe is a woodworker and was asked to create it to hold the donated flag. As a special reminder: don’t think that you are imposing on someone to do something they are good at – rather include them in the process so they can contribute talent.
    • Announcements
      • Secret Santa. We’ve secured helpers for 50 kids, 23 families. We still need assistance for 40 families/50 kids. Watch for a reminder Friday with link. Gary Turner or Andrew can pick up gifts Dec. 8. If you are able, we also need help gift buying on behalf of Rotarians who can’t go shopping themselves. Please let Andrew or Gary know if you can help with that!
      • Annual Christmas party is Thursday morning Dec. 16 normal meeting time – please RSVP by Dec. 6
      • Save the date: Jan. 18, 2022 for the progressive dinner in Downtown Fort Collins. It will be a full evening of fellowship and visiting three restaurants. Watch or more info soon!
      • Peach pies for sale! $40! Support 3rd grade literacy while eating something delicious. Contact Michele Marquitz for your pie, which she will deliver before Sunday afternoon.
      • Help a family this holiday season, donate a turkey to the Food Bank.  Contact Michele for more info and if they still need them at the time of the newsletter distribution.
      • Volunteer for the Meals on Wheels food delivery program. New volunteers have to participate in an onboarding process two weeks before your volunteer shift starts. Shifts are Wednesdays, 11 am. start, 3 people per week; we always need new volunteers. See Bob Williams for more information.
      • Vocational service committee meets the last Tuesday of the month on zoom at 7:30 a.m. Things they are working on: Teacher of the Month may return in 2022, and hopefully, Student of the Month. More committee members are welcome to help with this import work. Contact Nan Brown for more info.
      • Foundation Month reminder – International committee submitted a grant for a menstrual hygiene grant - $3,000 but is leveraging that with other clubs for a total of $50,000 request. Krishna will keep us posted.
      • From our After Work Rotary friends
        • Do your Holiday shopping online at our virtual, silent auction. Help RAW to improve elementary student's reading in Fort Collins, to rebuild schools in Nepal, and much more. Click here to register and buy and review all our current projects.
    • Today’s Program – Welcome Alyssa Stephens – City of Fort Collins Neighborhood Forum – Intro by Dave Haase
      • Neighborhood Services includes important work such as:
        • CSU/City Liaison
        • Neighborhood Development
        • Mediation/restorative justice
        • Connector department to other City departments/programs/resources
      • Growth in Fort Collins
        • 100,000 + people in LC over the next two decades
        • There are still spaces where building can and will happen
        • City Plan sets the vision/umbrella of how the city will grow
        • Zoning determines what kinds of development can happen in a neighborhood
      • Development review ensures new plans prioritize things such as look, feel, environmental resources, development is paying their own way that helps the city improve transportation infrastructure.
      • The City creates “the what” of what can be built, but not the specifics or mandates.
        • Neighborhood engagement and outreach are almost always needed for new development – so get involved and provide feedback as you know your neighborhood more than anyone.
      • Development review neighborhood meetings – in zoom for now. Provides sneak peeks of potential developments. They are required before development plans are submitted.
      • Master street plan exists, and developers are contributing to the funding bucket that then triggers improvements/enhancements to accommodate the new buildings/residents.
      • Housing needs are driving zoning changes – from commercial/industrial to residential – by the property owner. Many steps are involved, but it does happen. City can also update zoning to preserve certain kinds of residential areas, such as mobile home parks. They work with property owners on this process.
      • Learn more at: https://www.fcgov.com/neighborhoodservices/
    November 18, 2021 Newsletter Claire Bouchard 2021-11-19 07:00:00Z 0

    Brenda Simon

    A warm welcome to our new member Brenda Simon. She is the CEO of Northern Colorado Rehabilitation Hospital and Northern Colorado Long Term Acute Hospital.Brenda joined Rotary because “I have been looking for a way to integrate into the community (Covid has definitely been a barrier.)
    Brenda Simon Marge Mercurio 2021-10-26 06:00:00Z 0

    Tony Catania

    Tony Catania, Senior Finance Manager at Kaiser Permanente Health Plan joined our club in May, 2021. He has lived in the Fort Collins area for about a year.His hobbies include running, hiking, board games, podcasts, cross-country skiing and many others. Tony joined our Rotary club as a way to invest in the Fort Collins community, get to know people and focus on the world outside of work and home.
    Tony Catania Marge Mercurio 2021-09-29 06:00:00Z 0

    July 8, 2021 Newsletter

    Zoom Meeting – July 8,  2021


    Inspiration:  Ken Campbell - “Fruit of the Spirit” apostle Paul


    Diversity Quote: “Hating people because of their color is wrong and it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just wrong.” – Muhammad Ali



    Brian Carroll – Speaker on Soapstone Prairie and Native American presence in Lindemeier
    Ashley Krueger – Representative of Gardens on Spring Creek-thanking FCBR for their grant this past year. Presentation on the Gardens
    Constance Sheltren – Rotarian from Carson City, Nevada. Constance is looking to join our club
    Matt Hoppal – guest of Diane Knight – new local banker
    Kristen Mast – Guest of Cindy Cloyd
    Elizabeth Stevens – not introduced
    1. Andy Groeger- introduction of Ashley Krueger, City of Fort Collins Education Director

    • Community Service Beneficiary for Gardens on Spring Creek- Rotary Grant request Appreciates support from Rotary. Planning events for Gardens for All Access Program.
    • Library Card – Access with card
    • Free Memberships
    • Family Passes
    • Discounted Admission
    • Scholarships for educational programs
    • Program participation has increased this year.
    • Grant helps with Early Childhood Education PACT Night- Partnering with Poudre River Library District- 1 summer event August 11 and 1 winter during the Garden of Lights event.
    1. Catherine Varra-Nelson – July birthdays
    Ken Campbell       July 8
    Cait Nase              July 11
    Gary Turner         July 12
    Bob Waltermire   July 12
    Dick Griffith         July 13
    Harlan Meckelburg   July 14
    Terry Podmore     July 16
    Scott Sinclair        July 20
    Phil Murphy         July 27
    1. John Hintzman – Program Committee stand-up meeting after club meeting
    2. John Carroll – The Annual Greens Fore Giving Golf Fundraiser event will be August 9, 2021- 40 players already signed up
    3. Ann Griffith - Next week’s speaker will be Author Lee Child: there will be a book signing for books purchased at Old Firehouse Books
    4. Bob Waltermire - International Service Meeting Special event-email coming with more details and links to RSVP
    5. Dave Hause - Peach Festival http://fortcollinspeachfestival.com/
    6. Michele Marquitz - Peach Sales are coming. Boxes of peaches and pies for sale. pick up date, August 28, 2021

    Program: Lindernmeier Site

    Program Introduction by Bob Williams:

    Guest Speaker:  Brian Carroll – Volunteer Master Naturalist- Shared the history and significance of the Lindenmeier Site at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area

    Beginning Quote:

     “This is a Very Sacred Place,” Quote from Ute Elder Clifford Duncan. Lindenmeier Site

    The most famous cultural site at Soapstone Prairie is the Lindenmeier archeological site, a National Historic Landmark. Excavations in the 1930s by the Smithsonian and Colorado Museum of Natural History conclusively dated human habitation in North America to at least 10,000 years ago and gave new insight into the Folsom culture. Needles, beads and stone tools were found, making the Lindenmeier site the most extensive Folsom culture campsite yet found. Learn more about the excavations in this booklet about the excavations. Other human history at Soapstone Prairie includes possible Clovis complex sites, numerous stone rings, sheep camp rock cairns, ruins of historic homesteads, ranches and their associated buildings, the foundation of a schoolhouse, and roads and trails. Learn more at Fort Collins Natural Areas- Soapstone Prairie Natural Area. (Soapstone Prairie Natural Area, n.d.)



    July 8, 2021 Newsletter Patricia Cantrell 2021-07-09 06:00:00Z 0


    Starting on August 5, 2021 the Breakfast Rotary Club will be meeting face-to-face at our new location.
    Please join us at Ginger & Baker on 359 Linden Street near Old Town Fort Collins.
    BACK TO FACE-TO-FACE MEETINGS Philip Murphy 2021-07-03 06:00:00Z 0

    April 8, 2021 Newsletter

    Hybrid Meeting – April 8, 2021
    Inspiration: Joe McCarthy
    • Wendy Lange
    • Kevin Bolin
    • Mike Griffith, Field Of Honor Team – Mike shared a moving video about the Field Of Honor project. He also advised club members to look out for an email explaining the Field of Honor project in detail, especially how to order a Medal of Honor. Brooke Cunningham showed club members how to share club posts about the project on Facebook and encouraged us to share them. 
    • Bob Williams, Meals on Wheels – Bob announced that there are still opportunities to volunteer with Meals On Wheels for May and June. For club members who want to volunteer but haven't yet volunteered, training is also available. 
    • David Haage, Peach Festival – David announced that the Rotary Peach Festival 2021 is definitely on for this year and encouraged club members to save the date 8/21/21. The Peach Festival will be held at The Holiday Twin drive-in this year, instead of the Hughes Stadium grounds, and will be in the afternoon and evening rather than starting early in the morning and running through the afternoon. 
    • Tim Cochran, New Member Announcement – Tim made a New Member Announcement #2 for prospective member Tony Catania.
    • Krishna Murthy - Krishna explained that Ellen Brinks' name had been accidentally omitted in an email sent out by Rotary International Committee Chair, John Trewartha, in which he described a project that Ellen Brinks works with in Zambia, which supports young women in building life skills. 
    • Lee Varra-Nelson, New Member Induction – Lee inducted two new members: Scott Sinclair and Joseph Vander Linde.
    • Joseph Van Der Linde, Call for Volunteers - Joseph announced that for those who live in Timnath, they are doing a cleanup of Latham Parkway this coming Sunday 1-3. Signups are at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/keep-timnath-clean-latham-pkwy-cleanup-tickets-148265113947?aff=erelexpmlt
    Jen Parker introduced program presenter Mary Ericson, who is the Development Director for CASA of Larimer County
    Mary Ericson described how CASA was originally founded by a juvenile court judge in Seattle who, concerned about making decisions about children with insufficient information, conceived the idea of citizen volunteers speaking up for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the courtroom.
    CASA of Larimer County works in partnership with the National CASA program, and was one of the first CASA programs in Colorado. CASA of Larimer County supports children and families in Larimer County through two core programs; Court Appointed Special Advocates and Family Connections- Visitation and Exchange services.
    Mary explained that there is a tremendous need for these services and subsequently a need to recruit new volunteers. 
    She stated that there are more than 600 children annually who have open "dependence and neglect" cases and that CASA is currently only able to serve 54% of those cases. Therefore, CASA of Larimer County has set a goal to swear in 100 new volunteers in 2021; by April, they have succeeded in swearing in 44/100 and they hope that they might encourage members of Fort Collins Rotary Breakfast to consider becoming "CASA"s. 
    As a CASA - which stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate - you would meet weekly or biweekly with a child who is in foster care due to an issue of dependency or neglect within their family of origin. 
    Depending on the age of the child, which can be from infancy to 17-18 years old, volunteer activities can range from playing with a baby to assess whether they're achieving development milestones as expected for their age, or helping a teen learn how to cook as they transition out of foster care to living on their own. CASAs write weekly reports about the child and advise family court judges about recommended next steps for a child.
    Mary emphasized how vital the CASA volunteer is, as a stable, positive adult role model in the life of a child who can experience a lot of volatility in the months during which their case moves through the court and family services systems. 
    President Tim Cochran asked club member Craig Campbell to share his experience with CASAs when he was a foster parent. Craig emphatically agreed with Mary that the CASA was essential to a child and the child's foster parents, helping them to understand what was really going on as the child's case moved through the system, and helping the foster parent to understand the child's experiences, behaviors, and needs for emotional support. 
    Mary also emphasized that, because they seek to have CASAs who "represent the children they advocate for," they welcome volunteers of both male and female genders and have a real need for male volunteers currently. 
    Because of Covid-19, some volunteer meetings with children and some volunteer supervised visitations of the child with family are virtual but some are still by necessity in person with the appropriate precautions taken to reduce the risk of infection.
    To become a CASA, a club member would:
    • Fill out an application.
    • Go through a screening process.
    • Interview with staff.
    • Need to pass a background check.
    • Train to understand the trauma that children might experience, learn about the substance abuse their family members might experience, and learn about the court and family services systems.
    Club members inquired how else the club might help CASA of Larimer County and Mary replied that they could use help with the following:
    • Small recurring donations to help them grow
    • Help with maintenance and administrative tasks at their Harmony House location
    • Help with raising community awareness of the program
    For more information about how to volunteer or donate, visit the website for CASA of Larimer County:

    Good News:
    • Jen Parker - Jen announced that both of her kids had graduated in a virtual, live-streamed ceremony from the Colorado State University oval. She made a "shout out" to the class of 2021 and all that they had endured on the way to graduation.
    • Craig Campbell - Craig announced that the Rotary International Trustees and Board of Directors had placed more emphasis on environmental concerns in the criteria to choose scholarship recipients and that both of the recipients of the scholarship this year were going into natural resource management and were concerned about water conservation and use in some fashion.
    • Ron Catterson - Ron's son, a graduation senior at Colorado State University accepted an internship in Durango and Ron and the family are looking forward to visiting him there.
    • David Haage - David is excited to say that he can soon visit his Mom, in person, in Nebraska!
    • John Hintzeman - John was happy to announce that Lucille, former exchange student from Bordeaux, France, is engaged and that his family is looking forward to attending the wedding in Florence Italy on August 14th. 
    • J Burton - J announced that she completed her certification program and is now officially a "Story Grid Certified Editor," and she shared her associated business website with the club: https://language-is-a-superpower.com/
    April 8, 2021 Newsletter "J" Burton 2021-04-08 06:00:00Z 0

    Brooke Cunningham

    Our newest member, Brooke Cunningham, Philanthropy Manager for Neighbor to Neighbor, has lived in the Fort Collins area since 2014. Brooke wanted to join the Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast “To help make a difference! I wanted a way to get more involved in the community but also wanted the fellowship that comes with a service organization."
    Brooke Cunningham Marge Mercurio 2021-03-23 06:00:00Z 0

    Becky de la Torre, MD

    Some background information and insight into our newest member, Becky de la Torre, MD. 
    What is your Job title and company: Physician and co-owner of Allura Skin, Laser and Wellness Clinic. 
    I practiced in Lincoln, NE for 4 years before moving to Colorado. I practiced traditional medicine in Loveland until 2004 and then in Fort Collins from 2004-2008. I have owned a medical spa since 2004.
    Becky de la Torre, MD Marge Mercurio 2021-03-11 07:00:00Z 0

    February 18, 2021 Newsletter

         Catherine Varra-Nelson shared Mia Angelo's "Human Family" in honor of black history month.
    • Erin Hottenstien was invited by Brooke Corbel. 
    • Bill Wright was invited by John Hintzman
    • 10K Raffle Raffle
      • Prize Drawing winners for ticket sales this week were Cathy Miner & Becky Delatore
      • Over 300 tickets now sold
      • Be like "6 Ticket Jill"- email, text or call 6 people.  Post on social media & follow up!
    February 18, 2021 Newsletter Carrie Holmes 2021-02-23 07:00:00Z 0

    December 3, 2020 Newsletter

    Club Assembly
    Invocation: Lee Vera Nelson shared an inspiration on diversity & equality.
    December Birthdays:
    • Kathy Miner December 5th
    • Natalie Brown December 9th
    • Jen Parker December 11th
    • John Trewartha December 18th
    • Cary Levy December 23rd
    • Ron Catterson December 30th 
    New Member Talk: Jeana Burton shared her inspiring and heart warming story.....
    Jeana is a writer and her husband is a home brewer.  Coincidentally she has met fellow Rotarians at Horse & Dragon and was inspired to join Rotary.
    She loves reading which was shaped by her trips to the library as a young girl.
    She has a BA of Art History and BA of English Literature and Master of ....sorry your humble note taker missed in what, but something amazing!  As well as being nominated for prestigious awards for writing.
    Jeana shared it that it has been a circuitous road to writing.  She highly recommends Linda Barry's book "What it is" which brought the magic back to her writing.  
    She has treasured journaling through the pandemic and is working on publishing works.
    She is passionate about helping others overcome struggles to write.  
    She is working on getting certified and becoming a freelance book editor.  
    December 3, 2020 Newsletter Carrie Holmes 2020-12-09 07:00:00Z 0

    Claire Bouchard

    Claire Bouchard, Vice President of United Way of Larimer County is our newest member.  Previously she held positions as a national marketing director for SAFEbuilt; co-founder of Slate Communications, a Fort Collins-based marketing and creative firm; and Public Relations Coordinator for the City of Fort Collins.
    Claire Bouchard Marge Mercurio 2020-09-17 06:00:00Z 0

    Jen Parker

    Our new member, Jen Parker, Executive Director, KRFC, 88.9 FM is a veteran marketer with extensive experiences in the multimedia industry working in both Europe and the U.S. for leading companies, such as such as Future Publishing, Ziff-Davis, Imagine Media, Raycom Media/NBC and iHeartmedia.
    Jen Parker Marge Mercurio 2020-08-26 06:00:00Z 0

    Joe McCarthy

    Joe McCarthy new Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast memberMeet Joe McCarthy, owner of JDI Consulting, LLC (that stands for “Just Do It.”) He's ex-Hewlett Packard (like many others), and is now active in traffic safety/integrated crash analysis. Joe has lived in Fort Collins for 15 years and prior to that lived outside the US for almost 20 years, in France, Singapore, Egypt, and Dubai.
    Joe McCarthy Marge Mercurio 2020-08-25 06:00:00Z 0
    Updates from the Breakfast Rotary Club Philip Murphy 2020-08-11 06:00:00Z 0

    2020 $10K Raffle


    We had so much fun in 2020, jump here to buy tickets for 2021:


    2020 $10K Raffle Philip Murphy 2020-03-20 06:00:00Z 0

    Spotlight on Caitlin Nase

    After growing up with multiple exchange students in her house, Cait moved from Maryland to attend Colorado State University where she received a bachelor’s in International Studies and a minor in German and Japanese. She works for DISH Network in Business Administration as an Inventory Specialist. Before that, she worked one of her passions as a landscaper.
    Spotlight on Caitlin Nase Marge Mercurio 2020-01-29 07:00:00Z 0

    Reading Program with Book Trust

    Rotary District 5440 Governor Chris Woodruff and Karoline joined several Breakfast Club members for their monthly reading program at Laurel elementary School in Fort Collins. The students were thrilled to have a near "Santa" look alike reading with them. The reading program is a cooperative project between the Breakfast Club and the Book Trust organization.
    Reading Program with Book Trust 2020-01-19 07:00:00Z 0

    School is Cool Backpacks

    Kathy Phifer from the CSU School is Cool Backpack Program presented an over view of their efforts to make sure that all students have the necessary material that they need to have a successful year regardless of their economic status. For the 2019-2020 school year, they gave out 2614 backpacks at 51 schools using the $51,000 donated to the program. Each backpack contains the appropriate material for the particular grade level. Each backpack contains anywhere from $75 to $150 worth of material, depending on the grade. With the help of the CSU Bookstore, each pack costs only $25 for the pack and material.
    The program started in 1991, with 60 backpacks and 5 schools.
    School is Cool Backpacks Philip Murphy 2020-01-02 07:00:00Z 0

    Gifts Galore

    Thirty five families and almost 100 children will have a bright and merry holiday season as the members of Breakfast Rotary came forward to supply presents. This gift giving program has been going on for many years in conjunction with the Poudre Head Start.
    Gifts Galore 2019-12-15 07:00:00Z 0

    Member Spotlight: Ron Catterson

    Ron Catterson, our newest member was previously at the Rotary Club of Evergreen in Colorado. Ron has been a Rotarian since 2006 and has been active in the the RYLA program for years. He and his wife, D’Anna moved to Fort Collins in April 2019. Ron is a commercial real estate broker and his interests include mountain biking, skiing, fly-fishing, camping, hunting, experiencing live music and cheering on the Broncos.
    Member Spotlight: Ron Catterson Marge Mercurio 2019-11-04 07:00:00Z 0

    October 31, 2019 Newsletter

    Jim Hightower- Thanked all for help with the dictionary sticker party.  Now it’s time to sign up for Dictionary Deliveries
    Catherine – Requested that members upload a current photo on Club Runner so new members can get to know everyone
    Susan Peterson- Seeking help with finding the entertainment for our Christmas program for the kids
    Ola is looking to share fun activities with our Rotary Club, so reach out and call her.  She is also already starting to raise funds for the end of year bus trip and can babysit or do odd jobs. 
    Don't forget the CSU Rotaract's Chili Cookoff Coming up!  Nov. 8 – 7-9 pm at Horse and Dragon – fund raiser for Book Trust. Support their club and vote for our own Cindy Cloyd’s chili!   Register at accelevents.com/e/focorotaract
    International Service Committee Check Presentation-
                   John Trewartha presented a check on behalf of the International Service Committee and Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary to Kate Norton of “Days for Girls International”
    Their mission is to help women stay in school and get an education and women keep jobs by providing feminine hygiene products and kits. 
    Updates on Shelter Box-
    • Cheyenne Community Rotaract put of a tent and raised funds of $700 from donations. 
    • Our Club received a letter of gratitude from Shelter Box four the clubs $1000 donation and a story of hope was provided from a recipient of a box in Paraguay
    October 31, 2019 Newsletter 2019-10-31 06:00:00Z 0

    Member Spotlight: Carrie Campbell Broughton

    Dr. Carrie Campbell Broughton, joined the Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast as a way to connect with other like-minded committed members and to spend time with her father, Ken Campbell. Carrie works as physician at Mountain View Family Medicine and Auburn Crest Hospice and has lived in Fort Collins for over 18 years.
    Member Spotlight: Carrie Campbell Broughton Marge Mercurio 2019-10-31 06:00:00Z 0

    Member Spotlight: Lynn Matson

    Lynn Matson, moved to Fort Collins in March 2019 and is one of our newest members. A longtime Rotarian, he was a member of the Rotary of Loveland Club since 2005. In Loveland, Lynn, was involved in the sponsorship section of the Loveland Rotary Rubber Duck Race among many other club projects.
    Member Spotlight: Lynn Matson Marge Mercurio 2019-10-22 06:00:00Z 0

    October 10, 2019 Newsletter

    Posted by Lynn Matson
    President Ann Bedient called the meeting to order at the Spirit Crossing Clubhouse at 7:18 am.
    Inspiration: Ann Bedient
    • Ryan Trost – Rotaract
    • Carrie Campbell Broughton – Prospective Member
    • Ola Saganowska – Exchange Student from Poland
    • Second new member announcement for Carrie Broughton
    • Jim Dawdy had a stroke last weekend.
    • Jim McCambridge is looking for ideas for community service projects for “Make A Difference Day” on Oct 26.
    • Cindy Cloyd is looking for suggestions for publications that could run a story about her son’s Global Grant to create a movie “Lady Madonna” https://vimeo.com/336499799
    • Ryan Trost has tickets to sell for the Chili Cook Off fundraiser for the Book Trust at Horse and Dragon from 7-9:00 pm on November 8. 
    • Kathy Miner requested members to sign up for Meals on Wheels for November: https://fcbreakfastrotary.org/events/calendar
    Program: Natalie Brown, Director of Spirit Crossing Clubhouse introduced Spirit Crossing Clubhouse members Trinity and Elana.
    • Since 1998, Spirit Crossing Clubhouse has helped adults work through their mental health recovery to become productive and significant contributors to Larimer County. Personal recovery and wellness goals may include:
      • Obtaining or maintaining employment
      • Pursuing an education (GED, college and masters degrees)
      • Building positive social relationships
      • Leading a productive, meaningful life
    •  Mission: Spirit Crossing Clubhouse supports adults with behavioral health disorders as they pursue their personal, social, financial and vocational goals.
    • Vision: We believe one’s wellness depends upon experiencing positive work opportunities, meaningful social relationships, having one’s skills and talents needed by others and promoting independence through community involvement. The Spirit Crossing community seeks to reduce stigma of mental illness through community education and outreach programs.
    • 70% of members live independently.
    • Work opportunities offered include; librarian, receptionist, clerical tasks, gardening, grounds maintenance and bookkeeping integrated into the community.
    • The annual cost for a person at Spirit Crossing Clubhouse is only $4400/year which is about 1/3 of the cost of alternative approaches for treating behavioral health disorders.
    • Medicaid is the primary source of revenue plus SummitStone, the State budget and private donations.
    • There are 330 accredited Spirit Crossing Clubhouse locations worldwide. 
    October 10, 2019 Newsletter Lynn Matson 2019-10-11 06:00:00Z 0

    Greens Fore Giving Golf Fundraiser

    Thanks to our sponsors 
    Greens Fore Giving is an annual fundraising golf tournament put on by the Fort Collins Rotary Breakfast Club. Our event this year is on June 14th, 2019 at Colindale Golf course located in Fort Collins, CO.

    Schedule of Events:

    10:30am – Check-In

    12:00pm– Shotgun Start – Box Lunches will be provided

    5:00pm-7:30pm – Post tournament cocktail party (*open to all Rotarians – more details coming soon)

    This years supported charities include: Fort Collins Habitat For HumanityFoundation Music School, Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Club,Fort Collins Foothills Rotary ClubFort Collins After Work Rotary ClubFort Collins Downtown Club (1918 Club) Rotary Club.

    Grand Door Prize

    Getaway Trip to San Diego, CA

    To register click HERE
    Greens Fore Giving Golf Fundraiser 2019-04-13 06:00:00Z 0
    Rotary Peace Initiative Speaker Series 2019-03-05 07:00:00Z 0
    2019 $10K Raffle PJM 2019-02-19 07:00:00Z 0

    Secret Santa

    Members of the Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Club once again will be making some local residents very happy this holiday season. Through the efforts of Rotarians Gary Turner and Andrew Hensen, the members of the club adopted over 40 families. Gifts were purchased and wrapped and will be handed out to over 100 children who might not have had a bright Christmas. The Club has been adopting families for many years and the numbers grow every year.
    Secret Santa Marge 2018-12-19 07:00:00Z 0

    Be the Inspiration: The Gift of Mobility

    Dave Talbot, Sara Murphy, Marge Mercurio  - Crutches for Africa
    Do you remember David Talbot from Crutches 4 Africa? He came to our club earlier in May as our program speaker – and a powerful program it was! 

    It stirred a “movement.”  Remember lugging in all those walkers, crutches, ski and trekking poles, boots and wheelchairs to meetings so they could be collected and prepared for delivery?  We also approached other Rotary Clubs in Fort Collins and they added devices and encouragement to this collection.

    Well, Monday August 27th was the delivery day!!!
    The van was packed with approximately 100 crutches, 10 walkers, 3 wheelchairs, 50 canes/trekking & ski poles, 10 boots and one leg (guess who donated that?)  At breakneck speed, an hour and a half later, those mobility devises were combined with others from many, many different collection sources. 
    Everything will be loaded into a 20-foot shipping container and sent to Africa this fall. These mobility devices will ultimately change the lives of so many people.
    Thank you for your commitment TO ONCE AGAIN make the world a better place in the name of Rotary!
    Website: crutches4africa.org
    Be the Inspiration: The Gift of Mobility Marge 2018-09-12 06:00:00Z 0

    Member Spotlight: Joan LaBelle

    Joan LaBelle, the Executive Director at Disabled Resource Services joined our club this summer. She is from Flint, Michigan, where water is the main news.
    Joan says, “My mom is from Montreal, born and raised and my aunts, uncles and cousins from the French-Canadian side are all still there or near there. My dad is from upstate New York and when he came to Michigan his brothers and sister almost all followed him. When my mom married my dad, they knew each other 3 months, she did not know English and learned it quickly moving to the states.
    Member Spotlight: Joan LaBelle 2018-08-27 06:00:00Z 0

    Member Spotlight: Dave Doty

    Dave Doty, one of our new members is Associate Director in the Office of Sponsored Programs at CSU. He lives in Fort Collins and was born in Spokane, WA into an Air Force family, hence, he has many hometowns. 
    Member Spotlight: Dave Doty 2018-08-13 06:00:00Z 0

    Greens fore Giving Fundraiser

    Thank you to all who participated in our Greens for Giving Golf Tournament.
    Total amount raised: $27,000
    Habitat for Humanity received $6,100 and the Foundation Music School received $3,300
    Remaining funds will be used in support of Rotary projects here in Fort Collins and around the world.
    Greens fore Giving Fundraiser 2018-07-23 06:00:00Z 0

    Member Spotlight: Vic Purdy

    Vic Purdy, our newest club member retired after 35 years of teaching seventh grade English at Webber Middle School. He has lived in Windsor since 1990 but his hometown is Oklahoma City. Vic has been married to wife Laurie for 40 years! She recently retired from teaching reading in Windsor. His oldest daughter Allison is married and lives in Portland, OR. She is mother to Charlie. His oldest son, Matthew, has recently settled in Windsor and is pursuing a career in real estate.  His youngest son, Lucas, lives with his fiancée in Amsterdam, Netherlands.  
    Member Spotlight: Vic Purdy 2018-06-10 06:00:00Z 0

    Member Spotlight: Jill Layden

    Our club welcomes Jill Layden as a new member. Jill is almost a Colorado native moving to Fort Collins when she was 2 years old and a CSU graduate. She is a chemist and works for Tolmar, Inc in Fort Collins. Jill’s spouse is Paul Layden and she had two children, Annie and Fisher. Jill was sponsored by Ann Bedient. 
    Member Spotlight: Jill Layden 2018-04-15 06:00:00Z 0

    Evanston, WY Club Presents Their Global Grant Project in Guatemal

    Julia Murray and Toni Bradford, both Past Assistant District Governor/ Past Rotary President from the Evanston, WY Club...

    Posted by Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast on Thursday, October 29, 2015
    Evanston, WY Club Presents Their Global Grant Project in Guatemal 2015-10-30 06:00:00Z 0

    Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Donates Dictionaries

    Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Donates Dictionaries
    to 2,500 PSD Third Graders
    Dictionaries Purchased with Proceeds from 12th Annual Peach Sale

    Fort Collins, CO – October 20, 2015

    Throughout October members of Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Club are handing out colorful keepsake dictionaries to 2,500 third graders in the Poudre School District, including students in public, charter, private, mountain and home schools. Each year the Rotary Club selects a celebration school for the dictionary giveaway. This year’s celebration school is Bennett Elementary where PSD Superintendent Dr. Sandra Smyser will help distribute dictionaries at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27th.

    Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Donates Dictionaries 2015-10-20 06:00:00Z 0

    Greens Fore Giving raises over $18,000 for Charities!

    On June 18, The Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast hosted the 2nd annual Greens Fore Giving charity golf scramble at Collindale Golf Course. Financials have been posted and we are pleased to announce that more than $18,000 will benefit the following charities: Foundation Music School, Spirit Crossing, Book Trust, Centennial High School, Habitat for Humanity and Breakfast Rotary Foundation. The day concluded with a patio happy hour, golf ball drop and silent auction that raised $2,000. Our event wouldn’t have been made possible without the support of our title event sponsors: Charles Schwab, Warren Federal Credit Union, Commerce Mortgage, Domino’s Pizza, Northern Colorado Real Estate Brokers, ERA Herman Group, Ed Carroll Motor Company, Mathnasium, Waddell & Reed, Old Town Media, Home State Bank and Klick & Associates. Thank you to the 106 golfers who played and our wonderful team of volunteers.

    Marci White, Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast.

    Greens Fore Giving raises over $18,000 for Charities! 2015-09-16 06:00:00Z 0

    Hosts needed for Brazilian Rotarian Exchange Visit 9/22 to 9/24

    District 5440 is hosting a Rotary Friendship Exchange team from September 9, 2015 through September 24, 2015.  The team starts in Billings MT and will wander through Wyoming to Scottsbluff Neb by September 20, 2015.  There are 3 married couples and 4 singles--a very professional group--Health Educator, Hotel Manager, Lawyer, Primary School Teacher, Travel Agent, and active in their respective Clubs.
    We need 3 volunteer families from our Club.  If you can help out, cooperative arrangements among hosts will be made to meet the team half-way between Scottsbluff and Fort Collins on the 22nd.  That evening, you and your guest are expected to attend an event sponsored by the After Work Club.  Wednesday, the 23rd, is an open day, yet to be planned out.  Wednesday evening would be best spent one-on-one with your guest to capstone the experience.
    Hopefully, we can get all to attend our Club's Thursday morning meeting.  Cooperative arrangements will again be worked out to get the team to Denver for departure that day.
    Contact:  Mark Korb at mkorb@korblaw.net or 266-5157, or
                      Raju Jairam at raju@mbi.com or 697-6244.
    Hosts needed for Brazilian Rotarian Exchange Visit 9/22 to 9/24 2015-08-19 06:00:00Z 0

    Member Spotlight: Diane Knight

    Diane has been a cheerleader, supporter, activist, counselor and friend over the past year.

    As president, she has welcomed new members, speakers and guests. She has attended fundraisers, activities, events, and with each action set examples for us all to follow.
    Member Spotlight: Diane Knight 2015-07-06 06:00:00Z 0

    Meet Phil Murphy

    If you’re new to our club and to Rotary you may not know that Phil Murphy is the current Rotary District Governor.
    Meet Phil Murphy 2015-06-14 06:00:00Z 0

    Meet Annie Compton

    Annie Compton is a true blue Rotoracter. This past semester, she had early morning classes Mon – Wed and the one day of the week she could sleep in she attends at our meeting.
    Meet Annie Compton 2015-06-14 06:00:00Z 0
    Bonnie Dawdy Recently Inducted 2014-07-21 00:00:00Z 0

    Polio Plus in India

    Posted on May 14, 2014
    Polio Plus in India 2014-05-15 00:00:00Z 0

    Teacher of the Month

    Posted on May 07, 2014
    Teacher of the Month 2014-05-08 00:00:00Z 0

    Student of the Month

    Posted on Apr 02, 2014
    Student of the Month 2014-04-03 00:00:00Z 0

    Polio Video at Club Meeting

    At our regular Thursday meeting, the club viewed the recent polio video that was produced in our own District, 5440. This video shows the effects that show up many, many years after a person has contracted the polio virus. Known as post polio syndrome, it can have debilitating effects on people as they age. It is extremely important that we never let our guard down in the effort to eradicate polio, especially knowing that many people in our country are no longer vaccinating their children leaving them susceptible to this virus.
    To view the video, navigate to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6EGIF3bgeg

    Polio Video at Club Meeting 2013-10-24 00:00:00Z 0

    World Polio Day October 24

    Thursday October 24 is World Polio Day.

    Emmy award-winning actor Archie Panjabi, one of Rotary’s ambassadors for polio eradication, will join a panel of experts on World Polio Day, 24 October, at a special Livestream presentation by Rotary and the Northwestern University Center for Global Health on the progress of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). The 90-minute event, World Polio Day: Making History, will be held before a live audience at 17:30 Chicago time (UTC-5) at the John Hughes Auditorium on Northwestern’s Chicago campus.

    The event will bring together experts including Dr. Bruce Aylward, assistant director-general for Polio, Emergencies and Country Collaboration at the World Health Organization; Dennis Ogbe, polio survivor, Paralympian, and ambassador for the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign to promote child immunization; and Dr. Robert Murphy, professor of medicine-infectious diseases at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine. The program will be archived for later viewing.

    World Polio Day October 24 2013-10-23 00:00:00Z 0

    Rotary International Unveils New Brand

    The following is the new brand from Rotary International. While many people recognize the wheel as the Rotary symbol, for many it was difficult to see the word Rotary on the wheel. All future publications will now be using this new brand
    Rotary International Unveils New Brand 2013-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

    Terry Gebhardt Inducted Today

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jul 24, 2013


    Terry Gebhardt was inducted today in the Breakfast Rotary Club. Charlie Morris will serve as his mentor.


    Terry Gebhardt Inducted Today Philip Murphy 2013-07-25 00:00:00Z 0

    President Lee Kicks Off New Rotary Year

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jul 10, 2013

    2013-2014 Breakfast Club President Lee Varra-Nelson kick off her year this morning at the Midtown Arts Center. She introduced her Board of Directors and thanked those who have fulfilled their term on the board. The International Service Committee reported on 2 Global Grants that are in the works to provide eye care and education in India, along with several District Grants that they are pursuing. President Lee also laid out several of her goals for the upcoming year including increased member involvement and more opportunities for volunteering within the community.

    President Lee Kicks Off New Rotary Year Philip Murphy 2013-07-11 00:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Begins New Year July 1

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jul 06, 2013

    For three years, 100 districts have been testing Future Vision, a pilot of The Rotary Foundation’s new grant system, which was designed to increase Rotary’s effectiveness during the next century of service.

    As the new Rotary year dawns, the future has begun. All districts begin using the simplified grant structure 1 July. Districts have already been completing the qualification process and qualifying their clubs. A number of clubs and districts have begun preparing and submitting grant applications.

    There will be three types of grants: global, district, and packaged. You can learn about all three types, and get more details about the application process, on Rotary’s grant microsite .

    Also on 1 July, new leaders will take office at the club, district, and international levels.

    Ron D. Burton, of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA, will become Rotary’s 103rd president and will encourage Rotarians to Engage Rotary, Change Lives . Read a profile of Burton from The Rotarian and download his convention speech.

    Anne L. Matthews, a member of the Rotary Club of Columbia East, South Carolina, USA, will become the first woman to serve as vice president. Matthews, a former director of South Carolina’s Department of Education, is president of Matthews and Associates, an educational consulting firm.

    Julie Phares begins year as District 5440's District Governor.

    Rotary Begins New Year July 1 Philip Murphy 2013-07-07 00:00:00Z 0
    New Polio Video Released Philip Murphy 2013-01-30 00:00:00Z 0
    What is Rotary? Philip Murphy 2013-01-15 00:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Theme for 2013 - 2014 Announced

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jan 13, 2013

    The Rotary theme for 2013-2014 has been announced by RI President-Elect Ron Burton today at the International Assembly in San Diego. The theme is "Engage Rotary, Change Lives.

    To read more click on the following link: Rotary 2013-14 Theme

    Rotary Theme for 2013 - 2014 Announced Philip Murphy 2013-01-14 00:00:00Z 0

    Grants to Local Organizations

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jan 09, 2013

    The Breakfast Club gave out 2 more grants today to the following organizations:

    The Homeless Prevention Initiative was given $900 to assist some of their clients to be able to pay their rent checks in order to avoid eviction. Sue Beckferkiss received the check. Additional information can be found at their web site: http://www.homelessnessprevention.net/

    The Education and Life Training Center, received $2000 for their Circles program, which is a campaign to end poverty. Tracy Mead accepted the check on behalf of ELTC. More information may be found at: http://eltcenter.org/

    Grants to Local Organizations Philip Murphy 2013-01-10 00:00:00Z 0

    Club Program January 10

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jan 09, 2013

    Today at Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary we had presentations by three local entrepreneurs. 


    Mike Lindsey, from ThermaStrike, presented their active bed bug proof luggage. Using infrared heat technology, the luggage will kill bed bugs before you can bring them home, For more information, visit their web site at http://www.thermastrike.com.


    Coleman Hogan, from Logimesh Technologies, displayed their intelligent wireless sensor system for use in the energy sector. The device monitors the status of engines and compressors, alerting the companies to malfunction issues prior to them becoming major breakdowns. More information can be found at: http://www.logimesh.com


    Scott Deeter, from Ventria Bioscience, presented information of the company's effort to develop life saving medicines through cost-effective technologies that allow for more accessibility to people around the globe. More information can be found at: http://www.ventria.com 

    Club Program January 10 Philip Murphy 2013-01-10 00:00:00Z 0

    Donation to FREE

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Sep 12, 2012
    Community Service Donation to FREE

    The Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Charitable Foundation donated $500 to the Front Range Exceptional Equestrians (FREE) at there regular Thursday morning meeting. FREE is an organization that provides equine-assisted activities for people with special needs. The funds provided went to purchase additional helmets for FREE's clientele. To learn more about FREE go to there web site: http://www.ridewithfree.org/
    Donation to FREE Philip Murphy 2012-09-13 00:00:00Z 0

    Increased Giving to The Rotary Foundation

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Aug 13, 2012

    In 2011-12, the Foundation's unaudited and interim figures show that US$110.6 million was raised for the Annual Fund, the second-highest amount in the Foundation’s history. Annual Fund total giving saw a 3.72 percent increase from the previous year, as Rotarians continued their generous support of the Foundation.

    Part of our success is owed to the 5,633 Rotary Direct participants who make recurring gifts to The Rotary Foundation on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.

    Please consider joining Rotary Direct today and help the Foundation reach its 2012-13 Annual Fund goal of $120 million. And, as always, thank you for your generous support.

    Increased Giving to The Rotary Foundation Philip Murphy 2012-08-14 00:00:00Z 0

    Book Trust Donation

    Posted by Krishna Murthy on Apr 18, 2012
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    THe Breakfast Club donated $1000 to the Book Trust to purchase books for delivery in Fort Collins. The Book Trust teams with Scholastic Book Clubs to provide children in grades K-6, who are living in poverty or low income households, the opportunity to choose and own books. To learn more about the Book Trust, visit their web site at http://booktrust.org
    Book Trust Donation Krishna Murthy 2012-04-19 00:00:00Z 0

    Polio Eradication

    Posted by Lee Varra-Nelson on Feb 14, 2012
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    Nancy Tippin spoke to us about the Stop Kenya 37 which is part of STOP (Stop Transmission Of Polio) the global effort to eradicate Polio which is the larger worldwide health imitative.  Polio usually strikes children under the age of 5.  Significant strides have been made in the imitative, currently there are only four countries in the world reporting Polio cases, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Nigeria.  It’s been just over a year since India has reported a new case. 

    Polio Eradication Lee Varra-Nelson 2012-02-15 00:00:00Z 0

    Crossroads Presentation

    Posted by Lee Varra-Nelson on Feb 14, 2012
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    Dave Dietrich presented a $5600 check to Vicki Lutz, executive director of Crossroads Safe House, as part of our ongoing support of Crossroads and their In-house library.  If you are interested in volunteering with Crossroads contact Joe Valente.   

    Crossroads Presentation Lee Varra-Nelson 2012-02-15 00:00:00Z 0

    Words of Inspiration

    Posted by Lee Varra-Nelson on Nov 16, 2011


    District Governor Mary McCambridge and past District Governor Diane Knight spoke to our club members during the November 17th meeting about supporting the Rotary Foundation.  They shared their experiences of participating in International service projects in Asia and South America.  They also shared their passion to continue supporting International projects because the need for well equipped hospitals, clean water and staffed schools and many other basic life sustaining needs continues grow.  We are all encouraged during the holiday season and throughout the year to find ways to donate to the Rotary Foundation and engage in International Rotary projects. 

    Words of Inspiration Lee Varra-Nelson 2011-11-17 00:00:00Z 0

    Breakfast Club Helps Fund Medical Supplies

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Feb 11, 2011
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     With $1000 from the Breakfast Club and help from other organizations, $350,000 worth of supplies made it to the hospital in Nigeria. The following is a message from past Breakfast Rotarian Father Frncis:

     The container arrived this morning from Port Harcourt. There was absoluteiy no problem.

    Some members of my Rotary club came over and helped in outsuffing it.
    We are so proud of it and very very excited about everything.
    Larry, Bravo! George, thanks so much!
    The tile work is not yet completed but we are very confident we will complete it in time , then we will pack our stuf in
    God bless
    Breakfast Club Helps Fund Medical Supplies Philip Murphy 2011-02-11 10:30:46Z 0

    Locks of Love Challenge

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Feb 10, 2011
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    Rotarian Marc Teets has issued a challenge to all Breakfast Rotarians to participate in donating their hair to Locks of Love. 

    The mission of Locks of Love is to:

    Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need.

    To enter into the challenge contact Marc.

    We will be posting photos and updates throughout the challenge. 

    More information about Locks of Love can be found at: http://www.locksoflove.org 

    Locks of Love Challenge Philip Murphy 2011-02-10 17:10:06Z 0

    Teacher of the Month Tyann Kuehnast

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Feb 06, 2011
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    Tyann Kuehnast from Fossil Ridge high School was honored as the February Teacher of the Month. Tyann is currently the Co-Director Coach for Forensics at Fossil Ridge. She has many years of experience as a Speech Therapist and in the Language Arts. She also has been very involved in developing and implementing cultural exchange trips for the students at Fossil Ridge. She has a long term involvement with Rotary through her use of the 4-Way Test in her speech classes.

    Congratulations Tyann! 

    Teacher of the Month Tyann Kuehnast Philip Murphy 2011-02-06 13:14:57Z 0

    Bonsai Specialist Donates to Rotary

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jan 30, 2011
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    Brian Brandley, Chief Scientific Officer for Bionimbus, is also a bonsai specialist in his spare time. He has been involved in the art of bonsai for many years and is always looking for new plant material. Rotarian Charlie Peterson opened up his property to Brian for collection of material and Brian agreed to turn over the profit from the bonsai material to the Breakfast Rotary Club Foundation. Thursday, January   27, Brian gave a check for $900 to the Club.

    The funds will be utilized for flood relief in Australia through Rotary District 9630. We also invite others to donate to help the efforts to rebuild after the devastating floods.

    Bonsai Specialist Donates to Rotary Philip Murphy 2011-01-30 18:05:26Z 0

    Water for Life provides clean drinking water for Haiti - A Foundation supported project

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jan 28, 2011
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     Roy Sheldrick and other members of the Rotary Club of Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, have spent 15 years helping to provide clean drinking water for 300,000 people in the Artibonite Valley of Haiti. A year after a massive earthquake crippled the country, followed by a deadly cholera outbreak, their work in the region is more important than ever.

    Sheldrick and his wife, Norma, founded Water for Life after taking part in a service trip to Haiti with their church in 1996. The nonprofit organization, supported by the Ancaster club and District 7090 (parts of Canada and New York, USA), drills wells to provide clean and accessible water in Haiti.  To date, the project has raised more than US$1.5 million for  219 wells. It has also helped construct more than 350 latrines. 

    Since 1998, the Ancaster club and its Haitian partners have been awarded Rotary Foundation humanitarian grants totaling $672,093 for well and latrine projects. The grants have helped the program become more sustainable.

    "With the leveraged contributions from the Foundation, Water for Life has expanded to do more work for the communities, including teaching Haitians how to maintain the wells," says Sheldrick. "We trained plumbers and created all kinds of jobs. Water takes them out of poverty." 

    Water for Life provides clean drinking water for Haiti - A Foundation supported project Philip Murphy 2011-01-28 13:16:19Z 0

    Changemaker Award Announced

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jan 23, 2011

    RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee will introduce a new recognition, the Changemaker Award, to accompany the Presidential Citation during the 2011-12 Rotary year. 

    Banerjee, who said he will encourage Rotarians to focus on change, explained that the Changemaker Award will recognize Rotary clubs that make an extraordinary impact through their work in the 5 Avenues of Service.

    To read more go to this link:   http://www.rotary.org/en/MediaAndNews/News/Pages/110119_IA11_changemaker.aspx

    Changemaker Award Announced Philip Murphy 2011-01-23 12:13:09Z 0

    RI President-Elect Announces 2011_2012 Theme

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jan 17, 2011
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     RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee will ask Rotarians toReach Within to Embrace Humanity during the 2011-12 Rotary year.

    Banerjee unveiled the RI theme during the opening plenary session of the 2011 International Assembly, a training event for incoming district governors.He urged participants to harness their inner resolve and strength to achieve success in Rotary."In order to achieve anything in this world, a person has to use all the resources he can draw on. And the only place to start is with ourselves and within ourselves," Banerjee said.

    RI President-Elect Announces 2011_2012 Theme Philip Murphy 2011-01-17 18:19:30Z 0

    Honoring Bob

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Jan 16, 2011
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    Our Club had an opportunity to honor our departed friend and fellow Rotarian, Bob McNeil on Sunday January 16. Bob was only with our Club for a short perieod of time but we all knew Bob was going to be a wonderful Rotarian. Unfortuately, Bob's life here was cut short but as we heard yesterday, he possessed all those qualities that we as Rotarians hold dear to our hearts.

     We will miss you Bob but we will not forget you. 

    Honoring Bob Philip Murphy 2011-01-17 00:00:00Z 0

    Club makes $8000 donation to Food Bank for Larimer County

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Dec 02, 2010
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    The Breakfast Club donated $8000 to help fund the Children's Backpack food program through the Food Bank for Larimer County. Since the Club's charter in 1989, children at risk has been an extremely high priority for members. Helping to support and expand the Backpack Program was a natural project for the Club.

    The Backpack Program provides nutritious food for children in need to help then through the weekend when their are no other means of getting good, healthy food.

    The $8000 grant was a combination of $4000 from the Breakfast Club and a $4000 Governor's Grant from Rotary District 5440. Club members Dave Dietrich and Wilton Lyles were instrumental in getting the District Grant approved.

    Club makes $8000 donation to Food Bank for Larimer County Philip Murphy 2010-12-03 00:00:00Z 0

    Breakfast Club Donates $1000 to Community Connections

    Posted by Philip Murphy on Nov 10, 2010
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    Communit Connections is designed to assist 18-21 year old students with significant learning needs in the Poudre School District transition from high school to adult living/post secondary education.

    This program is designed to assist 18-21 year old students with significant learning needs in the Poudre School District transition from high school to adult living/post secondary education.

    Breakfast Club Donates $1000 to Community Connections Philip Murphy 2010-11-11 00:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Helps Plant Trees at Spring Canyon Park

    Posted by Stephen Vertucci on Oct 08, 2010
    Several Rotoract members and five members of the Breakfast Club helped replant trees donated by local nurseries to replace trees vandalized in Spring Canyon Park.  Steve Vertucci
    Rotary Helps Plant Trees at Spring Canyon Park Stephen Vertucci 2010-10-09 00:00:00Z 0

    Josh Birks - July 25 Program

    Posted by Philip Murphy

    Josh Birks, City of Fort Collins' Economic Health Director, gave the program at the Breakfast Club this morning, Thursday July 25.

    The role of the Economic Health in Fort Collins is to:

    • preserve quality of place and culture
    • provide economic opportunity
    • diversify tax base


    Josh Birks - July 25 Program Philip Murphy 0
    Donation to Faith Family Hospitality Philip Murphy 0

    New Rotary Members

    Posted by Philip Murphy

    At the Thursday regular Breakfast Rotary meeting, three new members were inducted to the club.

    Ann Bedient, Nicole Ellis and Jan McKenzie joined the club bringing the membership to 80 members.

    Image   Image  Image

    New Rotary Members Philip Murphy 0

    Meeting Change for week of March 25

    Posted by Philip Murphy

    The club will not be holding its regular meeting on Thursday March 28 at 7am. Instead, the club will be having an evening dinner meeting starting at 6 pm at the Midtown Arts Center. Several of the organizations who have been recipients of Breakfast Rotary Community Grants will be in attendance to talk with members on how they have utilized the funds in their organizations. In addition, the Community Service Committee, will be presenting an opportunity that will help increase the club's volunteer base.

    The social hour starts at 6 with dinner served at 6:45 PM.

    Meeting Change for week of March 25 Philip Murphy 0

    Rotary's Birthday

    Posted by Philip Murphy

    Rotary International will celebrate its 108th birthday, Saturday February 23. From its humble beginnings in Chicago, 1905, Rotary has grown to organization spanning the globe with over 34,000 clubs. Rotarians around the world come together daily, to promote peach through service along with a never ending quest to eradicate polio.

    To learn more about Rotary and its projects, navigate to Rotary International

    Rotary's Birthday Philip Murphy 0

    Breakfast Club Donates $2000

    Posted by Philip Murphy


    A $1000 check was given to The Book Trust on Thursday January 31, 2013. The Book Trust provides books for kids from low-income families—books that they choose themselves and that become their very own. The Breakfast Club supports the Book Trust not only through cash contributions but also by joining with the students once per month and reading with the children.


    Another $1000 donation was made to the STEM program at Poudre School District. The Breakfast Club has joined with the Rotary Club of Fort Collins to help support this program. STEM, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education is a nationwide program to support students and teachers in bringing quality educational opportunities to schools. This donation will go to supporting this program in 3 local junior high schools in Fort Collins. 

    Breakfast Club Donates $2000 Philip Murphy 0

    Rotary Celebrates India's First Polio Free Year

    Posted by Philip Murphy
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    Rotary club members worldwide are cautiously celebrating a major milestone in the global effort to eradicate polio. India, until recently an epicenter of the wild poliovirus, has gone one year without recording a new case of the crippling, sometimes fatal, disease.

    Rotarians and state government leaders in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, vaccinate children against polio during a National Immunization Day in 2011. Photo courtesy of the India PolioPlus Committee

    India’s last reported case was a two-year-old girl in West Bengal State on 13 January 2011. The country recorded 42 cases in 2010, and 741 in 2009.

    A chief factor in India’s success has been the widespread use of the bivalent oral polio vaccine, which is effective against both remaining types of the poliovirus. Another has been rigorous monitoring, which has helped reduce the number of children missed by health workers during National Immunization Days to less than 1 percent, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Rotary has been a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative since 1988, along with WHO, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also a key supporter of the initiative. 

    Rotary Celebrates India's First Polio Free Year Philip Murphy 0

    Supporting the Annual Coloradoan Food Drive

    Posted by Philip Murphy
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    For the seventh year, Breakfast Club members are helping the Food Bank collect non-perishable food for the Annual Coloradoa Food Drive. Members spent 4 hours in 2 shifts at the King Soopers store on South College Avenue collecting hundreds of pounds of food.

    Curt Palin, Breakfast Club liason for the Food Bak, organized theevent. Members will be back at the store on December 11.

    Supporting the Annual Coloradoan Food Drive Philip Murphy 0

    Vocational Service Award

    Posted by Philip Murphy
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    On July 8, Craig Campbell was awarded the Dr. Ed Gillette Vocational Service Award. Craig has been a long time leader in the insurance field and represents his industry with high ethical standards and a caring attitude towards customers and employees.
    Vocational Service Award Philip Murphy 0

    Club Address

    Posted by Jim Hightower
    Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary PO Box 438 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0438
    Club Address Jim Hightower 0